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bombs against bosses? is there a bug?

bombs against bosses? is there a bug?

Mar 1, 2023, 23:4803/01/23

bombs against bosses? is there a bug?

I noticed that when I have like, 7 or 9 bombs stacked on say Ice golem using rat king and gaius, the bomb animation will start "juggling" like 3 or 4 bombs and then deal the damage... and it's usually not that much damage. like its around 25k or so per squeeze as far as I can read in the small wall of spam damage text that goes off with the bombs.

It's as if the computer "forgets" bombs if more than 3 or so go off at once?? Otherwise I should be doing massive massive damage from so many bombs. I only seem to average about 100k damage tops - if that - from all those bombs when in reality they should be worth millions. they decimate everything else except the boss. I dont see any protection against this in the passive skills either.

Between my 2 bombers, they do like 2 mil damage per run even though the get the load of bombs and poisons turning and burning. and my septimus is still doing more damage by several hundreds of thousands than both of those guys combined. (this is lvl 20 ice golem).

Rat king is responsible for over 9-15 mil damage by himself in a round of clan boss.. no other champ I have comes close (2nd place so far is ninja coming in with 6 mil or so and kalvalax below him slightly more) so what gives?

Mar 1, 2023, 23:5303/01/23

Idk but that rat makes hell on bomal lol i hit hard doom yesterday each x2 bombs poped took him half way down lol it could be a bug on IG i dnt try there yet )