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27 sacred shards without lego, before 21 and so on

27 sacred shards without lego, before 21 and so on

Jan 24, 2023, 16:1401/24/23

27 sacred shards without lego, before 21 and so on

Those sacred pulls from CC are so rigged.

For me: this time 27 sacred's withot lego, before 21 and before that only 18.

So, you can sell that CC luck to some other suckers, you wont see my money anymore...

Good luck!!!

Jan 24, 2023, 16:3201/24/23

Probability, sample size, confirmation bias, etc...


Jan 24, 2023, 16:3801/24/23

2 and a half years and regular spender (over 4000 euro - not a lot, but not a little sum either) and no Kymar, Duthess or Warlord or Brogni or Krisk or...

Anyway, enough for me... to old for this shit anyway... 45 btw

Good luck to all of you who can tolerate this shit anymore.

Good and interesting game, but to much gamble and someday you have to say it is enough for me.

That day is today for me.

Jan 24, 2023, 18:1001/24/23

If you were pulling outside of a 2x event, then that's slightly bad luck but not overwhelmingly so. On average you get 1 leggo per 16.666 shard pulls.

The thing with pulling shards (geometric probability distribution) is that the "typical" outcome is actually a waiting time longer than average.

Jan 24, 2023, 19:1001/24/23

So, i just made inventory of all of my legos till i started playing. 2 years ago.

So, maybe it is good, maybe bad or maybe average...

Anyway, I've got 85 legos in that period. 11 of them are dupes. 

So 74 of them are different and 37 of those 74 (exactly double) arent from pulls.

So. In 2 years i've got 37 different legos from pulling all types of shards.

Mentionable pulls out of those 37: Lyssandra (x2), Big' Un (x2), Valkyrie, Turvold (!?), Fu-Shan, Roxam (!?), Sniktrak (today), Iron Brago (wosnt there when fusion was up), Candraphon, Countess Lyx (x2), Rae, Lanakis, Blind Seer, Teodor (maybe my best pull), Mountain King, Jintoro, Riho (x2) and my latest pulls, i would say both are good are: Elva & King Gallcobar.

As I said, maybe good, maybe bad, maybe just average. But the thing that stings the most = no good arena champs. :(

Jan 24, 2023, 20:2701/24/23

... no good arena champs, eh?

Lyssandra, Candy, Lix, Riho, and Elva are all very, very good arena champs. I'm expecting there's others also that you're undervaluing, based simply on that assessment.

As for number of lego champs, I'm at roughly 2.5 years, and I have 103. That's not far off from your total.

Jan 24, 2023, 21:3301/24/23

Had one Sacred left after Summon Rush, got Garog and Ignatius. 

I have gone 31 Sacreds without a lego before, also have gone 19 Sacreds during 2x without a lego. It's just dumb luck. My last 50 void pulls got me Leorius and Riho, the 200+ pulls before that got me Tramaria. 

The odds are there, and if we choose to play them, that's on us. Personally, I try not to play Bonus Legendary event unless I am at mercy. 

Jan 24, 2023, 22:1701/24/23

Gosh that is poor luck. I have played about 30 months, FTP and have 67 Legos . I am missing some key ones but also have nice ones such as duchess, yumeko, baron mirtu etc.  If I spent 4k my Mrs would bury me under the patio (not criticising those who do, just not even an option for me)

Jan 24, 2023, 22:5301/24/23

Had one Sacred left after Summon Rush, got Garog and Ignatius. 

I have gone 31 Sacreds without a lego before, also have gone 19 Sacreds during 2x without a lego. It's just dumb luck. My last 50 void pulls got me Leorius and Riho, the 200+ pulls before that got me Tramaria. 

The odds are there, and if we choose to play them, that's on us. Personally, I try not to play Bonus Legendary event unless I am at mercy. 

Exactly what i thought, I was on 20 sacred shards without lego and i thought - ok! lets go for double event. And then i got it from 7th pull. 

2x was and is the only proper time. All other events are trap! 

I will continue to play but no money will be envolved anymore. Not even for gems. Hope i will know how to do it since i play with them from 3rd month or something like that.

I also canceled my subscription to silver raid card.

Not spending money will atleast remove stress out of this game i hope and i can still enjoy new content.

Jan 24, 2023, 22:5701/24/23

... no good arena champs, eh?

Lyssandra, Candy, Lix, Riho, and Elva are all very, very good arena champs. I'm expecting there's others also that you're undervaluing, based simply on that assessment.

As for number of lego champs, I'm at roughly 2.5 years, and I have 103. That's not far off from your total.

