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Why Do You Guys Still Play?

Why Do You Guys Still Play?

Jul 21, 2019, 17:5007/21/19

Why Do You Guys Still Play?

I'm just wondering out of sheer morbid curiosity, why do you guys still play this game?  I mean with the blatant attempts to get people buying energy for the events, then the paywall for Centurion, I figured they were going to lose at least 15% of their paying customers.

Just curious as to those of you who stayed. Why?  Why keep playing a game where the company is willing to blatantly try to con you?  Even worse, when they do so, rather than admit what they did was underhanded and apologize, instead, they try to cover it up by deleting all the posts on the forums about it.

I have been gaming since gaming existed.  In all those decades, NEVER have I seen a company do something so blatantly underhanded as Plarium did with that paywall.

I am curious about the mentality of those who stayed because I feel like it is a similar mentality to a rape victim who stays with the person that raped them afterwards, coming up with one excuse after another to justify them intentionally hurting you.  I'm sorry you guys continue to remain victims, but you're going to find out the hard way this company isn't ever going to change.  Good luck.
Jul 21, 2019, 17:5407/21/19
I just quit. I am with you. 
Jul 21, 2019, 18:3807/21/19

They will never get another cent out of me.  I'm already extremely upset at what I did spend early on.   I hope everyone else starts to "wake-up" and realize just now bad this company is and the "games" they create.

It's a purge money-grab gambling ploy.   "Give us money!"   That is all the game has left. 

Jul 21, 2019, 19:3707/21/19
Jul 21, 2019, 19:38(edited)
I will never spend any $$$ on this game and i won't participate any insane events.  When i reached level 60 the game offered me a $99.99 pack with 2 gold shards in it, I literally wanted to throw rotten eggs at Plarium !!!!  Now i am just playing this game to kill time and this game serves its purpose.
Jul 21, 2019, 19:4307/21/19
Samurai King said:

I will never spend any $$$ on this game and i won't participate any insane events.  When i reached level 60 the game offered me a $99.99 pack with 2 gold shards in it, I literally wanted to throw rotten eggs at Plarium !!!!  Now i am just playing this game to kill time and this game serves its purpose.
Same here regarding playing solely as a timefiller
Jul 21, 2019, 19:5507/21/19

People still play because of the psychological tricks implemented into Raid. We get hooked, addicted even, after which we treat Raid as a "hobby" - logging in every day, spending energy and not letting it waste. It's an addiction and compulsive behavior that is exploited and heavily monetized by companies like Plarium. They are taking advantage of us, but many won't want to quit due to how purpose addicting this game is with its flashy shard pulls and the desire for instant gratification. 

The game itself lacks things to do. Has no PVP. Consists mostly of repeating same stage over and over again for hours on end, several hundred times a day. But we still do it because we got addicted to it and we just want this one more champ at 60, or maxed, or upgrade his equipment. 

It takes a great deal of self awareness to realize how negative this whole experience is as a whole and to shake the addiction off. To get the gatcha game out of your system. But Plarium really "helps" many of us see the truth by their blatantly shady decisions and tactics to squeeze the last dime out of compulsive spenders or even regular people who are unfortunate enough to get hooked. I hope this trend continues and they keep giving us 100$ deals just to complete a F2P event so more and more people seal their wallets, demand refunds or just leave the game. Game HAD potential, but now it's completely ruined by corporate greed and psychological manipulation. There is no trust and the player base is basically boiling out of anger or disappointment. I personally stick around because I'm still hooked but also because this whole situation is both sad and fun to watch. I just wonder how it unfolds.
Jul 21, 2019, 20:1607/21/19

I just acquired my first Legendary (Foli).

Why would I quit?

Jul 22, 2019, 05:2107/22/19
Player J said:

I just acquired my first Legendary (Foli).

Why would I quit?

