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Help With Coldheart

Help With Coldheart

Jan 31, 2023, 15:2201/31/23

Help With Coldheart

I've been trying to do the Fire Knight 17 on Auto challenge for weeks, but as yet, Coldheart is the biggest flaw. She never last more than 3 turns against the first group of trash mobs.

Every guide I look up says "keeping Coldheart alive is the biggest challenge", but they never offer any solutions, always focusing on how to use her offensively. 

The current party I'm using on Fire Knight (which works perfectly in lower levels) is Coldheart, Felhound, Apothery, Armiger, and Ronda. I also have a lot of other Champions that are often suggested, including two copies of Valeria.  

Anyone have any ideas? A build that works? I'll post my roster if I have to, but right now I think simply figuring out how to use the ones I've mentioned would be easier.

Jan 31, 2023, 15:5601/31/23

You have a screenshot of your CH, by any chance?

You want to make sure she's tanky, she doesn't really need ATK to do what she does. Mine used to die sometimes before I got Alure, but I always brought a reviver with me. 

Jan 31, 2023, 17:1201/31/23

Since the problem is the waves, you have three options: tank her up and sacrifice her attack stat, accept that she's going to die and bring a reviver, or keep her alive by making sure the enemies don't get a chance to attack.

Scyl is an excellent champion for the latter two options, with an AoE stun (though somewhat unreliable), healing and a revive if Coldheart does go down. She also brings her own TM reduction and speed debuff which helps against the boss. There are better options for control, but that depends heavily on what champions you have, while Scyl is a champion you're guaranteed to get and she gets the job done.

The first option might be difficult on its own, as Coldheart has limits to how tanky she can get with her quite low stats, but she doesn't particularly need attack since she's mostly there for her 4-hit A1 to take down the shield, and her A3 to reset the boss turn meter and deal damage based on the boss max HP more so than her attack. For that, she really only needs enough accuracy to make sure the TM reduction is applied (200-250 is good) and as much speed as you can get to cycle her attacks quickly. Since her only real damage will be the A3 and it has a built-in 30% crit chance bonus, you can also leave that at 70% which gives you a bit more leeway with the other stats (although you'll probably want crit damage gloves to maximize the damage anyway, at least at levels 20 and below when the damage is not capped).

Jan 31, 2023, 17:5001/31/23

Since the problem is the waves, you have three options: tank her up and sacrifice her attack stat, accept that she's going to die and bring a reviver, or keep her alive by making sure the enemies don't get a chance to attack.

Scyl is an excellent champion for the latter two options, with an AoE stun (though somewhat unreliable), healing and a revive if Coldheart does go down. She also brings her own TM reduction and speed debuff which helps against the boss. There are better options for control, but that depends heavily on what champions you have, while Scyl is a champion you're guaranteed to get and she gets the job done.

The first option might be difficult on its own, as Coldheart has limits to how tanky she can get with her quite low stats, but she doesn't particularly need attack since she's mostly there for her 4-hit A1 to take down the shield, and her A3 to reset the boss turn meter and deal damage based on the boss max HP more so than her attack. For that, she really only needs enough accuracy to make sure the TM reduction is applied (200-250 is good) and as much speed as you can get to cycle her attacks quickly. Since her only real damage will be the A3 and it has a built-in 30% crit chance bonus, you can also leave that at 70% which gives you a bit more leeway with the other stats (although you'll probably want crit damage gloves to maximize the damage anyway, at least at levels 20 and below when the damage is not capped).

There is another option, especially for early game. Before I built my speed team, I relied on Lifesteal in waves. I still used a reviver because she was killed by the boss, but she usually help her own against the waves. By the time you get higher up, you'll definitely want a control champ for the waves or a fast nuke like a Seer. 

Jan 31, 2023, 18:3201/31/23
Jan 31, 2023, 18:33(edited)

Okay, herein lies the problem.

Everything EGDNIT pointed out, I am well aware of, BUT, nobody has yet to propose a solution. That's the problem. 

Plus, I have Scyl, but who would I replace? 

Here is Coldheart as I have her now, remember this is a work in progress.


Jan 31, 2023, 18:3901/31/23

Horrible gear... that is the problem

Jan 31, 2023, 18:4801/31/23

Horrible gear... that is the problem

Suggestions? That's why I posted.

Jan 31, 2023, 18:5301/31/23

Okay, herein lies the problem.

Everything EGDNIT pointed out, I am well aware of, BUT, nobody has yet to propose a solution. That's the problem. 

