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PVP (Please FIX!!!!!)

PVP (Please FIX!!!!!)

Mar 5, 2023, 00:3503/05/23

PVP (Please FIX!!!!!)

For the love of all things raid, MATCH MAKING IS BROKEN!!! As a new player I am consistently getting matched with players with 3 and 4 Legendaries, and much more team power than me. You have mission to get to gold tier in arena yet this is so difficult because of the utterly broken match making system. Please fix this or I will soon find myself quitting the game. 

Mar 5, 2023, 01:3103/05/23

Been in gold 4-5 since 2 months in ... 98% winrate because i at least try facing normal teams once or twice a week , but everything else i face was and is 1-2 champs defense ... 

The trick is to use the free refresh thats on a 15mins cooldown and just take the easy wins .. you should climb in no time ...i check the arena in the morning , one time at work and twice in the evening.

The matchmaking is not broken , its based on the rank you are in , simple . 

Mar 5, 2023, 03:1703/05/23

So how do you recommend getting to gold when my Defense team is losing a lot? I mean I have 4 fairly decent champs in my defense team. 

Honestly the "its based on the rank you are in" is kind of broken when you have people that deliberately putting weak champs in there so they can stay in lower ranks. They need to have a system where F2P players dont get matched with paid players or something. Might be difficult i know, but when I have one legendary (Ronda) and im getting matched with people that have 4 legendary's, especially ultimate death knight. Its very difficult to beat. Keep in mind, I have only been playing for 2 months so its not like i know what champs counter which champs, thats if I even have the champs to counter. Honestly, its not just "simple" from a newer players perspective. I do use the free refreshes, but I only get "simple" teams about every 3 or 4 refreshes. 

My team power is 89k and im getting matched with several people (per refresh) that has 300k+ power. I would agree with you if you only lost points for matches you select, but when your defense team looses you points as well it becomes increasingly difficult.

Mar 5, 2023, 07:1203/05/23

If you can't win in arena right now, don't bother and improve your champs in PvE content for a while. The matchmaking system is (probably) not going to change and there is no need to reach gold as fast as possible. Get your champs to lvl 60, ascend them, farm some gear at the Dragon dungeon and come back to arena when that is done.

If you post a pic of your champion roster, we could suggest a proper arena team as well. You seem to have the misconception that legendary champs are automatically good for arena and a team of 4 opposing legendaries can't be defeated by rares and epics. 


Here is just an example. I made the team that I used here for showcase, that's not my real arena team. But in the end, my team, with 3 epics and one rare at 205k team power could beat the opposing team that had 3 legendaries, one epic and 243k team power.

It's not about the rarity of the champs or the team power, it's about building a team that has a strategy and synergy between the used champs. Deacon Armstrong increased the turnmeter of my champs and decreased the turnmeter of the enemy team, Umbral Enchantress provoked them for 2 turns, so they couldn't use their main skills, Uugo puts decrease def on all enemies and Athel - the rare champ - was in the fight to deal the big damage. It's Gold 5, not early arena, but it still worked without any legendary champ on my side.

Mar 5, 2023, 17:2403/05/23

 1. Post your roster. No one here can assist you if they don't know what you have to work with. 

2. "My team power is 89k" - First of all, team power doesn't really mean anything. If you're going to look at
something, look at their player level. If you're lvl 24 and they are lvl 75... you're most likely going to loose. Second, with only 89K team power, your account has not progressed enough to even be thinking about Gold Arena. You need lvl 60 champions, in 5 or 6* gear, fully ascended, booked, and with masteries to compete in Gold Arena. 

3. "I have only been playing for 2 months so it’s not like I know what champs counter which champs, that if I even have the champs to counter. Honestly, its not just "simple" from a newer players perspective." - Arena isn't supposed to be easy. It is a complex game of "Rock - Paper - Scissors" and you won't succeed until you learn about countering abilities, team composition, and gearing.

Level your champions. Get them in 5 / 6* gear. Ascend them so they can use accessories, run Minotaur's Labyrinth to get them their masteries, and book them. Learn how to build a team with skills that complement
each other and how to counter other teams, THEN worry about arena.  

Mar 5, 2023, 17:2603/05/23

Sorry, but Team Power is no matter. See my last 4 opponents, all was higher than my 220k team powered team, all was Go2nd team, mostly with stoneskin. Maybe your PvP team its  wrongly builded.


Mar 5, 2023, 17:3003/05/23

There are multiple post on these forums to assist you in Arena. Since you referenced UDK... here is a post that I made a while back that might help you. While this one deals primarily with the "Great Tears Flood of 2022" we all survived due to UDK, it also has some pointers for Arena in general.

There is a known bug where even though UDK's health bar shows empty, he still has health left. It's been around for a while so I dobut it's going to be fixed. 

Yes, UDK is killable. There is a huge post made by HarleQuin showing how a fresh account, using only the starter and campaign champions, can defeat UDK. 

I realize that for the first few days you were steamrolling every single arena match you fought through "brute force". Sorry, that's over. You've graduated into having to build a team to counter other teams in the arena. 

The daily quest to get a free energy refill only requires you to participate in 5 arena matches, not WIN 5 matches. 

If you are no longer progressing in arena then you need to go level your champions and farm better gear. 

To answer a question above... YES the difference between a level 50 and a level 60 is MASSIVE. A finished level 60 will be at least 5 times more powerful than your lvl 50 since those 60s will most likely be full ascended, in
6* Gear, all accessories, and have full masteries. 

A few pointers for UDK: 

Kill the UDK first. His passive makes him stronger if you wait to kill him last. 

Don't bring healing in your team. This includes passive healing, healing from gear (regen set, lifesteal set, etc.), or direct healing if you want to fight a UDK. This includes YOUR UDK. UDK vs UDK = 30 min fight and you still lose. 

Don't go for bait teams with a solo UDK or UDK + 3 lvl ones. I know that team with 3 level ones looks juicy... it's not. That's some douche who takes joy in frustrating new players even when they are offline. Helpful players do not set up a 1 man defense using UDK, Mortu-Macaab, Duchess, Siphi, or a host of other Arena Meta Champions. In fact, just stick to the 1 man blue or green defence teams.

If you haven't won in the first 5 min... just exit the match and save yourself the frustration.

Look at the opponent’s player level, not the team power. If your account is lvl 15 and theirs' is 65... 99% chance that UKD is in 6* gear and you will not beat him no matter what you do. 

Use a Stun Set, sleep set, or destroy set. 

If you have a heal reduction champion it helps. 

Use Savage Gear on your nuker to bypass the ton of defense all UDKs are going to be built with. 

If you're low level and see stone skin go up, exit the battle. You've already lost. Don't waste your time.  

Use Ronda. Her entire kit is tailor made to kill UDKs.  

Mar 7, 2023, 08:0003/07/23

I understand how frustrating arena can be, but it is probably as easy right now as it has ever been. You could just refresh and kill the 1 champ defences. The number of losses is limited i believe.

Other than that, if you post roster, im sure people would help.

Mar 7, 2023, 21:4603/07/23

I understand how frustrating arena can be, but it is probably as easy right now as it has ever been. You could just refresh and kill the 1 champ defences. The number of losses is limited i believe.

Other than that, if you post roster, im sure people would help.

The number of losses in Classic Arena are still limited in the Gold Tier right now, yes. I can't remember if folks are seeing 20 or 25... I believe it is 25.