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Core Mechanics

Core Mechanics

Feb 11, 2023, 05:0802/11/23

Core Mechanics

A quote from clan chat the day of the update


Nerfing the only useful blessings is like handing a kid a candy bar and then snatching it out of their hand after they open it.

So, we all found a silver lining in the dark cloud plarium left us: Since its not protected it can be spread and extended.


"not as intended" they said

Thats like eating the candy bar right then and saying HA-HA. Moral of the story, dont take candy from strangers. After playing plarium games for 8+ years we shouldnt be strangers anymore. I guess I should know better.

Funny they say not as intended AFTER the original blessing FAQ said #1 no acc needed

They have taken that graphic down

In my opinion, any debuff that can be blocked, removed or resisted should be susceptible to extending or spread.

I'm still in progression phase of the game and anything that helps that or cuts down the enormous amount of time this game takes is greatly appreciated, dont take that back!

Having read hundreds of comments on this, here and on CC's pages, one thing is clear, a vast majority are against this move, f2p, whales, and even your content creators( who promote your product in a huge way). Open your eyes and ears instead of just your hands.

A few more thoughts on core mechanics before I go. 5* glyphs are kinda hard to come by with % stats, why then do they consistently drop 1's ? I understand you want RNG on everything but cmon, how about 2-4 for 4* and 3-5 for 5* is that really that to much to ask?

P.S. can I have my 20 soul coins back that I used for awakening Ronda as thats now useless

Gotta go, have to waste energy on ascend artifact adv. quest that by coincedence now will take longer.

Feb 11, 2023, 06:1702/11/23

I've been playing Raid for over a year and these changes have the playerbase madder than I've ever seen them.  Come on Plarium.  You need to put the player experience first.

Feb 11, 2023, 07:3002/11/23

Strange, isn't it? New players at any point in Raid's development are hit with seemingly subtle changes or are otherwise oblivious to any change while simultaneously, veteran players hoot up collosal threads and bend the ears of plarium staff over what are admittedly needed changes,but nevertheless , and right on the periodical time frame to which it happens, they go and make a change or nerf some mechanic that topples the latest disgruntling of the community. 

But if you think about it, how fun would it be to continue playing and investing part of your life and for many people finances into a game that is overly laden with exploits that the staff let's roll.. if they treated us players too nice, well, it's like they say, we would all run away from raid because it would lack that quintessential dynamic of a love hate relationship that I feel comfortable assuming 95% of us feel towards the game. 

Feb 12, 2023, 23:3102/12/23

Since Plarium seems to ignore players anger when this sort of thing takes place, here's a novel idea, why not do a global survey and see what the player base votes. Make it mandatory as they have no problem making unpopular content mandatory for adv. quests. Do they have the nuggets to face the numbers or will they continue to omnipotently implement extremely unpopular changes?