Plus, I have Scyl, but who would I replace? 

Here is Coldheart as I have her now, remember this is a work in progress.


The solution:

1. Ditch attack stats, it's not necessary, especially if it competes with other stats...your defense is lacking, for example.

2. Invest in speed, you want at least 170-180+

3. Heartseeker has extra 30% crit rate, so you only need 70%

4. Need more crit much as you can fit. 

I don't see your accuracy, but I hope it is at least 200-250 at this point. 

Jan 31, 2023, 19:0601/31/23

Well, in isolation, I would say your Coldheart is severely lacking in speed and crit damage. Boots is generally my first priority to upgrade specifically because speed is so crucial, especially for Coldheart since she needs to cycle her attacks quickly to be effective. I can't see the accuracy, but that needs to be high enough too, especially for FK so she can land that TM reduction. You can easily sacrifice almost 30% crit rate to build up other stats, and likewise you can get away with her attack being a lot lower since that's not the source of her damage.

Overall though, you definitely need to upgrade her gear fully, if for no other reason than to see what her final stats end up as. Perception is a great set for her, and I assume you can do at least a few faction war levels to get materials for the forge. Unfortunately, Coldheart has somewhat high gear requirements to be effective.

As for who I'd replace for Scyl, it depends on what part of the fight is the most problematic. I'm assuming Fellhound is important for killing waves, while Armiger would be pretty useless for that, while Fellhound is of less value against the boss (the damage reflection would help against the shield, but you got several multi-hitters to deal with that). Really, any of the others could be on the chopping block as far as I'm concerned, because while Scyl may make the fight slower, it should make it safer. Try to determine who contributes the least, because their kits are not so unique as to make them critical for your success, so it comes down to how well you've geared them more so than anything.

Although I see a 6* Alure in your list there... Why is she not in the running here? She's an excellent FK champion. Okayish for the waves, brings debuffs that you don't have, has a 3-hit and an amazing TM reduction on her A1. Between her and Coldheart, you should never have to worry about the boss shield or him taking a turn after it's down, and your other 3 can just go full wave kill/control.

Jan 31, 2023, 19:1101/31/23

It can be done. My Coldheart has 28k power rating and dies several times before I get to the boss. I can beat level 20 in auto with Coldheart, Scyl, Apothecary, Alure, and Ninja.

Jan 31, 2023, 19:1701/31/23

Again, this is not advice. You say the gear is horrible, I agree. What gear should I use? What gear would YOU use? Is there a vow of silence in this game that prevents players from sharing more detailed advice?

Sure, I could sacrifice ATK for ACC but I'd probably end up lowering Crit Rate too, or vice versa. And don't forget, changing armor costs 300,000 silver, plus the cost of enhancing it. The frustration that "Trial and error" can cause is the reason I try posting here, but I only get vague advice that never helps much.

Don't have Ninja, wish I did. 

Jan 31, 2023, 19:2301/31/23

I don't feel qualified to offer helpful detailed advice. I was just trying to offer encouragement. But I'll just STFU.

Jan 31, 2023, 19:2601/31/23

I'm sorry, it's frustrating. 

Jan 31, 2023, 20:0801/31/23

Again, this is not advice. You say the gear is horrible, I agree. What gear should I use? What gear would YOU use? Is there a vow of silence in this game that prevents players from sharing more detailed advice?

Sure, I could sacrifice ATK for ACC but I'd probably end up lowering Crit Rate too, or vice versa. And don't forget, changing armor costs 300,000 silver, plus the cost of enhancing it. The frustration that "Trial and error" can cause is the reason I try posting here, but I only get vague advice that never helps much.

Don't have Ninja, wish I did. 

crit damage gloves, accuracy chestplate, speed boots, crit damage amulet, accuracy banner (i'd suggest hp for her ring, but that's far less crucial). important substats are crit rate, crit damage, speed, and accuracy. target numbers are as outlined above; you'll want her at 70% crit rate, at least 200 accuracy, and as much speed and crit damage as you can get.

while the outlined build should get her performing as needed, it does still leave her rather squishy, so you'll want to add scyll into your comp. the champion to drop would be either felhound or apothecary, but i'd suggest doing a few trial runs with each to figure out which setup performs better.

Jan 31, 2023, 20:2001/31/23

You get vague advice because you provide only the most basic of information.

