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Need help making my team

Need help making my team

Mar 14, 2023, 15:3203/14/23

Need help making my team

Hi All, I really don't know where to go from here, below are all my champions, I'm not sure who to 60 next, who should be in my clan boss and dungeon team. ideally the best idea would probably be to have a team for both, so I guess my question is who should be in my main team to fully take to 60. Currently I can't even defeat dragon on 13 so I can't even farm better artifacts, I could really use some advice and help on where to be spending my energy and on what champions.


Mar 14, 2023, 15:5103/14/23

1) High Khatun, Sepulchar Sentinel, Genbo, Ghrush, Hope. (in that order)

2) take your time, Raid is a Marathon, not a sprint.

3) You can brute force your way through most dungeons up to about 15 with the same team, at which point you'll need to start working with a strategy and specialized roles.

Just my opinion, other, more experienced players may disagree

Mar 14, 2023, 16:0403/14/23

I appreciate the advice, I just heard hope was rubbish and genbo is only good for arena?

Mar 14, 2023, 16:1503/14/23

For cb - look up the 4:3 tune around sepulcher on deadwoodjedi. Your team will be sepulcher, ghrush, nazana, rowan, athel (turn off a3)

Mar 14, 2023, 16:2503/14/23

Will that yeam Do a decent job against dragon aswell, and thankyou for the help!

Mar 14, 2023, 17:0703/14/23

Dungeon team != cb team. You build for cb, and in some cases those same champs can be used in dungeons, but not always. And no, I wouldn't use that team in dungeons - you need CC for dungeon waves.

Mar 14, 2023, 18:0303/14/23

Ok thanks for the advice, so even though I have anax 60 not worth using? Or maybe swap him for rowan?

Mar 14, 2023, 19:5103/14/23

I'm personally a big fan of Anax. He can do Legendary damage as an Epic. I personally used Poison as my main damage type in early CB as it deals damage as a % of the enemy HP and is not completely reliant on gear. In my experience poison can do more damage than a normal attack when you're under geared. 

Fylja is also a heavy hitter that people sleep on when she's geared properly so I wouldn't use her as food.  

Mar 14, 2023, 19:5203/14/23

Anax doesn't work on non unkillable teams. His passive will break your buff coverage, and then he'll die.

Mar 14, 2023, 20:0303/14/23
Mar 14, 2023, 20:05(edited)

Ok thanks for the advice, so even though I have anax 60 not worth using? Or maybe swap him for rowan?

I would prefer Anax over Rowan. The extra turn from his passive doesn't really mess up anything. We are talking about a non-unkillable team, when he drops below 10% hp, the fight will be over anyway in the next turns. Best argument for Anax is, that he allready is at rank 6. All team members vs. CB have to be at rank 6 to be succesfull, you would have to lvl up Sepulcher, Grush and Nazana allready.

Where Anax really does mess up things would be in unkillable teams (unkillable in opposite to block damage, where he works fine).

Mar 14, 2023, 21:4603/14/23
Mar 14, 2023, 21:48(edited)

skadi what would you recommend on my team then seeing what is available?

Mar 14, 2023, 21:4703/14/23

Kankle69 what would you also suggest me using, would love to hear your opinion?


Mar 15, 2023, 10:3303/15/23

I like Krama's team suggestion, exept that I would replace Rowan with Anax. Sepulcher, Grush, Nazana, Athel and Anax. That will work for now, when you pull more champs you may replace some of them. All champs lvl 60 and with Warmaster/GIantslayer tier 6 mastery.

Mar 15, 2023, 12:2703/15/23

Kankle69 what would you also suggest me using, would love to hear your opinion?


 I see where is coming from with Anax's passive. In a properly speed tuned team with a 4:3
Sepulcher providing "block debuffs" for the stun hit, his passive will definitely give Anax an additional turn causing him to drop the buffs & leaving him open to getting one shotted. But I feel like he is coming at
this from the perspective of a veteran player. 

I feel like he is assuming that you have the gear (and patience) to speed tune a 4:3 CB team. While Deadwoodjedi's suggested teams & the CB calculator are amazing tools they aren't, in my experience, 100% copy / paste and still require a degree of "fine tuning".  

To get the speeds where they need to be will require multiple pieces of gear that you can upgrade / glyph, mix and match to get the exact speeds you need for each champion. It also, again in my experience, requires a good bit of silver saved up so you can afford to move the gear around, level it, glyph it, test, & repeat.  

If you have the patience, gear, glyphs, and silver to properly speed tune then the team he suggests will definitely last longer, do more damage, and is a solid lower CB tier team. 

As a relatively new player myself (less than 6 months in) I suggest more of a "frontload as much damage as you can" approach. With the roster you have, I don't see your team going more than 20 turns at this point in your account. My strategy would be to try and smash him in the face with the champions you have either @ 60 or close to 60 while you gather more gear, champions, and resources. 

Mar 15, 2023, 13:3003/15/23

Thankyou all for this info it's really helped! 

Mar 15, 2023, 14:2303/15/23
Mar 15, 2023, 14:23(edited)

Just to be clear - yes, I'm definitely suggesting you work on the tuning.

Here's the thing - a properly tuned team with inferior gear will *far* outperform a poorly-tuned team with great gear. Realistically the gear requirements for a team running double defensive buffs (in this case, ally-protect from Nazana and DEF up from SS) are really not that hard to meet.

The AP from Nazana will literally cut your damage in half. Couple that with the DEF up from SS, and you can more or less completely ignore all defensive stats on everyone other than Nazana. Literally all you need to focus your attention on, for everyone else, is speed and accuracy. Don't even bother looking at damage until you get the tune right - poisons and warmaster/giantslayer will do more than enough work.

And perhaps most importantly - the sooner you work on getting a proper tune, the sooner you can get familiar with the intricacies of the game. It'll help you with all other content.

As for Anax vs Rowan - I'm certainly not opposed to running Anax. Combining AP with DEF up may be enough to ensure that he doesn't drop down to under 10% before the rest of your team is already more or less dead.

Mar 15, 2023, 14:3903/15/23

I really appreciate the help, I know have a very clear path so thankyou all. Last thing, I know masteries are inportant but when should I start farming then to get my team set is that something to do now or would you say get everyone 60, then look to get all there masteries done.

Mar 15, 2023, 14:4103/15/23

60 first, the masteries - but if you can, do both at the same time. Eventually you'll run Minotaur 15 with four champs that need masteries + one who can solo.

Mar 15, 2023, 15:0103/15/23

Thank you so much