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Yannica vs Genbo vs Elhain

Yannica vs Genbo vs Elhain

Jan 25, 2023, 16:3801/25/23

Yannica vs Genbo vs Elhain

My current area team is Gorgorob (50), Umbral Enchantress (50), Mistrider Daithi (60) and Elhain (60).  They do OK in Gold arena but can't really compete with serious teams due to lack of really good gear (FTP 5 months in).  But, they win a surprising number of defense battles.

Very shortly, I will be getting Genbo and Yannica.  Can't figure out which of those would be better to replace Elhain ... or maybe neither of them if they're not a lot better to justify the expense/effort.

Any suggestions?  The nice thing is since everybody is ATK based, I can swap just the nuker (Elhain) without otherwise messing up the team.  I don't remember their affinities at the moment, but I could also potentially use them to swap out to avoid negative affinity situations.

Elhain is also currently my campaign farmer so her masteries may not be 100% ideal in Arena.  That said, I do have her with Helm Smasher.

Thanks for any comments.

Jan 25, 2023, 16:5901/25/23

I mean ... arena is just farming medals. Don't waste time on getting an "optimal" team there.

But if you wanted a more long-term value, Genbo is probably the way to go.

Jan 25, 2023, 17:0701/25/23

brutal 12.3

Jan 25, 2023, 17:1001/25/23
Jan 25, 2023, 17:22(edited)

Thanks for the comment.  I'm not necessarily looking for an "optimal" team, but I thought either Yannica or Genbo would be better than Elhain thus allowing me to win a bit more often while also being "dedicated" to Arena.  I have Elhain in Lifesteal gear which is not optimal for Arena, but when I tried to change her it was disastrous for other areas of the game that I really need her (currently, anyway), so I had to put her back in Lifesteal gear.  I know I'll still have a glass cannon team, but am hoping to have a bit bigger of a glass cannon. 😁  I guess the question is "is it bigger enough to be worth the trouble?"

Thanks for the suggestion.

Jan 25, 2023, 17:2501/25/23

Thanks for the comment.  I'm not necessarily looking for an "optimal" team, but I thought either Yannica or Genbo would be better than Elhain thus allowing me to win a bit more often while also being "dedicated" to Arena.  I have Elhain in Lifesteal gear which is not optimal for Arena, but when I tried to change her it was disastrous for other areas of the game that I really need her (currently, anyway), so I had to put her back in Lifesteal gear.  I know I'll still have a glass cannon team, but am hoping to have a bit bigger of a glass cannon. 😁  I guess the question is "is it bigger enough to be worth the trouble?"

Thanks for the suggestion.

Don't waste time with *any* team. You're already in gold. Just farm the 1-man defense teams. Focus your efforts elsewhere, such as Brutal 12-3 for food, as Trips suggested.

Jan 25, 2023, 17:2901/25/23

A suboptimal arena team is fine sice you are in Gold, focus on dungeon/CB progress

Jan 25, 2023, 17:5701/25/23

Both Genbo are Yannica are better than Elhain. I'd give advantage to Genbo for farming because he can deal with the pesky Paragon trolls and he's Void affinity. Other than that, like they said, you're in Arena just to improve Great Hall, a decent team is enough. My arena teams are still comprised of champions I use in other content. 

Jan 25, 2023, 23:0301/25/23

Before you build a new damage champ instead of Elhain, you should bring your Umbral to lvl 60 first. Extra stats from higher rank, extra accuracy from a banner you can use, tier 6 mastery. Her damage is surprisingly high, especially her A1 can get a real cannon in longer lasting fights. If she has 1 hp left, what happens quite often from her unkillable + provoke combination, the damage from her A1 is doubled to a devastating 6.6 x def. I use crit rate gloves on my Umbral and got some crit dam from substats, she can be really a second damage dealer beside her provoke.

Feb 2, 2023, 20:3202/02/23

Before you build a new damage champ instead of Elhain, you should bring your Umbral to lvl 60 first. Extra stats from higher rank, extra accuracy from a banner you can use, tier 6 mastery. Her damage is surprisingly high, especially her A1 can get a real cannon in longer lasting fights. If she has 1 hp left, what happens quite often from her unkillable + provoke combination, the damage from her A1 is doubled to a devastating 6.6 x def. I use crit rate gloves on my Umbral and got some crit dam from substats, she can be really a second damage dealer beside her provoke.

Hadn't thought about that.  Thought I remembered something about Umbral not needing to go to 60, but I'm probably mis-remembering.  Need to 6* a Void shortly, so sounds like a good plan.  Thanks.

Feb 2, 2023, 22:0402/02/23

Hadn't thought about that.  Thought I remembered something about Umbral not needing to go to 60, but I'm probably mis-remembering.  Need to 6* a Void shortly, so sounds like a good plan.  Thanks.

Kram and Trips gave you good advice.  I got to Gold 5 with a bad team simply by fighting the one man teams or full teams so weak it was an auto win.  12-3 and dungeons will bring you better gear.  Spider for accessories is a big help.  

How are you doing against the Clan Boss and Doom Tower?  

Post your roster and the forum will give you great advice for all parts of the game.  

Good luck ! ! ! 

Feb 2, 2023, 22:0602/02/23

Hadn't thought about that.  Thought I remembered something about Umbral not needing to go to 60, but I'm probably mis-remembering.  Need to 6* a Void shortly, so sounds like a good plan.  Thanks.

Umbral doesn't need to be lvl 60. If you have enough accuracy without banner, she can land her provoke allready with lvl 40, and as she sets up unkillable on herself for 2 turns, for her survivability it doesn't make a big difference either.

But below lvl 60 you don't get the damage on top of her control ability.


Random arena fight I just had. The pic was taken before my nuker Vlad attacked. Poor Thylessia from the enemy team was just smashed by Umbral.

That worked vs. another speed team, where champs tend to have lower def/hp. Umbral is not going to kill a Krisk or Duchess with one shot, of course. But her damage potential is really good for a debuffer.

Feb 2, 2023, 23:5002/02/23

Umbral doesn't need to be lvl 60. If you have enough accuracy without banner, she can land her provoke allready with lvl 40, and as she sets up unkillable on herself for 2 turns, for her survivability it doesn't make a big difference either.

But below lvl 60 you don't get the damage on top of her control ability.


Random arena fight I just had. The pic was taken before my nuker Vlad attacked. Poor Thylessia from the enemy team was just smashed by Umbral.

That worked vs. another speed team, where champs tend to have lower def/hp. Umbral is not going to kill a Krisk or Duchess with one shot, of course. But her damage potential is really good for a debuffer.

Is that a general weakness in speed teams with low def/hp?  If my team can survive the first 2 turns, my go second team can wear them down.