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Champion Chase Tournament

Champion Chase Tournament

Jul 26, 2019, 08:3007/26/19

Champion Chase Tournament

Will this replace the summoning event in the future?
Jul 26, 2019, 12:2507/26/19
Let’s hope not. The tournament prizes are so disappointing. These chickens are ridiculoulsy over-valued.... these are items that should just be available in the market to purchase with silver, not tournament rewards. Top tier prizes are also really lame. I’d rather come in 4th, 7th, or 8th for a skill book than win this one. I’m not motivated to crack open more valuable shards for such lame rewards, much less actually purchase shards. Even the progression rewards are stingy. It’s not worth bothering unless you’re already sitting on a lot of mystery shards. 
Jul 26, 2019, 12:5207/26/19

Ziljn said:

Let’s hope not. The tournament prizes are so disappointing. These chickens are ridiculoulsy over-valued.... these are items that should just be available in the market to purchase with silver, not tournament rewards. Top tier prizes are also really lame. I’d rather come in 4th, 7th, or 8th for a skill book than win this one. I’m not motivated to crack open more valuable shards for such lame rewards, much less actually purchase shards. Even the progression rewards are stingy. It’s not worth bothering unless you’re already sitting on a lot of mystery shards. 


I will not engage in that tournament. If it happens that I get some of the progression awards it is fine, but nothing to invest my shards in masses
Jul 26, 2019, 17:2807/26/19
Top ranking over 2000 point lol. Just wandering how much money he spent to reach that score. 
Jul 26, 2019, 18:0907/26/19

Elviraz said:

Top ranking over 2000 point lol. Just wandering how much money he spent to reach that score. 

Just shows there are some truly, truly stupid people with WAY too much time on their hands.

With that said, this tournament makes NO sense.  The rewards are trash, complete waste of time.  They don't even make sense...

Why is the 150 energy three times the cost of an energy refill???  Even with my lower-level accounts, the accounts have at least 100 energy.  If I bought 3 refills, which are the same cost as the 150 energy, I would instead get 300 energy from the refills.  Were they just not paying attention?

Even if you were to open a legendary shard, a legendary gives you 500 points.  Meanwhile, what can you get for 500?  100k coins, enough coins to bring a 5-star artifact up to maybe level 10, IF that.  Makes NO sense.  A shard for a legendary costs at least $30 in this game, so $30 for such a little reward is just pure idiocy.

From what I see from the tournament board, while there are a select few people participating, most aren't.  It's not just us on the forums.  No one in the game cares because most are aware the rewards are a joke.

Jul 30, 2019, 13:3407/30/19
event and tournament are seperate things
Jul 30, 2019, 14:3407/30/19
and feel the same while playing. ;-)
Jul 31, 2019, 10:2907/31/19

Hello everyone! I would like to assure you that the Tournament has not been brought to the game in place of the Summon Rush event. These are completely separate activities. The latter is scheduled to take place a little later when you have regained your strength after the Tournament. 

As for the Tournament specifically, the Sets that were the highest level rewards can, for now, be obtained in such Tournaments. And they give a significant edge to your team. But we will also reconsider the pool of rewards for such tourneys.