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No more new content until you fix current stuff, please.

No more new content until you fix current stuff, please.

Feb 13, 2023, 17:5902/13/23

No more new content until you fix current stuff, please.

Test, Plarium....please test your stuff before you release it. We have enough areas to do in game, it's already a grindfest, we'll be fine for a few months without new dungeons, bosses, and features. Just please fix all the stuff that plain sucks in the game. Update the outdated content, listen to some feedback, improve mechanics instead of rushing to push out the hot new turd that you eventually nerf post-release. 

I don't need a "year of PvP", I don't need a "year of new Dungeons", I don't need a "new challenging clan boss"....I need you to make a "spring cleaning" or "bug exterminator month". You're spreading yourself thin with this volume over quality approach. 

Feb 13, 2023, 18:1302/13/23

Um ... how about no?

What stuff is so gamebreakingly broken that you'd want them not to work on new content, exactly? I can't really think of a single thing.

Feb 13, 2023, 18:3002/13/23

Um ... how about no?

What stuff is so gamebreakingly broken that you'd want them not to work on new content, exactly? I can't really think of a single thing.

Oh, I don't know....the Brimstone fiasco maybe? The market that is only good for buying Mystery Shards? The crappy fixed values for gear ascesion (what is it, +80 MAX for flat ATK, DEF, HP?) How about over half the blessings that are virtually useless for most of the champs? Maybe Sparring Pit that has you manually upgrade every level? How about tons of useless champs? Pointless quests? Timesink? 

On the other hand, I can't think of new content I'm so desperate to have over having the existing content make a little more sense. What new stuff are you missing in the game, Krama? 

Feb 13, 2023, 18:4802/13/23

What new stuff am I missing? Literally anything to do. I log in, do my daily stuff, and that's about it. Might not be a problem you're facing, but suggesting it isn't a problem is rather myopic.

And the stuff which you think is a problem? I mean like, if you don't care for it, just ignore it?

Feb 13, 2023, 18:5102/13/23

Oh, I don't know....the Brimstone fiasco maybe? The market that is only good for buying Mystery Shards? The crappy fixed values for gear ascesion (what is it, +80 MAX for flat ATK, DEF, HP?) How about over half the blessings that are virtually useless for most of the champs? Maybe Sparring Pit that has you manually upgrade every level? How about tons of useless champs? Pointless quests? Timesink? 

On the other hand, I can't think of new content I'm so desperate to have over having the existing content make a little more sense. What new stuff are you missing in the game, Krama? 

None of those stuff you mention is not working as intended, outside of the brimstone nerf which is an entirely different issue.  Everything you ask for isn't fixing anything broken, it is making changes to get more for free... just not going to happen...

And again, has nothing to do with new content which will always be a priority to keep the customers engaged. 

Feb 13, 2023, 19:4402/13/23

Oh, I don't know....the Brimstone fiasco maybe? The market that is only good for buying Mystery Shards? The crappy fixed values for gear ascesion (what is it, +80 MAX for flat ATK, DEF, HP?) How about over half the blessings that are virtually useless for most of the champs? Maybe Sparring Pit that has you manually upgrade every level? How about tons of useless champs? Pointless quests? Timesink? 

On the other hand, I can't think of new content I'm so desperate to have over having the existing content make a little more sense. What new stuff are you missing in the game, Krama? 

Dont get me started on brimstone( I made a post about just that "core mechanics")

I agree on the Market being 99.99% useless, agree on other blessings mostly useless, auto upgrade in sparring pit would be nice but unlikely to happen. Pointless quests are artifact ascend and Hydra. 

I do dislike Hydra but I like the rewards, so I do it. Forcing me to do it for a quest means sometimes wasting a key if I'm rushing to finish up quests before the reset. I often need time to do a few re-do's to get a decent score as the hydra mechanics are so dam difficult its too easy to get smeared all over the screen real quick.

That also speaks on the time issue

Feb 14, 2023, 15:4802/14/23

None of those stuff you mention is not working as intended, outside of the brimstone nerf which is an entirely different issue.  Everything you ask for isn't fixing anything broken, it is making changes to get more for free... just not going to happen...

And again, has nothing to do with new content which will always be a priority to keep the customers engaged. 

So Market is intended to be 90% useless? Fixed ascension values are meant to be a waste of resources? Half the blessings are meant to be unusable? Sparring pit, quests that don't make sense, grinding that takes up all of your time? I guess the game is meant to be 50% a waste of time. 

My concern is not that they'll release new content, my concern is that the new content will be released with minimal testing or forethought, a bunch of issues will surface post-release, and they will, in the usual Plarum fashion, alter, nerf, and break a whole bunch of mechanics because "oops, that's not how that was supposed to go down". 

Feb 14, 2023, 16:2102/14/23

What new stuff am I missing? Literally anything to do. I log in, do my daily stuff, and that's about it. Might not be a problem you're facing, but suggesting it isn't a problem is rather myopic.

And the stuff which you think is a problem? I mean like, if you don't care for it, just ignore it?

What good is new content if they release it so haphazardly that it becomes a waste of time? Have you ascended all your gear? Awakened all your champs? Do you even do the last 2 dungeons? If you do, I assume you could use a higher energy cap. How about that? Or do you think 130 energy ceiling is not worth increasing? 

I am very sympathetic to your problem, Krama. Despite my low level and being much earlier in the game, I do face that same problem....just for a different reason. See, I do not need more new content when I ignore the content that is there (as you suggested) because they messed it up:

Sand Devil - I 1* pretty much everything worth ascending, 4-5 artifacts were worth pursuing further. I'm down to 2 now. The rest of the gear is flat stats not worth doing. So in about a week max, I'm out of anything to do with Sand Devil unless I get another good piece of gear from the middle row that rolls a good ascension stat.

