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Defense Hero Stats - Pls Answer

Defense Hero Stats - Pls Answer

Jul 26, 2019, 02:2307/26/19

Defense Hero Stats - Pls Answer

Hi, when using a defense scaling hero, such as Paragon, does attack do anything?

Attack says all abilities scale of attack to a degree, but paragon's abilities say damage is proportional to defense. If that is the case, does attack do anything?

If not, that's really stupid and should be changed since attack is an unavoidable stat as it is present on all weapons.
Jul 26, 2019, 05:4207/26/19
Attack do nothing to def champs. The only place where it is presented always - is weapon main stat. All other things can be build up without attack. And yet it's no so stupid, since def champs are really strong as their hard hit and their low incoming dmg are based on one stat.
Jul 27, 2019, 01:1007/27/19

I think BOPO answered your question, perfectly.

I would like to give you another point of view.

Some heroes are labeled as Defense Type, but there Attack’s deal Damage based on Attack.

I will give you an example.

The hero named Grimskin - Orgyn Tribe - Epic

Grimskin is considered a Defense hero.

Grimskin Base Defense is very high.

Grimskin Base Attack is very low.

Check out Grimskin skills!

They do damage based on his Attack.

This is another reason why an Attack Weapon isn’t always useless for Defense hero.

Let’s pretend the game removed all Weapons from Defense hero’s.

Paragon would be ok because he is defense hero who scales Damage based on defense.

Paragon wouldn’t need the weapon.


Grimskin is defense hero, too.

Grimskin would suffer a lot with out the weapon because his Damage based on Attack.

I hope this helps you see why the game can’t change this.

Not all heroes are the same.

A lot of heroes are very unique.

Jul 30, 2019, 13:3107/30/19

hero type is decieving if not looked into hit

hero type has 2 meanings. either it refers to the base scaling (hp champion would have higher hp scaling)

or it eludes to the abilities and scaling multipliers

approach 2:

some ''defence'' heros have atk scaling abilities such as executioner's a1

however a defence champion like tayrel is a defence champion but only has [def] scaling on his abilities. 

this champion will NOT benefit from atk scaling

Mar 4, 2022, 15:5403/04/22

   Well, the guy with the russian looking name explained, its actualy good to have a hero that has his atack and defence raised by one stat alone, its an advantage, couse you get multipurpose off of one stat, instead of having to raise atack and defence you only have to raise defence to get atack and resistance to hits, so you win twice off of one skill with a defence based hero. It would probably even be overpowered if they got some boost from the atack skill aswell.