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F2P Energy Usage

F2P Energy Usage

Jan 19, 2023, 20:2801/19/23

F2P Energy Usage

A question to all the f2p players or really low spenders: how do you guys use energy? Like do you save on your energy from the daily rewards (quest, playtime, advanced) and use it when there is something like an event/fusion? Or do you use all the energy that you are given a day? 

I'm a minimal spender and I always struggle with the energy. I should farm food, but also should get better gear for my champs not to mention the masteries if I 6* a champ and also the keeps. So I'm quite curious as to what kind of strategy you guys use

Jan 19, 2023, 20:4601/19/23

You should really rephrase your question based on your current level of progression. For example, I'm F2P, but I doubt our experiences are comparable.

Energy isn't a scarce resource for me. Time is. So, I try to do what I can to maximize how much value I get for my time.

Jan 19, 2023, 20:5601/19/23

You should really rephrase your question based on your current level of progression. For example, I'm F2P, but I doubt our experiences are comparable.

Energy isn't a scarce resource for me. Time is. So, I try to do what I can to maximize how much value I get for my time.

So what I meant: I'm early game, 60 days in, 6 6* champs, and 3 more I want to 6*, but it is basically useless to have them, if I don't farm gear for them. So I was curious as to how other f2p (I spent like 10 bucks, so I think it's close to f2p) players use their energy to progress on a relatively reasonable pace. 

The reason for the question is: I like to spend my energy every day, my friend on the other hand barely plays, so he stacked up quite a bit of it, but I feel he progresses better then I do, compared how much more I play then him. We started 1 week apart, me later 

Jan 19, 2023, 21:1501/19/23

With the exception of planning for fusion events, you should always spend all energy you have available, so that you continue gaining the free time-based energy. However, you should also realise that all tournament/event/CvC rewards, including energy, are sent to your mailbox if unclaimed - so take advantage of that to delay claiming them when possible.

Jan 19, 2023, 21:2501/19/23

I did not know about the rewards! Thank you very much!

Jan 19, 2023, 21:4301/19/23

I made a similar inquiry 3 or 4 years ago and was presented with. 2,500 word response from one player, we'll call him playerX.  I'll try to spare you.

As pointed out both your current progression and your style of play will effect energy usage, and time is/will be the limiting factor.

I always try to keep my pool empty, or at least below cap.

Any energy that goes directly to the pool, I dont collect unless I'm almost out and intend to use it immediately or it's about to expire.  I.e. Daily, advanced, playtime.  Any energy that goes to inbox, leave until I need it.  I seldom use it outside fusion/frag unless about to expire.

This also means, usually, letting energy rewards from Tourny/event/cvc going to inbox.

Youll get 3 refills from logging in each week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.  They go to inbox and are huge resources for fusions if you let them sit till needed.  

Things that don't require energy I dont do if my pool is full or close to full. Arena, DT, FW, upgrading/selling equipment, etc.

This all seems like basic stuff.  I guess it revolves around keeping your pool below cap, and saving anything you can for a rainy day.

Jan 21, 2024, 14:2001/21/24

normally when i play i get alot of energy from the free rewards at random times. i could use 100 auto battles and that would be less than half of my energy chunk.

also if you watch the call of the arbiter seiries, you get rewards by copying the link to your clip board on every episode. you also get couns for clicking on the video so you don't have to watch it.

Jan 21, 2024, 14:2201/21/24

almost forgot smthn. if you get more than the energy cap, it stays. i have aroun 1000 or so by using this to my advantage.

Jan 21, 2024, 22:0201/21/24
Jan 21, 2024, 22:03(edited)

I'm not completely F2P as I usually spend about 10 bucks a month on energy. As I see it that's the only resource that's worth throwing a few dollars at. I had to learn the hard way early on to keep my energy below the threshold at all times or I'm losing energy. So I'll keep all refills in my inbox and don't use them until I know I'm going to use most of it so my counter has room to work. I count on every single energy that we are given from advanced goals to daily. I learned quick I've got to be careful with "cursed city" or I'm out 180 energy. Don't like that addition to the goals but it's whatever. I try to stay away from super raids as there isn't anything super about them but to take your energy quicker. Champions need masteries, amulets, banners, and ranking up. I've noticed, on my end anyway, that rewards for tournaments have really downgraded so there really isn't any reason to waste 300 energy for a Superior Potion at 2000 points. I can go get one for 16 and save the frustration.

Jan 21, 2024, 23:0801/21/24

The monthly gem pack is great value.  For $10 you get 2,200 gems.  That is over 7,000 energy.  I save the gems until I need them for a major event.  

Jan 22, 2024, 02:5001/22/24

I basically spend the energy as i get it. I find it tedious to juggle all these rewards and try matching them for day X or day Y. On the other hand, i do save all the gems i get for the above-mentioned reasons. And so since i always keep a decent supply of gems, i dont bother micro-managing all these little amounts of energy. The only reward i delay at times is when we win CVC, cuz 2000-2400 energy is not a small amount, but as for the rest, "Get it, Spend it." is my motto.

Jan 22, 2024, 12:3401/22/24

usually i start the day off with the Daily Arena quest for an energy bottle, get another bottle from timed rewards, do Doom tower to see if there are any energy rewards climbing, once i have all the free energy then i use all autobattles for some spider or farm some food to put in the reserve vault for cvc... 

I set a target for myself daily, make a level 5 food at least, every day.

get some silver and finish a mastery for a champ(not full tree just 1 level)

....usually if there is an event im interested in or cvc i hoard a ton of purchased bottles(i use gems i collect to buy energy bottles, and occasionally from the bazaar) 

i try not to over exert myself unless its cvc personal rewards(since you can get a ton of surplus energy and chickens so its the perfect time to hoard and spend). I dont usually do events or tournaments except arena and tag arena since they cost less in resources.

My advice do daily and advanced quests everyday so you get the best out of your energy. Focus on using your energy wisely either to farm gear for champs or to farm food...dont worry about running out of energy. wait sometime and continue, or use your other coins, keys etc to keep busy whiles your energy replenishes.

Jan 22, 2024, 17:0501/22/24

Jan 2023 thread returns a year later 0_o. Coicidence?


Jan 24, 2024, 19:3701/24/24

At the moment I've get less energy to play due to not being able to complete the daily tasks, I've hit the wall in Cursed city which has been a daily task  lately needing to win two stages.

Jan 24, 2024, 20:0701/24/24
Jan 24, 2024, 20:08(edited)

At the moment I've get less energy to play due to not being able to complete the daily tasks, I've hit the wall in Cursed city which has been a daily task  lately needing to win two stages.

in case you didn't know: you can replay beaten stages to get that energy

Jan 24, 2024, 20:1401/24/24

in case you didn't know: you can replay beaten stages to get that energy

That's useful to know thanks.