In all honesty, and please just be honest, how much did he cost you altogether?  Between the energy you had to buy and then the shards you had to buy for Centurion?
Jul 22, 2019, 05:4507/22/19
I managed to finish fusion event and get Foli 3 days ago. But next times they make same event again definitely I'll skip it. Now I'm just play for fun. I wanna collect 6 star legendary artifact and see how powerful my champion will become. 
Jul 22, 2019, 09:2707/22/19

The same reason i play swgh. EA is as bad as plarium when it comes to overpriced packages for a game which could be run by one person. But since the foli event i felt scammed and stopped putting any cash into the game. i dont like to buy shards because it takes the fun away. Usually i buy energy packs to fulfill my short time goals. like last saturday when i was only a few runs away from getting my giant slayer for my first hero. but i did not buy anything because of that. i just waited until next day. And thats how i stay here. playing f2p only since i got robbed.

Jul 22, 2019, 09:2807/22/19
I quit Raid after playing for 3 months, and right after I quit, it became obvious that I was only truly having fun for the first week or two, and the rest was just me staring at my champions, the shard menu, auto farming, building masteries, and getting sucked in by the RNG. In other words, the never ending cycle of momentary bliss and crushing disappointment of it all. I hadn't realized until I uninstalled, that I was actually completely miserable. I don't personally understand how anyone can have fun in the game, considering I get frustrated right at the moment of logging in. You know, the unavoidable pop ups at the start screen that say "HOT!" "SALE" "SPECIAL OFFER", that are all actually garbage deals that guarantee nothing but more RNG. A good game can get people to pay by providing gameplay that provides joy to the player. A bad game on the other hand, has to rely on constantly pressuring you with offers, so that it can catch the precise moment where you are in a weakened mental state to give in. Raid is the latter. 
Jul 22, 2019, 11:1207/22/19
Jul 22, 2019, 11:22(edited)

charshadow3 said:

People still play because of the psychological tricks implemented into Raid. We get hooked, addicted even, after which we treat Raid as a "hobby" - logging in every day, spending energy and not letting it waste. It's an addiction and compulsive behavior that is exploited and heavily monetized by companies like Plarium. They are taking advantage of us, but many won't want to quit due to how purpose addicting this game is with its flashy shard pulls and the desire for instant gratification. 

The game itself lacks things to do. Has no PVP. Consists mostly of repeating same stage over and over again for hours on end, several hundred times a day. But we still do it because we got addicted to it and we just want this one more champ at 60, or maxed, or upgrade his equipment. 

It takes a great deal of self awareness to realize how negative this whole experience is as a whole and to shake the addiction off. To get the gatcha game out of your system. But Plarium really "helps" many of us see the truth by their blatantly shady decisions and tactics to squeeze the last dime out of compulsive spenders or even regular people who are unfortunate enough to get hooked. I hope this trend continues and they keep giving us 100$ deals just to complete a F2P event so more and more people seal their wallets, demand refunds or just leave the game. Game HAD potential, but now it's completely ruined by corporate greed and psychological manipulation. There is no trust and the player base is basically boiling out of anger or disappointment. I personally stick around because I'm still hooked but also because this whole situation is both sad and fun to watch. I just wonder how it unfolds.

Do not agree.

There is just no better game out there. Awesome graphics. Champion gearing up diversity.

I will quit after opening my 20th(currently 15) Sacred shard w/o getting legendary. There should be some system which guarantee legendary after, example, opening 10 sacred shards, opening 100 void shards, opening 500 ancient shards. I'm not happy with the current system that i can play for years and possible not get legendary.
Jul 22, 2019, 11:1507/22/19

I wasnt interested in Foli and so I didnt really care aboute the events, just did my daily routines. And suddenly I noticed that I had everything together to fuse Foli (vault was packed with useless rares and epics) and so I fused him, which was nice in a way but now he is rotting in the vault too ;)

I dont feel upset about events, they are just add ons and not an integral part of the game for me. I just want to level and equip my champs, if I get additional bonuses that's great. Honestly I dont understand why people mourn about extra stuff - you're not forced to participate in events, tournaments or fusions and if you dont like them just skip them.

