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"If I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not".

"If I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not".

Feb 23, 2023, 19:3102/23/23

"If I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not".

 Just a short little rant about the same comment I keep seeing over and over on these forums. 

"I'm 100% F2P"...

Why do people come here and think that being F2P is on par with having won a Nobel Peace Prize? It doesn't make you special. In fact, I'd bet that 75% of the active accounts right now are F2P. 

You don't spend any money in game therefore you aren't contributing anything. The fact that you come here, complain, and demand changes be made to accommodate you is absurd. 

Every day there is a new post about how this change or that event is not F2P friendly. Of course it's not. These activities are not designed with the freeloaders in mind. New content is not designed for (or PAID FOR BY) the F2P crowd. Changes are not made with the F2P crowd in mind. The game is not supported by F2P people so why should Plarium make anything for you or even consider you? 

"I can't win in Arena as FTP". "It's not fair to the F2P people". No crap Karen, it's like getting into a stock 2012 Toyota Corolla and pulling up next to a tricked-out Nissan GTR at the drag strip, except in Raid, after you get beat by 30 car lengths you complain that you lost because you didn't spend $100K on your car and changes should be made that allow you to win.  

Now I know I'm going to get the classic "well the F2P people will all quit" comment so here you go. It won't make one bit of difference. This game has roughly 4.1M players and made $155M in the first half of 2022. Do you really think the loss of 3M players who don't generate any $$ at all for Plarium is going to matter? 

So please... just stop... it's really getting old.

Feb 23, 2023, 19:3802/23/23

lol, nobody wants to hear that.  They are going to tell you the game would die without the f2p massess... lmao

Feb 23, 2023, 21:4102/23/23
Feb 23, 2023, 21:44(edited)

I'm not f2p. But indeed the game, like any other game, would die without the millions of f2p players.

Why, do you think, do the big spenders spend their money in Raid and not in any of the thousand other games out there, including similar games? Of course that has something to do with the number of players playing Raid. A game with low player base has, unlike Raid, no content creators, no reddit threads with thousands of viewers, no funny meme pics - and in the end no big spenders.

Name any game in the world that makes as much money as Raid without a player base of several millions. According to your arguments, the few thousand Krakens spending several thousand dollars per month and bringing most of the money could make the game running alone. Nice theory, but where is a game like this, 100 million per year with 20k players, in reality?

Feb 23, 2023, 21:4702/23/23
Feb 23, 2023, 21:48(edited)

LOL, you make some valid points. But you'te claim that f2p make no contribution is rediculous.  Most of the best players I know are f2p.  They help me figure out solutions every day.  Many of the whales I know couldn't stay in g5 without advice from their f2p friends.

I call that a contribution.

Feb 24, 2023, 06:4602/24/23

lol, nobody wants to hear that.  They are going to tell you the game would die without the f2p massess... lmao

This is the argument I often see, yes. Typically I see it while someone is arguing the game should be easier for them as a F2P person.

Your F2P Trips, and play at very high levels, how do you feel about your own personal game economy?

Feb 24, 2023, 07:5802/24/23

But what does it matter? In what area of the game, apart from the Platinum arena and top TAG arena do pay to play impact on Free to Play?

It's not Pay to win either, you don't 'win' in Raid unless you have completed every challenge, if you pay you can progress faster than a FTP - that's all, none of the changes stop a FTP completing the game, all they do is give the spenders an opportunity to complete the game quicker

So a spender can do Dragon 25, Twins, Doom tower etc. quicker than my FTP team - so what? I'm not playing against them, I'm on my own journey which after a couple of years is still going, if I'd spent thousands and thousands I'd have finished it by now and  I guess Raid would be pretty boring, as it is I still accumulate shards, still look for better team/equipment combos and still enjoy playing every day

Feb 24, 2023, 14:2502/24/23

This is the argument I often see, yes. Typically I see it while someone is arguing the game should be easier for them as a F2P person.

Your F2P Trips, and play at very high levels, how do you feel about your own personal game economy?

Could you clarify your question? Are you asking if I feel I add value to Plarium despite being f2p?

Only if my presence in game leads to incremental spending from other players would be my answer. Potentially, I could be a "negative influencer" converting customers into lower spenders or even f2p  :) 

Stadi and Angwil make valid points, I don't put zero value in the entire f2p universe  (only 98% of it lol) but OPs pov is closer to the reality. 

Feb 26, 2023, 14:4502/26/23

This is the argument I often see, yes. Typically I see it while someone is arguing the game should be easier for them as a F2P person.

Your F2P Trips, and play at very high levels, how do you feel about your own personal game economy?

My argument was never that F2P people should all be booted from the game. My comment was in reference to this trend that has developed where a portion of the player base has somehow decided that being F2P
is some sort of "entitlement badge" and that Plarium should cater to them. 

F2P people like Trips (I'm sure there are a TON) do not fall into that category. To be completely honest, I've been on these forums for almost 6 months and until the comment above I never knew Trips was F2P. I don't recall seeing him ever act as if the game should be modified in any way to accommodate the style of play he has chosen.  

Feb 26, 2023, 17:4502/26/23

My argument was never that F2P people should all be booted from the game. My comment was in reference to this trend that has developed where a portion of the player base has somehow decided that being F2P
is some sort of "entitlement badge" and that Plarium should cater to them. 

F2P people like Trips (I'm sure there are a TON) do not fall into that category. To be completely honest, I've been on these forums for almost 6 months and until the comment above I never knew Trips was F2P. I don't recall seeing him ever act as if the game should be modified in any way to accommodate the style of play he has chosen.  

Do you really think the loss of 3M players who don't generate any $$ at all for Plarium is going to matter?  

You literally wrote that the loss of millions of f2p players wouldn't matter at all. I wrote, why I think that is wrong.

Mar 5, 2023, 11:5003/05/23

I don't see the point in distinguishing between FTP, low spend, or whale - we're all a gaming community playing something we enjoy. 

Or should be.

But some people these days have an incredible sense of entitlement - regardless as to whether the person is FTA or a spender - and the internet seems to be the place they go to vent about that regarding any game they play.

I find it all incredibly immature and selfish, and poisonous to any sense of community.