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I really hate faction wars bosses and the quest to fight them

I really hate faction wars bosses and the quest to fight them

Dec 15, 2022, 14:5012/15/22

I really hate faction wars bosses and the quest to fight them

For example, Knights Revenant fight a boss that has terrible debuffs that can't be resisted, the boss completely ignores defense and does damage based on max HP.  Then it 1 shots you.

How can they ever beat that?   The boss repeatedly takes turns too for no apparent reason on top of having its turn meter boosted whenever you do damage to it.

The boss guide says you need buff clearers and healers.  Do ANY Knights Revenant do either?   I have read the boss guide for a faction that said you needed things that no member of the faction had.   I looked through every one in index and none had the power it said you needed.    Wasn't there any playtesting after developing FW bosses?

Or, for undead hordes, I used to be able to beat the bosses until I got masteries.   Now I would have to re-equip to beat the boss and make at least one champion weaker so I could win the battle.    But if I don't do it, I lose the advanced energy refill for the day.

What am I supposed to do?   Level up and keep champions in inferior equipment so I can maintain the ability to do the quest?

On many occasions I have almost beaten a boss, decided to spend millions of credits upgrading the team's equipment only to be repeatedly beaten badly by the boss after upgrading equipment...

Dec 15, 2022, 14:5612/15/22

a lot of the FW bosses repeatedly take turns for no apparent reason (I read through the powers looking for an explanation) 

And there have been many times when I was 1 shot away from killing a boss when it just kept taking turns until my team was dead.

Dec 15, 2022, 15:1212/15/22


I have all my faction war teams right HERE, with some advice on how to go about equipping and fighting Faction Wars conceptually.

Hopefully that post can help a little.

Dec 15, 2022, 15:1712/15/22

a lot of the FW bosses repeatedly take turns for no apparent reason (I read through the powers looking for an explanation) 

And there have been many times when I was 1 shot away from killing a boss when it just kept taking turns until my team was dead.

Usually this is because of a few things:

1) Some or all of your champions being frozen

2) Some or all of your champions being feared

3) A few of the Faction Crypts have bosses whose Turn Meter fills every time you deal them damage, so they can appear to go way more frequently than expected.

4) Your champions could be very slow, and not able to keep up with the boss and minions. 

Hopefully that can explain your issue there. If you'd like, feel free to post the ones you're having trouble with and we can talk out each boss, and look at your champ builds and roster for each Faction.

Dec 15, 2022, 15:1912/15/22

well, my problem for the day is resolved.   There are 2 bosses I tried the other one thinking maybe I could do damage to the level 7 boss so fast it couldn't beat me.     The boss began the battle by 1 shotting my my UDK.  UDK has 8 pcs of level 16 rank 5 equipment and one piece of level 12+ equipment.   Luckily I had Grinner in and he didn't get 1 shotted (it was close) so he resurrected UDK who survived long enough to kill the boss.   

Dec 15, 2022, 15:2112/15/22

Alright! Hopefully the thread can help in the future though :)

Dec 15, 2022, 15:4212/15/22

well, thank you for the suggestion but...

You have almost all legos and epics for your team.    Is that really necessary?

My UDK is pretty awesome and he got 1 shotted by a level 7 boss immediately upon the start of the round.  He has 9 pieces of r5 level 16 equipment and the other piece is over level 12.

In the battle I just fought, every member of the team came close to getting 1 shotted at the start of the round.  I only won because grinner barely survived.

You say I need a fast team.   How fast?  I don't think my teams tend to be slow but certainly none of them are speed teams.   If my relatively slow teams get 1 shotted wouldn't speed teams get 1 shotted more easily?

I think the developers really need to review these fights.

Dec 15, 2022, 15:4512/15/22
Dec 15, 2022, 15:53(edited)

well, my problem for the day is resolved.   There are 2 bosses I tried the other one thinking maybe I could do damage to the level 7 boss so fast it couldn't beat me.     The boss began the battle by 1 shotting my my UDK.  UDK has 8 pcs of level 16 rank 5 equipment and one piece of level 12+ equipment.   Luckily I had Grinner in and he didn't get 1 shotted (it was close) so he resurrected UDK who survived long enough to kill the boss.   

The lvl and rank of the equipment alone doesn't say anything if the main stats don't fit and/or if your UDK is not lvl 60.

A rank 6 equipment def% at artifact lvl 16 gives +60% def. The 60% refer to the base stat of the champ. A lvl 50 UDK will get less def (in absoulte numbers) from this artifact than a lvl 60 UDK. 


Knight Revs are indeed a very hard faction to finish. But your claim that they don't have healers or cleansers at all is wrong. Rector Drath is a great healer and reviver, Doompriest is a healer and cleanser. Sinesha is a fantastic healer as well, especially vs. this boss, who attacks single targets.

Dec 15, 2022, 15:5312/15/22

well, thank you for the suggestion but...

You have almost all legos and epics for your team.    Is that really necessary?

My UDK is pretty awesome and he got 1 shotted by a level 7 boss immediately upon the start of the round.  He has 9 pieces of r5 level 16 equipment and the other piece is over level 12.

In the battle I just fought, every member of the team came close to getting 1 shotted at the start of the round.  I only won because grinner barely survived.