I used to do Iron Twins religiously, mostly to get essences for Brimstone and Phantom Touch. Despite contantly getting souls for champions I don't have and the insane soul prices, I at least thought getting Brimstone was worth it. Now, I just ignore it. 

So yeah, I do ignore it.....I'm just getting tired of ignoring half the game because Plarium couldn't be bothered to make it make sense....and I don't think more broken content is going to fix that. 

Feb 14, 2023, 16:2302/14/23

1. Market- Yes, green and blue shards only

2. Fixed Ascension, no different than flat stat rng on main stat

3. Blessings are what they are.  Some are useful now, some not... oh well.  use what we can now, things will change over time here... for better or worse who knows

4. Sparring Pit? U really expect this to change after 4ish years as is... lol.  Its some free xp now, not gonna get any better is my guess

5. A couple annoying/dumb quests sure, but nothing "broken"

My point is, nothing is broken.  There are lots of things we don't like.  95% of requests/fixes/qol... are really asks to make game more f2p friendly.... thats just not in the cards.

I agree on the time suck factor, that is the one thing that I see driving veteran players (p2p and f2p) away.   

Feb 14, 2023, 17:0302/14/23

1. Market- Yes, green and blue shards only

2. Fixed Ascension, no different than flat stat rng on main stat

3. Blessings are what they are.  Some are useful now, some not... oh well.  use what we can now, things will change over time here... for better or worse who knows

4. Sparring Pit? U really expect this to change after 4ish years as is... lol.  Its some free xp now, not gonna get any better is my guess

5. A couple annoying/dumb quests sure, but nothing "broken"

My point is, nothing is broken.  There are lots of things we don't like.  95% of requests/fixes/qol... are really asks to make game more f2p friendly.... thats just not in the cards.

I agree on the time suck factor, that is the one thing that I see driving veteran players (p2p and f2p) away.   

I'm not saying all those things are broken - I'm just saying they are an easy fix that would make the game much more playable and are much more efficient use of developers' resources than rushing content out without testing it properly. 

Ironically, those things are what's driving me to be more f2p - because I feel like the game is getting boring. Truth be told, it's not even spender friendly when the most challenging parts of the game are inconvenience and timesink. Except for Hydra and Arenas, everything is just pressing play and waiting for the battle to finish. 

Between endless RNG, everything costing silver, tons of energy and time wasted, they are making the game "challenging" by bogging it down with boring obstacles. The most exciting content for end-gamers is Arena where all entertainment value and challenge comes from other players and not Plarium. 

Feb 14, 2023, 17:3702/14/23

What new stuff am I missing? Literally anything to do. I log in, do my daily stuff, and that's about it. Might not be a problem you're facing, but suggesting it isn't a problem is rather myopic.

And the stuff which you think is a problem? I mean like, if you don't care for it, just ignore it?

I'm glad you're looking for stuff to do, cause it's coming!

Feb 14, 2023, 17:3802/14/23

1. Market- Yes, green and blue shards only

2. Fixed Ascension, no different than flat stat rng on main stat

3. Blessings are what they are.  Some are useful now, some not... oh well.  use what we can now, things will change over time here... for better or worse who knows

4. Sparring Pit? U really expect this to change after 4ish years as is... lol.  Its some free xp now, not gonna get any better is my guess

5. A couple annoying/dumb quests sure, but nothing "broken"

My point is, nothing is broken.  There are lots of things we don't like.  95% of requests/fixes/qol... are really asks to make game more f2p friendly.... thats just not in the cards.

I agree on the time suck factor, that is the one thing that I see driving veteran players (p2p and f2p) away.   

Am I the only one still pleased to see the market when it is like 5 green shards? Or even better, like an ancient and five greens?

Feb 15, 2023, 04:2702/15/23

I like seeing shards in the market. occasionally I even go on an uncommon buying spree.

The problem is that uncommons should just be 2* chickens. It makes no sense for this very basic resource to take up space, having to transfer them from one vault to another by hand, etc.

It also makes no sense for endgame players to be offered 3-4* gear in the market.

I don't hate the things I buy, I hate the time it takes, which is too long for something refreshing 1/hour. Making me filter through useless stuff, click twice on each thing to buy it. It takes about 5x longer than a well-designed market would. Also, the weird easter-egg hunt for ancient shards. If it's supposed to be 5/month, why not just put them there in a permanent slot with 5/5 stock that refreshes on the 1st? It's not about getting more free stuff, it's about fewer pointless barriers to getting what we're already getting. There's no skill, no challenge, not even suspense. It's just a pointless time waste for every serious player (who will get whatever resources they need out of the market anyway, regardless of these trivial hurdles).

Now multiply this annoyance by all the areas Balltazer mentioned. Playing raid is like ordering a plate of lobsters: there's something delicious inside, but the waiter just hands you some weird tools and expects you to fend for yourself.

(By the way, I'm pretty sure the ancient shard code is bugged somehow, as I often get offered fewer than 5 before they disappear for the month)

Feb 15, 2023, 14:4302/15/23

Am I the only one still pleased to see the market when it is like 5 green shards? Or even better, like an ancient and five greens?

Yep, you are...;-)

Nah, I also am used to this very low based rewards and do buy shards in the market immediately. 

But the joy is non-existent if I look at the 5* common item which I could buy for more silver than I get for selling about 10 6* legendary items and am just frustrated how much useless stuff there is in the market in comparison to the shards.