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Energy Potions - where did they all go?

Energy Potions - where did they all go?

Dec 19, 2022, 19:4912/19/22

Energy Potions - where did they all go?

Relatively new player here. As I've been playing over the last few weeks I finallly used all my energy.

However, during the last few weeks, I've won and collected dozens of energy potions.

Now that I need one, I can't find them, or how to apply them to restore my energy.

I'm betting this is where you tell me I was supposed to leave them in my "Chest" until I needed them? If so, I guess I've lost them all which really sucks. 

The system warns you if you try to use tokens and will "waste" any as a result. I was assuming the same protection was in place for energy potions. Bad assumption?

Dec 19, 2022, 20:0712/19/22

energy does not have a similar warning, but it also functions differently from arena tokens. you can't exceed the maximum limit of ten tokens, which is why the game warns you about using a refill when that would go over that limit. however, you can exceed the energy limit. you just won't regenerate energy until you drop below the cap again.

regarding the energy you've gotten over the last few weeks, did you actually collect it or was it sent to your inbox? if its the former, then it should have been added to your pool and from the sounds of it you've simply used it all up. if it's the latter, check your inbox. if there is no energy there, then it may have expired.

Dec 19, 2022, 20:5612/19/22

Thanks so much for the reply. It was going to my inbox and i was clicking on it. I wasn't watching closely enough to note if the total amount of energy - which was over 99 until just today - was going up. It sounds like it was and I simply used up all the energy. Appreciate the reply.

Dec 19, 2022, 20:5812/19/22

quick follow on - if there's a faq just point me at it, but I didn't see an answer to this specific question...

How much energy does a potion restore?

For example, if I'm out of energy completely, will it get me back to 99?

What if I have 50 engergy and I use a potion? Will it get me to 50 + 99? (i.e. do potions restore 99 every time, or is there some variable?)

Dec 19, 2022, 21:1812/19/22

quick follow on - if there's a faq just point me at it, but I didn't see an answer to this specific question...

How much energy does a potion restore?

For example, if I'm out of energy completely, will it get me back to 99?

What if I have 50 engergy and I use a potion? Will it get me to 50 + 99? (i.e. do potions restore 99 every time, or is there some variable?)

Potions will restore as much energy as your cap is, up to the 130 max and will overfill you. 

i.e. if you have 50 energy and your cap is 99 when you use a potion, it will take you to 149.