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How are these content creators getting to UNM in 1 month on FTP 2023 accounts?

How are these content creators getting to UNM in 1 month on FTP 2023 accounts?

Jan 14, 2023, 07:5601/14/23

How are these content creators getting to UNM in 1 month on FTP 2023 accounts?

Was watching the Hell hades video with all the content creators for FTP 2023 and a few were talking about rushing to UNM. What strategies are they talking about using?

Only one I know is Deacon and Apo/HK but you need 270ish speed on your speed booster. I dont have much experience on Killable speed tunes.

Anyone know what they are talking about?

mod note: edited suspicious links from OP

Jan 14, 2023, 09:1701/14/23

They are focussing on very few champs and equip them with the best gear. Naturally they need some pulling luck, which Saph had with the combination of Kael and Deacon. 

Note that Saph was not talking about a one-key UNM...he mentioned a 4-key UNM..

Guess, he will take Deacon, Kael Ronda and 2 additional champs from what he is pulling...

Jan 14, 2023, 10:4301/14/23

It took me 3 months roughly to get to nm/unm ... and i did not know anything beforehand .. these f2p on the challenge already know tons about the game , champs , strats ... im actually interested in who can make the 1st working unm team under 30days !

Jan 14, 2023, 11:0801/14/23
Jan 14, 2023, 11:08(edited)

It sounds about on the edge of what is possible to achieve if CB is top priority to the exclusion of everything else.

The problem I see is that getting good gear for 5 champs is pretty hard. There's a bunch of free stuff early (Ronda savage set, 5* speed gear from newbie tournament, up to 6 6* pieces when the forge opens), but climbing the dungeons is actually not that easy, as very narrowly developed accounts often have problems getting past the bad affinity stages.

The wildcard here is Ronda. She seems powerful but not all that versatile. From my own experience with referral accounts, the best free champ for low level accounts was actually Deliana. She helps with all content of the game, and has a very easy solo build: just stick her in a retaliation set. I think Ronda is considerably worse from that PoV. She's a solution for FK, which early accounts often lack, but I don't think that's relevant in the first 30 days.

I'd put even odds on at least 1 CC falling flat on their face trying this.

Jan 14, 2023, 17:1601/14/23

They wont make the mistakes that genuine new players make, and will probably grind a ridiculous number of hours as well.

Jan 15, 2023, 02:3001/15/23
Trevor Wilson

They wont make the mistakes that genuine new players make, and will probably grind a ridiculous number of hours as well.

very much this. I don't think it'll be easy but they're incredibly efficient given that many of them treat this like a job. and yep, crazy amounts of hours. :)

Jan 15, 2023, 10:0701/15/23
Urlibu FTP

It sounds about on the edge of what is possible to achieve if CB is top priority to the exclusion of everything else.

The problem I see is that getting good gear for 5 champs is pretty hard. There's a bunch of free stuff early (Ronda savage set, 5* speed gear from newbie tournament, up to 6 6* pieces when the forge opens), but climbing the dungeons is actually not that easy, as very narrowly developed accounts often have problems getting past the bad affinity stages.

The wildcard here is Ronda. She seems powerful but not all that versatile. From my own experience with referral accounts, the best free champ for low level accounts was actually Deliana. She helps with all content of the game, and has a very easy solo build: just stick her in a retaliation set. I think Ronda is considerably worse from that PoV. She's a solution for FK, which early accounts often lack, but I don't think that's relevant in the first 30 days.

I'd put even odds on at least 1 CC falling flat on their face trying this.

What stats does Deliana need to run solo?  

Jan 15, 2023, 10:4201/15/23

It really depends on the content. I was more thinking early game, so potion keeps, minotaur 15, etc. Never looked closely at stats.

Jan 15, 2023, 10:5001/15/23
Trevor Wilson

They wont make the mistakes that genuine new players make, and will probably grind a ridiculous number of hours as well.

what about Lady H ? When asked  how many hours a day she was  planning on playing she was stunned  by the question and replied  ummmmm 20 minutes.   Loved that response and do hope she puts a video out

It would resemble a more natural new  player playing FTP ;)

Jan 16, 2023, 07:1201/16/23

very much this. I don't think it'll be easy but they're incredibly efficient given that many of them treat this like a job. and yep, crazy amounts of hours. :)

The fact it is ACTUALLY their jobs will make grinding 247 a much easier thing than those of us with actual careers, and real lives.

Not having any kind of life outside of Raid, and being a very experienced player, those are the ways to "CB Dominance" or "Arena Dominance" or whatever kind of dominance you are looking for here.

Mar 17, 2023, 08:3103/17/23
Mar 24, 2023, 09:54(edited)

Thanks for the info, I will keep it in my mind :) I am looking for the translation services online which can be translate my birth certificate and i found this website on the internet here i can see top 10 sites which can be translate my documents and i also can be read the reviews of these sites which helps to choose the best site for me.

Mar 17, 2023, 13:4603/17/23

The fact it is ACTUALLY their jobs will make grinding 247 a much easier thing than those of us with actual careers, and real lives.

Not having any kind of life outside of Raid, and being a very experienced player, those are the ways to "CB Dominance" or "Arena Dominance" or whatever kind of dominance you are looking for here.


Those guys eat, sleep, & breath Raid. They are professionals. 

HH has a full team @HHGaming that has dissected the game down to a spreadsheet. They all knew exactly what they needed to do and how they needed to do it to progress as fast as possible before they even started their new accounts.  

Deadwoodjedi practically wrote the book on speed tuning unkillable CB teams.