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Update: Genbo Prime Code Issues

Update: Genbo Prime Code Issues

Feb 3, 2023, 20:5302/03/23

still havent gotten mine. Thank you for working on this for everyone. Hope he just pops up randomly in my box :)

Feb 3, 2023, 22:1602/03/23

I'm sorry to be a bother, but like so many I've done everything suggested so far on this forum and have not received Genbo. I know it's not the end of the world, but I would like the character like everyone else does. It's 1700hrs EST and still nothing, so I didn't know if Plarium looked at individual accounts to determine the problem. I know that's a crazy question, because of the amount of accounts they handle, but who knows. Thanks to anyone listening.

Feb 3, 2023, 23:0202/03/23
Feb 3, 2023, 23:18(edited)

I just tried to enter my Prime code again (I orginally entered it yesterday and got the processing message) and get an invalid code response.  The Amazon prime site shows i have already collected.  I do not have Genbo

Same with me.  I get the message that the Code is Expired and of course Amazon Prime shows that I already got the code.

In the previous, now locked thread, a moderator stated that everyone that used their code would get the Genbo.  How is that going to happen if our codes are now invalid?

Feb 3, 2023, 23:1502/03/23

Sorry guys but im waiting from 02.02 tot now but code is not working now write invalide .. why dont make this problem litte fast because all people waiting for this time and what? Nothing..

Feb 3, 2023, 23:4902/03/23

Iv tried but now says invalid code. Even on website.  Even got a 45min ban from entering it different ways to make sure it wasn't a fault my end 

Feb 4, 2023, 01:2102/04/23

I thought this was suppose to resolve it  self in just a few hours from what I read 10 hours ago.  Still have same issue  and now saying code is invalid,  and nothing in Mail box :(

Feb 4, 2023, 01:3302/04/23

Mine isn't resolved as the code I entered yesterday was only valid yesterday... Now it doesn't work so where has it been resolved? I had no problem with any of the other drops.

Feb 4, 2023, 02:0902/04/23

Still no luck, my code showed as Processing ..... then nothing. Now it shows as Invalid. Very frustrating.

Feb 4, 2023, 03:0802/04/23

Hello I have entered the code for genbo since he became available and I still haven't received him,is it still being worked on?

Feb 4, 2023, 04:4802/04/23

Well they say its resolved.  Don't matter that allot of people, myself included didnt get the hero.  I sent a complaint to Amazon and it will be a cold day in hell if I spend another dime on this cash drain.

Feb 4, 2023, 05:5702/04/23
Feb 4, 2023, 06:02(edited)

Well they say its resolved.  Don't matter that allot of people, myself included didnt get the hero.  I sent a complaint to Amazon and it will be a cold day in hell if I spend another dime on this cash drain.

From the original post:

If you still don't have it, know that the servers are still catching up, give it a couple hours and try again. And if you got an error code, here is what you need to do, from Plarium directly: If you fulfilled all the Prime Gaming requirements necessary to receive the personalized Promo Code but entering it resulted in an error, the pack will automatically arrive into your Inbox during the following few days. 

If you are still having trouble after the weekend, I will collect some info from you and make sure you get your Prime reward Genbo. Everyone who is supposed to get one will get one, even if I have to make sure it is done personally for anyone who is skipped. 

I just want to make sure everyone after you understands we are willing to help you and make sure that you get the champ, and have stated so very clearly. When you get yours, which you will, please take the time to come back and let us know here that it has come through. :)

Feb 4, 2023, 07:3002/04/23

When tried the code I got on Amazon it says I collected it but still nothing and when I enter the code it says invalid  what a mess 

Feb 4, 2023, 07:4402/04/23

I get the same issue. I go to prime gaming, copy the code it gave me, paste it in the promo code section, and it says invalid code. The hero is not in my inbox or my hero roster so I do not have this one. 

Feb 4, 2023, 07:4902/04/23

Just want to add my name to the list of those who have yet to receive Genbo. I also get the "invalid code" message if I try to re-enter the promo code from Prime. Please advise current status of fix!  Thanks for your help!

Feb 4, 2023, 08:1202/04/23
Feb 6, 2023, 22:05(edited)

Adding my name/account to the list of still not having received Genbo. I've read all the posts, will wait until Monday; trying to be patient. Thanks for your dedication to helping us all.

um50694749 | 49559272

Feb 4, 2023, 11:5202/04/23

I have the exact same problem, if it's not here by Monday I will re post, maybe chuck us a ultimate deathknight as compensation 😂

Feb 4, 2023, 14:0502/04/23

Prime gaming code will not work.

Feb 4, 2023, 14:1302/04/23

Prime gaming code error. Same as everybody.

Player ID. um72692831 | 70753587

Feb 4, 2023, 14:1502/04/23

Don't worry, if you fulfilled all the Prime Gaming requirements necessary to receive the personalized Promo Code but entering it results in an error, such as saying expired, the pack should automatically arrive into your Inbox during the following few days.  

Hello Moderator to date nothing has come through followed all the steps and still no luck I get the invalid code others I know have go their Genbo how long should I wait until contct you and let you know?