Here's all the info I have on the program right now:
This new feature will be available across all platforms, but it will be especially useful to Raiders who favor Plarium Play. By earning a new type of resource called Plarium Points in various game activities (Hero’s Path Events, Deck of Fate Events, Tournaments, and more besides), claiming them from Playtime Rewards and Advanced Quests, or getting them along with in-game purchases, you’ll get access to additional rewards.
To access the Plarium Points Program tab, you’ll just have to open the menu on the lefthand side of your Bastion screen and tap the icon. That will take you to a new tab, where all your hard-earned Plarium Points unlock various goodies. First you’ll see Special Cards - the most important rewards of the Plarium Points Program. These include a powerful Champion, Artifacts and Accessories most suitable for them, and resources to Awaken that Champion. On top of that, you can get a unique avatar, Legendary Champion Fragments, Split Souls, and extra Artifacts or Accessories.
Furthermore, a progress bar with multiple reward slots will be active, and it will yield additional rewards as you earn Plarium Points. Again, we’ll add a comprehensive guide to the info tab to describe the nitty-gritty details when the Plarium Program goes live!
Bit of a one trick pony, isn't she? The only thing that makes her stand out in comparison to all the other HP burn champs out there is her passive, and it requires her to tank the hits to do anything. The burn extension on her A1 is not reliable enough or that useful to be honest, making the buff reduction perhaps the most interesting part of her kit which is kind of odd given that everything else is focused on burns. The passive could be useful in spider to get a bunch of activations from the spiderlings, but the 15% definitely needs to be increased and/or expanded to include the whole team. Plus, for spider in particular, going through all the spiderling attack animations will slow it down considerably compared to just letting the burns tick while keeping them stunned or using a proper activation champion. Overall, she seems like a decent HP burn champ, but one without the utility necessary to make her all that useful unless you have no other options.
I don't know about the points program. Seems like it could be interesting depending on the rewards, but it also sounds like it might just turn out to be a roundabout way to get rewarded for giving Plarium money. Guess we'll see.
Has anything been dropped on how exactly earning plarium points is going to work? If there is free ways nice.
By earning a new type of resource called Plarium Points in various game activities (Hero’s Path Events, Deck of Fate Events, Tournaments, and more besides), claiming them from Playtime Rewards and Advanced Quests, or getting them along with in-game purchases, you’ll get access to additional rewards.
From my post above. All of these events can be done in part or whole F2P.
For example, the Winter Path, the latest Hero's Path, I finished down to the bottom F2P... and got two lanes done. I assume we will see Points as node options amongst the lanes. That's the fairly likely thing.
As far as Points for Advanced Quests, it will be nice to see if we can get better rewards for endgame things like the Hydra or Ascension quest that everyone fusses about. Not that that'll remove the complaints, but anything that adds more to do and more reward paths to existing content is a positive.
While I'm saying the above events can be done F2P in our previous experiences, we can also see you can earn extra points from purchases in game. So people that spend/support the game will certainly have an easier time with collecting their points.
If the intention of this feature is to attract players to spend through their own system instead of going through an intermediary (like Google Play for example), i dont have an issue with this. The dude who spends 100 bucks on GP, will just now make his purchase through Plarium Play. Win-win. I doubt its gonna make a huge difference in spending habits for players. Maybe a small increase, but nothing that will "break the game".
As long as the grind for F2P is doable, hey, its ok if its harder, then all this is positive. If they gate the rewards behind impossible tasks and make it only doable through spending, then no good.... We'll see
By earning a new type of resource called Plarium Points in various game activities (Hero’s Path Events, Deck of Fate Events, Tournaments, and more besides), claiming them from Playtime Rewards and Advanced Quests, or getting them along with in-game purchases, you’ll get access to additional rewards.
From my post above. All of these events can be done in part or whole F2P.
For example, the Winter Path, the latest Hero's Path, I finished down to the bottom F2P... and got two lanes done. I assume we will see Points as node options amongst the lanes. That's the fairly likely thing.
As far as Points for Advanced Quests, it will be nice to see if we can get better rewards for endgame things like the Hydra or Ascension quest that everyone fusses about. Not that that'll remove the complaints, but anything that adds more to do and more reward paths to existing content is a positive.
While I'm saying the above events can be done F2P in our previous experiences, we can also see you can earn extra points from purchases in game. So people that spend/support the game will certainly have an easier time with collecting their points.
I saw this seemed kind of vague, but I guess it will be achievable f2p over time like most things.
As far as the champ its for the new faction so I don't see why anyone wouldnt be going for them. Them being any good probably varies by a lot depending on the account, if your account doesn't have a hp burn champ they will be amazing if you do who knows. There are not a lot of champs for the new faction yet though so they will be a good addation to any roster.
Hmm, she doesn't look like a must have for mid-endgame accounts. Most of them will have other options to burn the foe. The cool-down on A2 and A3 is too high and the percentage of 15% is way too low. Heals 25% of damage from am burned attacker is very weak if you compare that with Vogoth.
But she could be good in faction wars..;-)
Regarding the Plarium instead of getting rewards from milestones in tournaments, quests or events we are now getting Plarium points from those same activities which we can collect and exchange at another layer of RNGed rewards?
If the points are added, it is fine and welcome....if the Plarium points replace normal rewards and you to collect like 10 milestones to get the RNG reward equivalent of a former milestone....well, guess that would be another failure...
I have a hard time thinking of her on her own because I'm already thinking of pairing her with Dreng. She extends HP burn and he burns through them, that can be a recipe for some damage.
That's the most interesting use case brought up so far. Which bosses are we talking about here? demon lord?
Yep I worked it out to be about 7 years. Maybe they will give more for tournie prizes, maybe not. The legal obligation is all content should be available for all, sadly no time frame on when. As I keep gettin upgrade an artifact on my advanced quests, (the upgrade does nominal difference) suspect it may take me longer. :)
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