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Campaign 4 stage 7

Campaign 4 stage 7

Mar 5, 2023, 05:1703/05/23

Campaign 4 stage 7

What's the best way to get past this one?

Here's what I'm working with. Which is the best healer I have to take to 6*?

Also I was wondering what makes Ultimate Galek so much better than regular Galek? I know Valkyrie is next to 60 along with one of my healers, what about ultimate Galek or Genbo? dark Elhain? Or even Skeuramis...


Mar 5, 2023, 05:3403/05/23

I'm going to assume you're asking about Nightmare - and my response is: don't bother. Don't waste time or resources on Nightmare campaign. At some later point you'll steamroll through it easily. It's not worth the effort right now.

Ultimate Galek is simply just a different champ. Pretend the name is Bob. Don't try comparing it to regular Galek. They're totally unrelated. Is Ultimate Galek worth investing in? Likely not. He has some niche uses in Spider teams, but otherwise is underwhelming.

Right now you need to stop investing resources in leveling champs. You have enough to work with. You should be farming gear instead. Focus on Dragon. Your team should be:

  • Kalvalax
  • Ronda
  • Graal
  • Melga
  • Woad-Painted (can't believe I'm actually saying this, but yeah, she's solid now)

Get those champs to 60, and ascended, and with masteries. You shouldn't have any trouble clearing Dragon 20 with them.

Mar 5, 2023, 08:0503/05/23

Thanks, that's a good amount to chew on for a while. 

Mar 7, 2023, 07:3703/07/23

What armor sets would you use for each champion? I have 3 savage sets, 3 bolster, 3 cruel, two immortal, one shield, two divine offense, one divine life, a few perception, a toxic a frost and a Regeneration. All five star, a few have some 4 star pieces.

Mar 7, 2023, 08:3403/07/23
Mar 7, 2023, 08:36(edited)
Ezra Land

What armor sets would you use for each champion? I have 3 savage sets, 3 bolster, 3 cruel, two immortal, one shield, two divine offense, one divine life, a few perception, a toxic a frost and a Regeneration. All five star, a few have some 4 star pieces.

None. Forget about sets for now. The set bonus is rather small, and trying to achieve this bonus by any means will lead to badly equiped champs. The stats of the single items are much more important. Later in the game, when your item pool is large enough, you can try to equip your champs with good artifacts from one set.

If the equip of your Galek is representative for the other champs, it illustrates very good what I mean. He has 3 complete sets, but his important stats are much to low. He is a damage dealer, so his crit rate should be 100%, speed, crit damage and attack should be much higher as they are. If you can increase his stats by sacrificing the set bonus, you should definetly do that. Use gloves with crit rate as main stat, chest armor with atk% main stat and boots with speed main stat.

Mar 10, 2023, 05:4203/10/23

Makes sense, 

Here's a few changes I made. 

Gotta farm accessories for everyone and finish l leveling up their gear but I already notice a difference. Thanks for the tip.





Mar 10, 2023, 14:5603/10/23

As the other champs are not at max level and it's hard to assume how their stats will look like, I will just talk about Galek. His gear is still not really good. The crit rate increased, that is a good thing. His crit damage and speed are only a little bit higher than before, his attack is even lower. I don't know, but I guess the reason for his bad overall stats are, that you wanted to complete this bolster set by any means. The shield strength from this set is 30% of the wearers hp, Galek is not the right champ for this set anyway. And again you get a small set bonus in exchange for good stats.

His important stats are crit rate, crit damage, speed, attack. The main and sub stats of his artifacts should give as many bonus to these stats as possible. Don't use any artifact on Galek that does not provide a bonus to at least one of the mentioned stats in sub stats. 

Mar 11, 2023, 10:1303/11/23

Thank god armor switching is free right now, I went through every piece individually after I stripped every character and looked for the stats you mentioned, the ones I chose here are the best I can do with what I have, my only issue is constantly running out of silver for upgrades. I was able to clear stage 7 on campaign 4 Following the same idea with the rest of the champs you said I should make into a team, plus Valkyrie .. Thanks for your input, now if I could only find a better way to farm silver, what's your go to for that?