I still play since I like to collect and develop champions and I love that the game doesnt need much of my atention because there are much more important things to do at work and at home, but pressing a button every minute is totally doable. Hearthstone, MTG, Artifact or traditional games are far too time consuming in the way that you have to pay attention and so I'm really happy that Raid exists.
Jul 22, 2019, 12:3407/22/19

addmeister said:

I wasnt interested in Foli and so I didnt really care aboute the events, just did my daily routines. And suddenly I noticed that I had everything together to fuse Foli (vault was packed with useless rares and epics) and so I fused him, which was nice in a way but now he is rotting in the vault too ;)

I dont feel upset about events, they are just add ons and not an integral part of the game for me. I just want to level and equip my champs, if I get additional bonuses that's great. Honestly I dont understand why people mourn about extra stuff - you're not forced to participate in events, tournaments or fusions and if you dont like them just skip them.

I still play since I like to collect and develop champions and I love that the game doesnt need much of my atention because there are much more important things to do at work and at home, but pressing a button every minute is totally doable. Hearthstone, MTG, Artifact or traditional games are far too time consuming in the way that you have to pay attention and so I'm really happy that Raid exists.

you just missed the whole point why people got upset about the event. yes it is optional. not everyone has a vault full of heroes. The fishy thing is to let people think they could complete it with a week of grinding just to let them run against a 300$ paywall at the very end. the first hero you could get was 150 summoning-points. the last hero was 1750 points.
Jul 22, 2019, 12:5507/22/19

Hello, guys and girls! Won't say that your comments did not upset us :( I will share with you this post that wrote last week in Announcements: 

The post contains our plans for the nearest future and some comments regarding the Foli Fusion. We do realize that this is a controversial subject right now, but absolutely all of your comments have been taken into account. Based on them, we have rearranged our events and their balance, we have already released two new Fusions (one more, temporary and a really unusual one, is coming up). We are sure that these Champions will help with making your teams even stronger.

We are also reviewing our current offers in the game and thinking about how they could be improved so that every player could find something to their taste. 

New releases are also planned for the nearest future. In them, you will find a lot more to be excited about in the game. We appreciate immensely your positive feedback and the fact that you are staying with us.

Jul 22, 2019, 14:5807/22/19
I just play out of boredom. I quit purchasing things because of the greed, so now I don’t care about the so-called great packs they offer. I use to be a sucker, but no more.
Jul 22, 2019, 20:1707/22/19

Honestly, while the business practices are indeed shady and probably will not change (despite them saying they will be changing), I just enjoy the gameplay. I personally chose to only spend money on the packs that will allow me to keep playing, such as the energy packs, but that is where I find the worth.

It's hard for me to find mobile games I get enjoyment from, so I've been sticking with Raid after about a month and a half of playing. Once I reach the point that I feel I have nothing left to achieve, however, I'll probably end up quitting and not coming back. Admittedly, the chances on legendary pulls does seem low, but at the same time, it keeps the legendary champs as something you see as... well... legendary. It should just be kept in mind that when money is being spent on shards, you are spending money on the CHANCES to get the legendaries. Nothing more. You also should not go to a casino and drop thousands of dollars on slot machines with the expectation you're going to walk away a millionaire.

Lootbox tactics are just that. A casino. Don't play this game without that expectation and I think you will get far more enjoyment out of it.
Jul 22, 2019, 20:4007/22/19
Jul 22, 2019, 20:50(edited)

So ... im curious: plariums cheap n shady business practices , they didnt by any chance upset you, too?

Sadly there are still enough reta ... *cough* whales supporting their bad behaviour n practices out of pure addiction.

