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Team feedback please

Team feedback please

Dec 25, 2022, 04:2512/25/22

Team feedback please

This is the team I've put together, that has got me this far. In arena I can make it to silver 3. In the dungeons I can hit lvls 10-11, except spider I'm stuck at 7. I'm working on brutal but fear I won't be able to 3 star brutal. Normal and hard are 3 stared. I did 600k to clan boss. Please don't just come in here and call me a whale. I've spent a few $ but hit my limit for a game. And must f2p from now on. 





I know I need to six star. Been working on that. Still farming food. Looking for any advice for further  advancement.

Dec 25, 2022, 04:3812/25/22

Pls tell me how to get a pic of my full roster. If you ask for one.

Dec 25, 2022, 06:3612/25/22

to advance, do nothing except for grind campaign to build food. the fact that you've made it so far in dungeons without any 6 star champs is impressive, but also a terrible approach to the game. don't hit any dungeons until you have at least 3 or 4 champs up at rank 6.

in regard to your team they are, shall we say, not good. the low rank is a big part of that, but there's also no cohesion and all of your champions are badly built. i'm assuming that by team you meant for arena, so we'll analyze it from that perspective. you have two champions whose job is to deal damage, but nothing to support them in doing that. no tm control, no AoE decrease defense, no atk up; you're just relying on the raw damage of your champions. rector drath and sepulcher on the other hand bring absolutely nothing to help offensively and aren't effective enough on their own to keep your team alive for an extended period. you really want a team where all the champions work together and build on each other's abilities and this composition just doesn't do that.

now to their builds. the biggest issue here is that you're prioritizing sets when you should be prioritizing stats. getting a set bonus is nice, but it's far more important to ensure that you're using gear with the right main and substats. for a dps champ like ronda you'll want crit rate or crit damage gloves (at your stage in the game, you'll likely need crit rate to ensure she reaches 100%), atk% on her chestplate, and speed boots. for someone like rector drath, you'll probably want hp% or def% gloves, hp% or def% chestplate, and speed boots (barring a few extremely specific builds, every single champion will want speed as their boots' main stat). substats will be similar. ronda will want a lot of atk and crit substats, drath will want more hp, def, and probably some accuracy for her a1. now, if you can get gear with good stats and achieve a set bonus as well that's great, but for the moment you should just use the best gear you have and if it's from half a dozen sets, so be it.

(in addition, the sets you have chosen are awful matchups. sepulcher and drath are both support champions and both are in sets that rely on high damage output and are meant for dps champions. tallia is in a set that requires high hp, one of her lowest priority stats. ronda is at least getting two different bonuses rather than having 6 pieces from one set, but one of those primarily boosts accuracy, a completely useless stat for her.)

oh, and you can show your whole roster by hitting the button in the upper left that looks like 6 dots next to a line.

Dec 27, 2022, 00:1912/27/22
Dec 27, 2022, 00:21(edited)

Taking the previous advise into account. Does anyone see a better team in what I have available. And or Champs I should work to advance. I've tried looking them all up on he'll hades, and honestly most look to be trash, for anything other than faction wars. I do use luria for fighting udk   and galek for farming as well




Dec 27, 2022, 01:2712/27/22
Dec 27, 2022, 01:29(edited)

Galek (early -mid game), Ronda, Rector Drath, Basher, Warmaiden (Early game), Sepulcher Sentinel...I do not use the rest of the champs you have but you might want to look at Trumborr, an Tallia

Of all those champions, I think Rector Drath will help you the most and will be used even late game

Dec 27, 2022, 02:3212/27/22

6* Ronda as your farmer. Check back in after you maxed her to see who else you have. 

Just leveling champs because a website says they're better than other is not a good practice, especially early on. First, you need to fill the essential roles:

Farmer: Ronda 

Debuffer: Warmaiden (can be played at 50)

Healer: Rector Drath

Control: Basher is an excellent choice. 

By the time you get done with them, you should have Khatun, who is a great TM booster, and probably a bunch of others.