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Arena Medal's

Arena Medal's

Jan 11, 2023, 08:4401/11/23

Arena Medal's

Hi Plarium,...

It is an absolute horror to collect the medals if I have only one opponent from a list of 10 opponents that I can fight while I have already lost to the others several times and exactly these appear again and again in the lists again,... Here definitly lacks a better change and the opponents you have not fought against,... or is this once again a tactic to pull money out of the player's pockets to buy arena coins because you only get 10 per day in the game??? A better rotation must be achieved here, otherwise you can't forfill some quests ot it takes a ... long time,....

mod note: edited for language

Jan 11, 2023, 10:0901/11/23
Jan 11, 2023, 10:09(edited)

If you're struggling with opponents then set up a weak arena defence to lower your position, so when you do face opponents they are easier to beat. This is a common farming technique in other games, hence why you will sometimes see single weak champion defences in normal Arena and Tag Team.

Jan 11, 2023, 10:0901/11/23

Or you can try to build up a better arena team. If you post your current team, perhaps other users can help in optimizing it.

At start, arena is difficult because you most likely also meet opponents which have a longer play time and better champions...but it will level out with time.

Jan 11, 2023, 18:2101/11/23

Git gud, OP? :) Below is from my 100% FTP account:


Jan 11, 2023, 18:4101/11/23
Jan 11, 2023, 18:41(edited)

Git gud, OP? :) Below is from my 100% FTP account:


Sheeeesh...this is a nice GH.

Jan 11, 2023, 20:2601/11/23

OP, how do you figure you get 10 per day?  I guess if you just play once a day you only get 10.  But as long as you don't let your cap max they regenerate 1 per hour.  That's 24 per day just by using them.  Additionally you can get 10 from playtime and 5 from daily. That's 39 per day f2p.

Jan 12, 2023, 08:2001/12/23

Thx for all of you, but this all aren't solve the problem that I have to often the same groups,... And most of them has the Arbiter,... So they are to quick for me and thats the main problem,... and it costs also coins to go down to opponents which I can fight them down

Jan 12, 2023, 09:4701/12/23

maybe also use Arbiter?

Jan 12, 2023, 11:1701/12/23

That's an joke isn't it??? I try to get her but it's impossible on this way!!! There are hundrets no thousands of other gamers on the same server and you getr always the same opponents,... fucking shit that's so dissapointing and makes the game so quick so borring, from silver to gold you get a lot of differend groups and in gold one it seams are only a few because otherwise it makes no sense that I get always the same opponents,.... I think thats quiet obvious that the artificial intelligence of this game is so programmed that you can't fulfill your quest without buying a new shit,....

Jan 12, 2023, 12:4801/12/23

If you can't win the speed race vs. Arbiter, build a go second team. If you post a pic of your champion roster, we could suggest a team.

But interesting to see, that the arena cycle arrived at "Arbiter is unbeatable" again.

Jan 12, 2023, 18:5501/12/23


That's all I have

Jan 12, 2023, 21:4601/12/23
Bjorn der braune


That's all I have

couple of things. first, if you could post the rest of your unbuilt champions (i'm guessing that there's a khatun in there at the very least and she's instrumental in a lot of early arena comps). second, who are you currently using in arena?

third, if your udk is anything to go off, you may be getting held back by issues with your champions' builds. just at a glance, i can see that his speed is abysmally low. his defense, on the other hand, is far too high. it is an important stat for him, but you're gaining it at the expense of other stats which are also crucial. you've also got him in two seperate sets of crit damage gear. this is an issue both because gear with good stats should always be more important than pieces from the same set and because crit damage is one  of the least important stats for udk. the only one less helpful is attack and that's quite literally useless.

Jan 12, 2023, 21:5201/12/23

maybe i am not understanding you, but your posts are saying you keep getting outpaced right?  Have you tried pumping up your own speed booster like others have suggested?  How did you get up to gold without a speed booster?

Jan 13, 2023, 06:0501/13/23

All through this thread I thought the OP was having difficulty with Armiger defences. I was wondering what this new meta was. :)

Jan 13, 2023, 11:4601/13/23






So That are all champs I've got,... I mean I'm watching a lot of YouTube videos and try to get good armory and spend a lot of money for it but i've never got such a good gear or the false substats lvl up,... 

Jan 13, 2023, 13:2601/13/23

No high Khatun? That's strange, your roster looks, as if you would play for a while allready, but you lack the day 30 reward champ.

You have some quite good champs for a go 2nd team. Vogoth with as much hp as you can get, in a shield set. Magnarr as nuker. Skathix with high res and/or immunity gear for cleanse. Madame for decrease def. You should avoid teams where the opponent has buff strippers like Madame, as they would remove the shield that keeps your team alive. But Arbiter speed teams without buff strippers should be prey for you.

Jan 13, 2023, 13:3701/13/23

No high Khatun? That's strange, your roster looks, as if you would play for a while allready, but you lack the day 30 reward champ.

You have some quite good champs for a go 2nd team. Vogoth with as much hp as you can get, in a shield set. Magnarr as nuker. Skathix with high res and/or immunity gear for cleanse. Madame for decrease def. You should avoid teams where the opponent has buff strippers like Madame, as they would remove the shield that keeps your team alive. But Arbiter speed teams without buff strippers should be prey for you.

Would you put Skathix (RES aura) in the lead or Vogoth (ACC aura)?  I feel like a RES aura would serve a go-second team better than an ACC aura.  Just a question, I'm no expert at Arena team development

Jan 13, 2023, 13:5401/13/23

Would you put Skathix (RES aura) in the lead or Vogoth (ACC aura)?  I feel like a RES aura would serve a go-second team better than an ACC aura.  Just a question, I'm no expert at Arena team development

definitely the resist. it's usually the best choice for a go second comp. moreover, accuracy honestly isn't a great choice because most of the champs won't get much benefit from it. even though all of the champions listed have skills that require accuracy, the only one it's really a key stat for is madame serris and she should already have plenty of it from her build.