Cirilla said:

Hello, guys and girls! Won't say that your comments did not upset us :(

@ topic: the main 'content' basically consists of running 11-6 or 12-6  24/7 until you have no more interesting heroes u would like to grind to 60, then its 24/7 minotaur cuz u need those skills and after that you can start farming gear. Then you realize that your beloved 60s suck cuz u need those friggin skill tomes...

Why do i still play? I hate the rng/gamble but at the same time im a collector. So i stick around but i dont spend anymore.

Jul 22, 2019, 20:5407/22/19

ThrobbingCerk said:

In all honesty, and please just be honest, how much did he cost you altogether?  Between the energy you had to buy and then the shards you had to buy for Centurion?

I spent 50$ total.

  • 30$ for Leveling Event

  • 20$ for Summon Event

I owned Towering Titan before leveling event started.

I didn’t have to spend the 30$.

I did it for alternative reasons which I explained.

Jul 22, 2019, 21:0007/22/19

pwsm50 said:

Honestly, while the business practices are indeed shady and probably will not change (despite them saying they will be changing), I just enjoy the gameplay. I personally chose to only spend money on the packs that will allow me to keep playing, such as the energy packs, but that is where I find the worth.

It's hard for me to find mobile games I get enjoyment from, so I've been sticking with Raid after about a month and a half of playing. Once I reach the point that I feel I have nothing left to achieve, however, I'll probably end up quitting and not coming back. Admittedly, the chances on legendary pulls does seem low, but at the same time, it keeps the legendary champs as something you see as... well... legendary. It should just be kept in mind that when money is being spent on shards, you are spending money on the CHANCES to get the legendaries. Nothing more. You also should not go to a casino and drop thousands of dollars on slot machines with the expectation you're going to walk away a millionaire.

Lootbox tactics are just that. A casino. Don't play this game without that expectation and I think you will get far more enjoyment out of it.

I wouldn't call it legendary, when some players open their first legendary within their first week of playing, whereas others open it 6 months later. And the main issue is that, while you are someone who is very aware of the predatory nature of the company, some of the playerbase is not. Say you have a younger person playing, who is not getting what they want in the game, because drop rates are designed to be awful. Then as they keep logging in, they continue to get bright flashing screens with every login about real money 'deals' that have images of champions they will most likely never open from the shards being sold. The second they press buy, they've been caught in it. This is worse than gambling. With gambling, you have to be a certain age to get in, and you have to go out of your way to get to a casino. With these 'games', you just download, and right away, the predatory marketing algorithms begin. 

Everything in the game is carefully planned to create a vicious cycle where players go from being hopeful, being disappointed, being miserable, and so forth. There's a reason why RNG was implemented, and it's not to keep legendaries legendary or whatever other excuse the CMs come up with. It's to create a problem, where a player is disappointed in what they are getting from playing the game, and to then provide an answer, in real money offers that flash whenever you log in or run low on resources. It makes complete sense what the company is doing, but they're completely dishonest about it, and also just because it makes sense, doesn't make it right. Laws were enforced to keep the young audience away from casinos, and since the same thing likely cannot be enforced in a mobile game, I personally think it should be made illegal across the board to sell RNG for digital loot that will amount to nothing in due time. If games want to sell something, why not sell itemry that is set in stone, or sell gameplay modes, or just make people pay for the game itself? For Raid, it would never survive this way, because gameplay hasn't been updated since release, faction wars is long overdue, and all resources are being directed into champions that you will likely not get anytime soon unless you pay money.  

Jul 22, 2019, 21:0907/22/19
Samurai King said:

I will never spend any $$$ on this game and i won't participate any insane events.  When i reached level 60 the game offered me a $99.99 pack with 2 gold shards in it, I literally wanted to throw rotten eggs at Plarium !!!!  Now i am just playing this game to kill time and this game serves its purpose.
I agree with the lvl 60 offer being an insult. I've put a lot of time into the game and the offer is really crappy.
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