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Need guidance on macro play for mid game

Need guidance on macro play for mid game

Dec 8, 2022, 16:4812/08/22

Need guidance on macro play for mid game

First off, big thanks to all the members of this community for the continued support and help in the forums and on discord. It goes a long way in better understanding the game. 

I'm currently running into what feels most likely like mid game and I'm trying to identify where I should be spending more of my time. 

Historically I run a lot of a lot. But most of the time it's specifically during Champ Training events / tournies and I always try to get the 9k Leggo Book. 

So here's my basic "stats":

* Day 180

* Acccount lv 72

* 18 6 star champs 

* Dragon 24, Spider 23, FK 20, IG 20

* CB 2-3 key NM 

* Arena Gold 5

* Tag Bronze 4 

* FW 25-35 stars on most, 47 being the high and 10/11 being the low. 

* Doom Tower I don't generally go that hard on. Last rotation was the easiest it's ever been with the Griffin and Dragon and I got to 109. This time not so much. 

The caveat into some of these "stats" is that for Arena Gold 5 I almost only fight 1-2 man defenses. Most people run Arbiter, Siphi, Rotos, etc and I don't find many openings to fight a 4 man. FK 20 takes me like 6 minutes to run auto, and most of my FW seem to be stuck around stage 12-15, while some of my better ones are on stage 18. 

I know things like Tag, and FW would help me a lot in CVC, as well with FW I can get a lot of good crafting components and glyphs. 

Here's some of the thoughts I'm having:

* Should I spend a week or so getting some decent FW champs built out better to push my FW stages a bit? 

* Currently getting masteries for Kymar (lucky pull this week), Occult Brawler, Anchorite and Aox the Rem - should I finish them up before doing anything else? 

* Should I focus entirely on farming gear? 

* Should I gear up a thoughtful Arena / Tag team? I generally just jumble my champs in and fight weak defenses. 



Here's some of my better champs geared:




Dec 8, 2022, 17:1212/08/22

I'd say you're lagging in clan boss. Once I started getting 2x top chest UNM every day, I realized just how big the rewards up there are. Something like multiple sacreds/leggo books per week.

As for FW, with 18 lvl 60 champs, it's high time to start doing this seriously. The most important stage to hit is 13, as that will give you 6* perception gear and really boost your progression. Seems like you're below that with most factions? The next milestone after that is 18, where you can then start stockpiling 6* glyphs.

So my advice would be to get farming stage 13 with most factions asap. you can usually achieve this with survivability and a bit of control. For most factions, a single 6* will carry your damage.

Getting over the hump at 14 is kind of hard and requires something resembling an actual team, so I'd recommend to only invest here if you think you can go all the way to 18.

Dec 8, 2022, 18:2212/08/22
Urlibu FTP

I'd say you're lagging in clan boss. Once I started getting 2x top chest UNM every day, I realized just how big the rewards up there are. Something like multiple sacreds/leggo books per week.

As for FW, with 18 lvl 60 champs, it's high time to start doing this seriously. The most important stage to hit is 13, as that will give you 6* perception gear and really boost your progression. Seems like you're below that with most factions? The next milestone after that is 18, where you can then start stockpiling 6* glyphs.

So my advice would be to get farming stage 13 with most factions asap. you can usually achieve this with survivability and a bit of control. For most factions, a single 6* will carry your damage.

Getting over the hump at 14 is kind of hard and requires something resembling an actual team, so I'd recommend to only invest here if you think you can go all the way to 18.

For CB, I'm currently only able to run Increase Def + Decrease Attack killable team, as you can see with my champs. 

I guess I wouldn't personally know the progress of each person, but I feel for a Day 180 player I'm probably not that lacking in CB - again I know this is a little bit RNG dependent to get a great CB team, but there's not much I can do about it at this point. 

Dec 8, 2022, 19:2312/08/22

Unfortunately, your CB progress will be "stuck" until you have an unkillable comp of some sort.  But improving your gear can take a 2key NM killable team to a 4key (then 3key) UNM.  At day 180 I did not have unkillable, I was probably 3keying UNM.  Continuing to run dungeons (sell don't hoard bad gear) and 12.3 brutal are where the majority of your energy should go still.  And mino15 for champs you are 6starring.  

Dec 8, 2022, 21:4112/08/22

I want to add potion keeps to Trip's list. Seeing Urogrim, Ronda, Prince Kymar, Arbiter, Cardinal totally unascended hurts.

Dec 8, 2022, 23:2012/08/22

For CB, I'm currently only able to run Increase Def + Decrease Attack killable team, as you can see with my champs. 

I guess I wouldn't personally know the progress of each person, but I feel for a Day 180 player I'm probably not that lacking in CB - again I know this is a little bit RNG dependent to get a great CB team, but there's not much I can do about it at this point. 

I don't have any unkillable champion either. So I know the pain. I am actually doing UNM 3 key with a team that's not even speed tuned. Just good old survivability, poisons, and warmaster procs. Brimstone helped a lot with that, even a 1* version represents millions of damage per run.

Dec 9, 2022, 03:1512/09/22
Urlibu FTP

I don't have any unkillable champion either. So I know the pain. I am actually doing UNM 3 key with a team that's not even speed tuned. Just good old survivability, poisons, and warmaster procs. Brimstone helped a lot with that, even a 1* version represents millions of damage per run.

Do you have counter attack / ally attack? 

Dec 9, 2022, 03:3612/09/22
Dec 9, 2022, 03:37(edited)

I want to add potion keeps to Trip's list. Seeing Urogrim, Ronda, Prince Kymar, Arbiter, Cardinal totally unascended hurts.

Tbf, I'm not using those champs right now, so I didn't ascend them. I also just pulled Kymar like 5 days ago, starting his mastery grind :) 

I had just finished the mastery grind for my 4 champs (Nia, Urogrim, Deacon and Priest Orn - that's what hes level 57 and not ascended). 

Dec 9, 2022, 11:5112/09/22

Do you have counter attack / ally attack? 

Yes, I did pull valk, but I was already 3 keying void affinity before that.