Your main problem is that your gear is not good enough to do what you want it to. The solution is to get better gear and upgrade the gear that you do have. Better gear, in this case, being gear with the correct stats, which has been mentioned. Find the gear that provides those stats, or farm for better gear if you don't have it, upgrade it, then put it on your champion. Experiment with the fitting room to see what works best before you commit. Sets generally matter less, use broken sets if you have to, but as I said, perception is an excellent and accessible set for many champions and for Coldheart in particular.

Your second problem appears to be that you're more concerned about keeping your team as it is than building a better one. Even if you solve your gear problem, that doesn't necessarily mean that a team without synergy, able to exploit the strength and compensate for the weaknesses of its members and the enemy, is going to get the job done.

We can't tell you what specific items to use because we don't know what items you have. We can't offer team building advice because you don't share your roster. You seem to have gone into this with the mindset that you'll make the square peg fit in the round hole no matter what. I'm sorry if you find it frustrating when it doesn't, but that's not something we can solve for you. I don't know what else to tell you. There's no silver bullet here.

Jan 31, 2023, 20:5601/31/23

You go in your gear, and turn on Fitting Room.

In filter, select Crit Rate  and crit damage substat, look for Speed boots, HP% chest. If they have speed and accuracy substats, even better.

See if you can find crit damage gloves with crit rate substats. 

If you can find them among Accuracy or Perception gear, they can provide some good accuracy. 

I'm not entirely sure what advice you are looking for, but your problem is gearing priorities....there is only so much information we can give you without seeing all your gear. Crit rate only to 70%, that should help you get CDMG gloves. Speed boots is a priority, so are CDMG amulet and ACC banner. Look for Speed, Accuracy and Crit Rate substats in other stuff, and the rest in tankiness. 

Feb 1, 2023, 01:2702/01/23


As you ask for details, I show my Coldheart as example. 

The gear is far away from perfect, but I have to use what I have. So some items have bad flat atk substats, or resistance, what I don't need on that champ, the gloves only 5* and so on.

But in the end, I could achieve reasonable overall stats: Enough crit rate for her A3 to allways crit (70% would be enough), 211 crit dam, 166 speed (could be a bit more), 300 acc. 

That includes a completed great hall bonus for accuracy. The most important stat in the great hall, every player should max accuracy first. Otherwise, it would only be 220 acc on Coldheart. Still enough for FK 20, but maybe not enough for stage 25.

I really recommend to use an hp% chest and some defensive substats. I have hp% substat on weapon, shield, gloves and ring. 

As bonus an example team. 


As you don't show your champion roster, I don't know if you have these champs or what champs you have at all.

Magnarr is only in the team as dedicated wave clearer. Doesn't really help at the boss, but still very usefull in the fight. Your team seems to have some problems with the waves. No champ for AoE decrease def and the main damage dealer, Ronda, has the wrong affinity for stage 17 (and 20). 

Feb 1, 2023, 12:4802/01/23

If you're still reading the thread my advice is don't focus too much on the challenges etc as that's likely to lead to frustration as you're finding out. Leave it for a while, level up some other champs, farm for better gear etc. Work on something like a better clan boss team  (if you're not already doing that) as that's a major priority.  Some areas of this game become a sticking point  for a while - for me it was the last few FW - but then suddenly you get a champ/build someone up or reappraise it and that enables you to complete them.

Feb 2, 2023, 02:2502/02/23

if your being hit by anything then you need more crowd control ie stun or freeze then make sure you get the first hit every round. i dont use healers or revivers because i never get hit. 

Feb 2, 2023, 13:3602/02/23

My advice would be to replace Apoth with Scyl and Fellhound for Visix, if you have her.  ACC Chestplate and Banner, Crit Rate gloves, Crit Damage Amulets.  Speed boots.  Perception is invaluable here as the ACC from the set can offset not having an ACC banner or Chestplate.  Make sure you upgrade your eq to level 8 and only keep the ones that give you a minimum of one extra speed roll.  

1) Visix 15% TM decrease on a multi-hit A1 is key here.  Turn off A2 and A3 in round 3. Her provoke and Ally Protect can help keep Coldheart alive

2) Scyl, AOE Stun.  15% TM decrease on A1.  Her passive heals 10% every turn and an increase speed helps too.

3) Coldheart, turn off heartpeircer in round 2 so that it's ready for use against the Fire Knight.  Have AI start with A1 for the 4 hits in round 3.

4) Armiger and Ronda (lead) should be fine.

5) High speed to cycle through skills as fast as possible.

Feb 2, 2023, 15:1602/02/23

Just copy these stats op
