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are these forums worth the energy?

are these forums worth the energy?

Mar 23, 2023, 23:2603/23/23

are these forums worth the energy?

This is a simple question with terrible punctuation and complete voice to text. 

I am what you would call and invested player I suppose, I don't spend pennies anymore but I've got 25 million power and I've spent my share. I love the game still. 

I'm starting to develop a distaste for the developers when things like accuracy requirements on smite just get swept under the rug.

So typically if I'm having issue I go to the heart of that issue and try to change it.

The forums are how we speak to the developers so my question to you all is whether or not I should spend the time to become more active on these forums? Do they listen? Do they give two dumps and a fark? 

I don't expect any developer to hang on my every word but I just want to know if they listen whatsoever... 

A simple yes or no from everyone would be fine ;-) But any backup detail is always appreciated! 

Thank you all for taking the time to read my post and I will take your answers most serious. 

Mar 23, 2023, 23:5303/23/23

The forums have been a great use for me as a player speaking with other knowledgeable folks here. I don't have much experience of actullay getting a dev response, as I've never asked.  

Also...25 million power and you're upset with the accuracy requirements on Brimstone? Feels like it was an okay balance to me IMO - champs that normally place debuffs usually tend to have Brimstone. Outside of some slightly niche things (like my Walking Dreng that had brimstone), it's not too big of a deal imo. 

Who did you have Brimstone on that it effected you substantially?

Mar 23, 2023, 23:5703/23/23


But you will find plenty agreeing with you. 

I was as disappointed as anyone with the brimstone change (only the acc req as u stated).  But honestly, it had no impact on me whatsoever and was likely the correct way to do it. Yes, it would have been better to be released properly but oh well.  Like every other "nerf", I can't think of one that doesn't make sense in retrospect...

Mar 24, 2023, 01:4103/24/23
Mar 24, 2023, 02:29(edited)

Welcome to the forums. To answer your question in the thread title: it depends on what you want out of them.

If you want a good place to drop reasonable feedback, myself or @harleQuinn are always happy to pass it along. I'm not going to promise that every request, query or piece of feedback will result in big changes in game, but I can say we make sure that you're heard. 

Regardless of your choice, thanks for dropping in. 

Mar 24, 2023, 02:2603/24/23

The forums have been a great use for me as a player speaking with other knowledgeable folks here. I don't have much experience of actullay getting a dev response, as I've never asked.  

Also...25 million power and you're upset with the accuracy requirements on Brimstone? Feels like it was an okay balance to me IMO - champs that normally place debuffs usually tend to have Brimstone. Outside of some slightly niche things (like my Walking Dreng that had brimstone), it's not too big of a deal imo. 

Who did you have Brimstone on that it effected you substantially?

Of course it doesn't affect me. But does that have to be the driving force for my disgust? 

I dislike it for other people and it was already a pretty lame system with only a couple good blessings, and then they nerfed it. And their website probably still says that no blessings will require accuracy. 

So no, I could care less personally, but it's not about me. 

It's about strange moves and shadow nerfs and no explanation for logic if said logic existed. 

Mar 24, 2023, 02:2903/24/23
Mar 24, 2023, 02:38(edited)

Welcome to the forums. To answer your question in the thread title: it depends on what you want out of them.

If you want a good place to drop reasonable feedback, myself or @harleQuinn are always happy to pass it along. I'm not going to promise that every request, query or piece of feedback will result in big changes in game, but I can say we make sure that you're heard. 

Regardless of your choice, thanks for dropping in. 

This is a direct and honest answer and I truly appreciate it. 

I've got ideas. Plar and every other player does also. I've played enough online game in 30 years to know some companies value player ops, some don't. 

As long as some really good stuff gets sent up the chain every now and then, that means it's worth it. 

Plus I talk too much for my clan mates on phones.... I play 99% on the PC at work. Just the level of response I got on this thread was answering my question as well!

Thank you everyone and my question was very eloquently answered and truly appreciated. 

Trips: I feel the real my man ;-)

Mar 24, 2023, 11:1703/24/23
Mar 24, 2023, 11:18(edited)

Yeah, the Devs themselves only post quite rarely. However, I collect and pass on tons of feedback from the forums to the Raid team at Plarium.

As someone who Moderates almost all of their platforms, this is the place where you can have the most direct access for your feedback and thoughts. At least we work hard to make it so. :)

Mar 26, 2023, 21:0503/26/23


But you will find plenty agreeing with you. 

I was as disappointed as anyone with the brimstone change (only the acc req as u stated).  But honestly, it had no impact on me whatsoever and was likely the correct way to do it. Yes, it would have been better to be released properly but oh well.  Like every other "nerf", I can't think of one that doesn't make sense in retrospect...

I have to grudgingly agree. Much as I dislike that even more power is now concentrated in the nearly unattainable 5-6* awakenings, the change to brimstone was needed and it allows more champions to shine. Having your dedicated support also being a great damage dealer was just too easy.

My strong negative reaction when those news originally dropped was somewhat misplaced. I prefer Plarium to keep experimenting and making their game better. Even if it means working on systems I'd prefer not to exist at all. That's just not an option anymore.

Since blessings still need a lot of work, I'm hoping for another rebalance in the near future. I wish more of them would be viable, specially for rares and epics.