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Husk Hydra

Husk Hydra

Dec 17, 2022, 18:3212/17/22

Husk Hydra

I'm about to equip my husk, finally.  confused by hh's breakdown.  He says for hydra most players turn off his a3 and ignore accuracy.  But then his blessing recommendation is heavencast?  Why ignore acc then take a blessing that ignores res?  What am I missing?  do we care about his a1 provoke or not?  Any suggestions on building him for hydra?

Dec 17, 2022, 18:3712/17/22

Heavencast only affects the A1 :) The reason to take it for Husk is to improve his chances of landing the provoke on A1, which is quite useful - and also, the other blessings don't really do much for him, especially at low levels.

As for turning off the A3 - the reasoning there, I guess, is that on auto you'd want him to be using the A1 to maximize his chance of landing provoke. That said, I doubt your team would work well on auto to begin with, so that's a moot point - and his A3 will definitely hit harder than his A1, so if you don't need to land the provoke, you should definitely use the A3. The exception to this is if you are running Reflex, in which case you want to make sure the cooldown decrease goes to the A2.

In terms of build, I would just focus on maximizing HP/CRATE/CDMG, and trying to get his acc to a reasonable place. He shouldn't be your primary provoker, but it also doesn't hurt for him to be able to backup provoke.

Dec 17, 2022, 18:4612/17/22

I have mine in Relentless, and he's a primary provoker in my Brutal team. I let a Provoke set be my backup provoker. :)

As far as Accuracy, I have enough for the Provoke to land, then have Heavencast on mine for the added oomf as far as making sure it lands. :)

Dec 17, 2022, 18:4912/17/22
Dec 17, 2022, 18:58(edited)

Heavencast only affects the A1 :) The reason to take it for Husk is to improve his chances of landing the provoke on A1, which is quite useful - and also, the other blessings don't really do much for him, especially at low levels.

As for turning off the A3 - the reasoning there, I guess, is that on auto you'd want him to be using the A1 to maximize his chance of landing provoke. That said, I doubt your team would work well on auto to begin with, so that's a moot point - and his A3 will definitely hit harder than his A1, so if you don't need to land the provoke, you should definitely use the A3. The exception to this is if you are running Reflex, in which case you want to make sure the cooldown decrease goes to the A2.

In terms of build, I would just focus on maximizing HP/CRATE/CDMG, and trying to get his acc to a reasonable place. He shouldn't be your primary provoker, but it also doesn't hurt for him to be able to backup provoke.

Thanks as always. I was thinking along similar lines.  But his statement to 'completely ignore accuracy' just seemed so countradictory to the blessing rec.  I was lucky to get a 4* [correction 5*] soul from a mortal stone.

Dec 17, 2022, 21:1812/17/22

Accuracy and speed more important than CD.  I don't bother going much over 200 CD, but want acc high enough for whatever level.  Husk, like 99%, are not great on auto unfortunately.  And disabling a3 (or just not using) is great with reflex.  The blessing seems perfect, I need to look into that.  His provoke is fairly reliable as it is, but missing 1 provoke can ruin a 1 key NM run fast.

Dec 17, 2022, 21:2812/17/22
Dec 17, 2022, 21:32(edited)

Accuracy and speed more important than CD.  I don't bother going much over 200 CD, but want acc high enough for whatever level.  Husk, like 99%, are not great on auto unfortunately.  And disabling a3 (or just not using) is great with reflex.  The blessing seems perfect, I need to look into that.  His provoke is fairly reliable as it is, but missing 1 provoke can ruin a 1 key NM run fast.

I have him right at 200 cd,g and 300 acc.  Speed is 229. so I'll see if that gets me ahead.  I put him in relentless.

[edit] at 5* the blessing ignores 20% of the resistance :)

Dec 17, 2022, 22:1212/17/22

I have him right at 200 cd,g and 300 acc.  Speed is 229. so I'll see if that gets me ahead.  I put him in relentless.

[edit] at 5* the blessing ignores 20% of the resistance :)

Trips mentioned Reflex but I personally like Relentless cause I can get multiple attempts at Provoking Decay some turns. Plus if I provoke him successfully then get an extra turn, I can go ahead and AoE nuke. 

There's something to be said for less annoyance cause from "Well, I guess I can't nuke AGAIN since I need to provoke" when you can occasionally get to nuke anyways thanks to an extra turn, or sometimes get double+ extra turns and get yourself an extra nuke to make up for a missed one earlier. Not quitting from Hydra is a mental game. :)