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Lost all hope

Lost all hope

Feb 13, 2023, 09:1102/13/23

Lost all hope

Okay, I'm trying everything I can, but nothing works... I cannot go past DT floor 90 (Nether Spider). I don't even know what to do with it now. Here's my roster


Like I don't even know if my team comp is wrong(tried like 7-8 variaton), my champs are not up to it, or simply I don't have the right champs for that freackin floor. Can someone tell me maybe?

Feb 13, 2023, 11:1602/13/23

I'm using mobile and can't see ur comp that well but burn dmg is quite important it lowers his defence I think, and to land the killing blow he must be burned at the time or he will revive, you can also use block revive when you kill him this works to.

Feb 13, 2023, 11:2102/13/23

Ah sorry thought you said frost spider, I think the only option for this guy is to keep cleansing the psn buff he lands, shields and healing probably quite useful and I would probably do it manually to avoid casting aoe on the spider minions as that will wipe you out quickly.

Feb 13, 2023, 11:2402/13/23

in Spider it is important to have a hero with hp burn all, and not to attack the small spiders, heroes with high dmg but all the hits should be only on the big spider, I hope you understand the idea 

Feb 13, 2023, 11:3702/13/23

I understand the strategy, ofc, but still cannot do it. I run manually, Korugar cleanses, trunda deals damage, kills the spiderling one-shot, but somehow I still die from those poisons, cause Spirithost isn't sufficient I feel, and I have no other cleanse+block debuffs (and ofc some of the posion is not resistable, so she can put up posion on top if block debuff for some reason, and she will counterattack every time her TM is decreased). Also Vogoth is not sufficient healing here. Not even Vogoth+Apo

Diribas, I think you misunderstood the thing here: not Spider dungeon, it's Doom Tower Nether Spider. 

Feb 13, 2023, 11:4402/13/23

Have you tried doing it manually and avoid hitting the spider minions completely? 

Feb 13, 2023, 13:2502/13/23

 First, there is no reason to be discouraged. Looking at your roster I am assuming that you are new to the game. Since you don't have UDK I'm guessing that your account is less than 4 months old (correct me if I'm wrong). The fact that you are hitting Doom Tower 90 already is decent progress.  

There are going to be several points in the game where you will encounter content that you will not have the Champions or gear to complete a specific challenge. Those challenges are placed there as "gear check" or "champion check points" designed to be a roadblock until you advance further in other areas in the game.  

This game is extremely dependent on having the right champions to clear specific content. I've found it best to just accept that my account is not currently advanced enough to complete the content I am attempting so I put that stage on hold until later.  

I also hit this same "roadblock" a few months ago. Nothing I did was working to get me past Doom Tower Nether Spider. Once I completed the fusion for Staltus, due to his passive (reflect all poisons), this boss is no longer an issue (Staltus can literally solo this boss.)  

A month ago, I was struggling to even 3 key Brutal CB. I lucked up and pulled Acrizia during the Pythion fusion and now I am easily 1 keying Nightmare. It is amazing what a single champion will do for
your account.  

Just be patient. The champions will come.   

Feb 13, 2023, 14:1902/13/23

Lightsown may help, if you place his revive on death at the right time. The first poison load is cleasned by Korugar. When his skill is still on cooldown during the second big poison load (when the Spider summons new Spiderlings), use Lightsworn's revive on death and just let your team die. For the third poison load, Korugar should be able to use his cleanse again.

Vogoth doesn't help much. He still provides leech, but his passive heal works only from recieved hits, not from damage over time like poison.