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I'm absolutely in love with Gnishak the Rat King!

I'm absolutely in love with Gnishak the Rat King!

Jan 9, 2023, 15:0801/09/23

I'm absolutely in love with Gnishak the Rat King!

The Rat is amazing at everything I put him in. 

  • Clan boss: poisons for days. 
  • Dungeons: makes rat meat out of the waves. 
  • Arena: actually makes me laugh how much damage his bombs do. 
  • Doom Tower: nukes waves.

This is the first time I've ever had a bomb champion and I'm so excited I get to use him in almost all content I'm playing. I had done the Maranix fusion (slightly regretfully so...), and I was hoping that the "hype" surrounding Gnishak wasn't just CC's pushing out clicks. The Rat hasn't let me down yet. 

I even love his animations, the A3 explosion is so satisfying!

What do you guys think of him?

Jan 9, 2023, 19:1201/09/23
Jan 9, 2023, 19:22(edited)

I play for a year. not active....liked 2 heros:

1) Ragash - garant

2) Gnishak Verminlord - fusion

I like this rat too :) 

I saw a video - it is used in 2 ways:
1) regeneration + health. focus on poison
2) base damage attack. Bomb damage depends on attack.
Here in the regeneration saw how he soloed 25 dragons and ice. I'm going to this.