Nope, you would be wrong. Those are my best lego that were pulled. There are some ok legos from fusions though. I missed only 2 (damn real life interfeared...) 

And dont get me wrong, but it is hard to make a go 2nd team without some champs.

Even harder to make go 1st team. Which i prefer and i was lucky with some good gear for Arbiter so i'am in gold 5, but 3 vs 3 is almost impossible. Can't go to silver 4 even.

I miss some champs and stuck. Luckily nobody likes 3 vs 3 so it isnt such an issue, beside that quest thingy...

But i have almost all good AoE nukers and good champs for PvE. :)

Jan 24, 2023, 23:2201/24/23

Nope, you would be wrong. Those are my best lego that were pulled. There are some ok legos from fusions though. I missed only 2 (damn real life interfeared...) 

And dont get me wrong, but it is hard to make a go 2nd team without some champs.

Even harder to make go 1st team. Which i prefer and i was lucky with some good gear for Arbiter so i'am in gold 5, but 3 vs 3 is almost impossible. Can't go to silver 4 even.

I miss some champs and stuck. Luckily nobody likes 3 vs 3 so it isnt such an issue, beside that quest thingy...

But i have almost all good AoE nukers and good champs for PvE. :)

Simply put, I just don't believe you - because unless one of the two you missed is literally the one that just ended, you didn't mention Pythion. You also didn't mention Brogni, unless that's also one of the two you missed.

I also don't see Mithrala in your list of champs named, who is pretty much one of the best arena champs in the game. I don't see Lydia in your list, another very strong arena champ. I don't see Ukko in your list. I don't see Gaius in your list. I don't see UDK in your list. Should I continue?

Jan 25, 2023, 00:2701/25/23

I missed Brogni, you can see that in my 1st post. Pythion is this new fusion and still not ready and wont be ready for at least 10 days. Wont pull him before CvC. Then leveling, booking (maybe not needed) + masteries

Mithrala is there, but you didnt read what i said or my English is bad. I said from pulled champions.

From good fusions i miss only Brogni. and some other crapy one i dont recall.

I have some good champs that were free of fusions - but all have those.

But, some have 2 or 3 Duthess or Kymars or Krisks and some dont have any of those... 

Jan 25, 2023, 00:2801/25/23

For example, i got Seer month or two ago. Don't have Skullcrown still. Also used a lot in arenas.

Jan 25, 2023, 00:4301/25/23

Few champs that i dont have and kinda good for PvP (I will name just few):



Mortu Macaab

Lord Shazzar









Lady Kimi
























Just few i dont have... :/

Jan 25, 2023, 00:5901/25/23

Few champs that i dont have and kinda good for PvP (I will name just few):



Mortu Macaab

Lord Shazzar









Lady Kimi
























Just few i dont have... :/

I have 2 Duchess (dumb luck with pulls) and Kymar.  I dont have any of the others.  

You didnt mention pulling shards during fusion.  This last fusion I pulled a few shards and got my 2nd Duchess.  It was like a double win for me.  

Monthly gem pack is a good value.  Its inexpenisve and easy to save the gems until you need them for fusions.  

Good luck.  

Jan 25, 2023, 02:4101/25/23

hi there, a few things:

1) it would be much easier if you posted your roster rather than posting the champs you think you're missing (some of which aren't very good, some of those because they're not good in this PVP meta, or niche at best)

2) not to be too blunt but if you are by any chance skipping PvP friendly fusions, that is a mistake on your part. but it is tough to tell exactly what you are working with due to lists and no screenshot.

3) this game is about maximizing the resources - including champions - that you do have rather than those that you don't, focusing too much on the latter is inevitably going to lead to not enjoying yourself as much as you could.

example: i have been playing for >2 years now and my void legendaries are as follows: cardiel, tormin, venus (no cupidus), inithwe, dupe vlad and angar. cardiel and tormin are the big winners there, though tormin isn't what he once was. in the end pining for void legendaries is often going to lead to the feelbads. cardiel is pretty great, however.

4) this is the nature of sacreds and often why their best uses can often be for getting fusions - where we absolutely know what we're going to get. 

my fellow mod @harleQuinn went something like 37 sacreds with no legendary just to get a Harvest Jack which does zilch for her account. 

in the end we just gotta roll with the punches from time to time as it goes with shard pulls :)

Jan 25, 2023, 10:5201/25/23

hi there, a few things:

1) it would be much easier if you posted your roster rather than posting the champs you think you're missing (some of which aren't very good, some of those because they're not good in this PVP meta, or niche at best)

2) not to be too blunt but if you are by any chance skipping PvP friendly fusions, that is a mistake on your part. but it is tough to tell exactly what you are working with due to lists and no screenshot.