You say I need a fast team.   How fast?  I don't think my teams tend to be slow but certainly none of them are speed teams.   If my relatively slow teams get 1 shotted wouldn't speed teams get 1 shotted more easily?

I think the developers really need to review these fights.

Quinn's Knight Revenant team includes at least 2 rares, Arcanist and Executioner (I don't know the other champions):

As for artifacts - just in case of help for someone, anyone!

1. It's all about the main stat. This is why 6* artis are more important, because the main stat is higher than on lower star runes, therefore when powered up they give bigger bonuses. 

2. It's all about percentage main stats. You need to avoid flat HP/DEF/ATK stats on boots, chestplates, and gauntlets, and ensure you have percentage bonuses for the main stats here. Percentage main stats are often best, with the exception of SPD for boots, and sometimes ACC and RES if desperately needed on the chestplate, but in many instances it's more ideal if these values come from sub stats.

3. It's all about the substats. Main stats are great, but the best artifacts have great substats, which usually mens SPD and percentage subs and no flat stats. These can all add up together very powerfully.

TL:DR: 5 pieces of flat stat artifacts aren't going to be of great use to you, no matter how much you power them up. :)

Dec 15, 2022, 16:0412/15/22
  • You have almost all legos and epics for your team.    Is that really necessary?

not necessary, but certainly more practical. you'll want your team to be made up of rank 5 or 6 champions by the time you're hitting the top floors of the crypt and the reality is that most champions below epic rarity aren't worth the resources it would take to level them up.

Dec 15, 2022, 16:1212/15/22

I didn't claim KR don't have healers/cleansers I asked if they had them.

I know some faction lacks what the boss guide says you need because I have looked all through the index trying to find it.

Dec 15, 2022, 16:1312/15/22

doompriest and rector drath are epics too.   I could play for years without getting them.

Dec 15, 2022, 16:1412/15/22
Dec 15, 2022, 16:30(edited)
  • You have almost all legos and epics for your team.    Is that really necessary?

not necessary, but certainly more practical. you'll want your team to be made up of rank 5 or 6 champions by the time you're hitting the top floors of the crypt and the reality is that most champions below epic rarity aren't worth the resources it would take to level them up.

True. But as far as I understand, the OP struggles at the stage 7 boss. You definetly don't need a team of high end lvl 60 legendaries here. And Knight Revenants have rares who are able to help in the faction wars. Coffin Smasher is a pretty good rare champ. Can be used in early CB for decrease atk and he can easily be in any FW team with his kit.

Dec 15, 2022, 16:2512/15/22

Just post your teams, post the builds. Champions and rank/level of gear say very little in vast majority of the cases. 

It takes strategy to beat those bosses, but you obviously need the right gear, as well. I beat all of Knights Revenant with epics, and Knights Rev have some very solid epics. 

Dec 15, 2022, 17:0612/15/22

True. But as far as I understand, the OP struggles at the stage 7 boss. You definetly don't need a team of high end lvl 60 legendaries here. And Knight Revenants have rares who are able to help in the faction wars. Coffin Smasher is a pretty good rare champ. Can be used in early CB for decrease atk and he can easily be in any FW team with his kit.

true, but anyone struggling with stage 7 shouldn't be worrying about faction wars in the first place. coffin smasher is a pretty decent rare, but he's a decent rare that you raise up for clan boss and then use in faction wars because he's already built.

Dec 15, 2022, 17:1512/15/22

true, but anyone struggling with stage 7 shouldn't be worrying about faction wars in the first place. coffin smasher is a pretty decent rare, but he's a decent rare that you raise up for clan boss and then use in faction wars because he's already built.

Have to disagree here. You're always going to have some factions that lag behind, specially those with the ignore def boss on stage 7.

As soon as you're past the first boss for about 2/3 of factions, it'll be pretty rare to get the advanced quest on one of the few days you can't do it. So don't worry too much about the factions where you're stuck, but make sure that you're progressing on average.

Dec 15, 2022, 17:3712/15/22
Urlibu FTP

Have to disagree here. You're always going to have some factions that lag behind, specially those with the ignore def boss on stage 7.

As soon as you're past the first boss for about 2/3 of factions, it'll be pretty rare to get the advanced quest on one of the few days you can't do it. So don't worry too much about the factions where you're stuck, but make sure that you're progressing on average.

apologies, i should have made myself clearer.

what i was getting at was that the areas of the game that a newer player should be focused on are campaign, clan boss, dungeons, and arena. faction wars shouldn't be a point of concern until they've got a handle on all of those and at that point the majority of floor 7 fights should be fairly trivial. there will certainly be factions that lag behind, but by then those should be the exception, not the rule.

Dec 15, 2022, 22:4912/15/22

Just post your teams, post the builds. Champions and rank/level of gear say very little in vast majority of the cases. 

It takes strategy to beat those bosses, but you obviously need the right gear, as well. I beat all of Knights Revenant with epics, and Knights Rev have some very solid epics. 


Post some screen shots, or atleast the actual levels/stats of what you're working with. In all honesty, you should be able to just steam roll levels 1-7 easily with very little "strategy" if youre geared half way decent