3) this game is about maximizing the resources - including champions - that you do have rather than those that you don't, focusing too much on the latter is inevitably going to lead to not enjoying yourself as much as you could.

example: i have been playing for >2 years now and my void legendaries are as follows: cardiel, tormin, venus (no cupidus), inithwe, dupe vlad and angar. cardiel and tormin are the big winners there, though tormin isn't what he once was. in the end pining for void legendaries is often going to lead to the feelbads. cardiel is pretty great, however.

4) this is the nature of sacreds and often why their best uses can often be for getting fusions - where we absolutely know what we're going to get. 

my fellow mod @harleQuinn went something like 37 sacreds with no legendary just to get a Harvest Jack which does zilch for her account. 

in the end we just gotta roll with the punches from time to time as it goes with shard pulls :)

1. I will post a screenshot later, when i finish with my work and when i sort them so they are all easily seen. I agree that some of those aren't meta for PvP but i numbered all of those that were meta at some point during my play history.

2. As I said, I was fool to let REAL LIFE interfeare with my game and therefore missed Brogni. Shame on me. ;)

3. I dont have problems with min-maxing my resorces, all content beaten beside PvP and that new dungeon. And as i said i do have some really nice PvE champs (no problems there)

4. I agree. Bad again, as i always said, I have to learn to postpone my real life and focus more on game! :/

And regarding rolling with the punches... huh... it would be much easier if this game isnt so expensive and if there isnt so much greed.

Great game ruined by unseen greed of developers. Never played a game that cost me so much. At least i dont recall. 

2 sacred shards = new PS5 game 1 month after relase - something to think about...

Jan 25, 2023, 11:4801/25/23
Jan 25, 2023, 11:48(edited)

hi there, a few things:

1) it would be much easier if you posted your roster rather than posting the champs you think you're missing (some of which aren't very good, some of those because they're not good in this PVP meta, or niche at best)

2) not to be too blunt but if you are by any chance skipping PvP friendly fusions, that is a mistake on your part. but it is tough to tell exactly what you are working with due to lists and no screenshot.

3) this game is about maximizing the resources - including champions - that you do have rather than those that you don't, focusing too much on the latter is inevitably going to lead to not enjoying yourself as much as you could.

example: i have been playing for >2 years now and my void legendaries are as follows: cardiel, tormin, venus (no cupidus), inithwe, dupe vlad and angar. cardiel and tormin are the big winners there, though tormin isn't what he once was. in the end pining for void legendaries is often going to lead to the feelbads. cardiel is pretty great, however.

4) this is the nature of sacreds and often why their best uses can often be for getting fusions - where we absolutely know what we're going to get. 

my fellow mod @harleQuinn went something like 37 sacreds with no legendary just to get a Harvest Jack which does zilch for her account. 

in the end we just gotta roll with the punches from time to time as it goes with shard pulls :)

It took me 38 sacreds in a row, more than half in the 2x, to get my Harvest Jack. All the rest were epics. :)

Jan 25, 2023, 12:0001/25/23

1. I will post a screenshot later, when i finish with my work and when i sort them so they are all easily seen. I agree that some of those aren't meta for PvP but i numbered all of those that were meta at some point during my play history.

2. As I said, I was fool to let REAL LIFE interfeare with my game and therefore missed Brogni. Shame on me. ;)

3. I dont have problems with min-maxing my resorces, all content beaten beside PvP and that new dungeon. And as i said i do have some really nice PvE champs (no problems there)

4. I agree. Bad again, as i always said, I have to learn to postpone my real life and focus more on game! :/

And regarding rolling with the punches... huh... it would be much easier if this game isnt so expensive and if there isnt so much greed.

Great game ruined by unseen greed of developers. Never played a game that cost me so much. At least i dont recall. 

2 sacred shards = new PS5 game 1 month after relase - something to think about...

Isn't so expensive? Ruined game?

I don't spend anything and do just fine. As do many regulars here, including Krama, RoseRoyal and Trips. In fact, most of the regulars here are low to zero spend.

Without ever buying a single shard, I've made Plat and float between G3/G4 Tag Arena. I only have a very small handful of the champs on your list (4 of which were fusions, by the way, so you've missed more than only 2).

Please post your full roster if you wish to make some progress and the people here will help. I am less interested in what someone doesn't have, skipped fusions or not, than seeing what they do have. The way you make progress in the game isn't about complaining about missed champs, it's about playing your own roster as effectively as possible. If you've done all the fusions, you'll have plenty to work with to make Gold Tag, period.

I also have zero interest in hearing about how the game is so expensive when I know most of here either are F2P, or only buy the daily gem pack.