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New: Artifact Ascension

New: Artifact Ascension

Dec 1, 2022, 16:2412/01/22

New: Artifact Ascension

I just hope we will get a energy increase in the near future. The Boss mechanics are looking interesting so far but very champion specific. 

Dec 1, 2022, 17:2612/01/22

TL;DR: What part of the artifact will change, substats, main stat, or something else? Video went a nit quick to grasp the actual mechanics. :)

Dec 1, 2022, 18:1112/01/22

Artifact ascension is not a good idea. This game wil die the death of to much power creep if they go on like this.

Dec 1, 2022, 18:3812/01/22

Next Update: Awake your Artifacts !

Dec 1, 2022, 19:5312/01/22

Artifact ascension is not a good idea. This game wil die the death of to much power creep if they go on like this.

Saw the news in game about this, didn't read it or watch video all I could do is sigh, this will not be good in anyway.

Dec 1, 2022, 20:0012/01/22

Yeah I'm all for better equipment, but why would I ascend any equipment unless it were godlike I never had any hope of getting better?  my best equipment today is my trash heap of tomorrow.

Dec 2, 2022, 16:1712/02/22

Yeah I'm all for better equipment, but why would I ascend any equipment unless it were godlike I never had any hope of getting better?  my best equipment today is my trash heap of tomorrow.

this is so true

Dec 2, 2022, 16:3512/02/22

Yeah I'm all for better equipment, but why would I ascend any equipment unless it were godlike I never had any hope of getting better?  my best equipment today is my trash heap of tomorrow.

I'm guessing after years of playing, you have at least a handful of a "godlike" items.  If this stuff is as difficult to get as the unobtainable blessings, I don't think a shortage of worthy artifcats will be an issue.

Seems everyone is worried about faster Arbiters in classic arena... lmao.

Dec 2, 2022, 17:4712/02/22

TL;DR: What part of the artifact will change, substats, main stat, or something else? Video went a nit quick to grasp the actual mechanics. :)

According to the info (and I've only just seen this at the same time you have), it will give you one additional stat (not substat) and this is a random stat.

So let say you have a brilliant set of boots 6* with top level speed as a stat, and you have the perfect substats on it. you could accend it and get an addition stat of flat rate hp of attack etc.

It probably wouldn't deminish the item, but then again it wouldn't enhance it much either and then you might have to move it to another champ. And it would be using up resources that could of been used else where.

Also it will take approximately 900 energy (if you can run the top level) to possible get all the oils to level up one peice of 6* gear.

Level 1 needs 60 lessel oil which at a 10-12 oils per run is maybe 6 runs.

Level 2 needs 80 lessel oil which at a 10-12 oils per run is maybe 8 runs.

Level 3 needs 40 greater oil which at a 7-9 oils per run is maybe 6 runs.

Level 4 needs 60 greater oil which at a 7-9 oils per run is maybe 9 runs.

Level 5 needs 20 superior oil which at a 3-5 oils per run is maybe 7 runs.

Level 6 needs 30 superior oil which at a 3-5 oils per run is maybe 10 runs.

46 runs in total equaling 920 energy.

5* and lower use less oil and will be done quicker, but lets face it most end game players will only be upgrading 6* items.

And the way the RNG goes you will probably get the oil that you don't need so in reality a lot more than 900 energy per item and you will end up with a large surplus of lesser and greater oils.

And you will end up running the area multiply times just to get the last of the superior oil you need to do that last upgrade on an item.

Then to break down the time.

In their video some of their demo teams have barely scratch the boss at over 5 mins. so lets say you have a god like team and can beat the top level and it takes about 5 mins per run you are looking at 4 hours of battles to level up one peice of gear.

So I am sure a couple of weeks after the update lands there will be oil packs on sale.

Dec 2, 2022, 18:1412/02/22

I'm guessing after years of playing, you have at least a handful of a "godlike" items.  If this stuff is as difficult to get as the unobtainable blessings, I don't think a shortage of worthy artifcats will be an issue.

Seems everyone is worried about faster Arbiters in classic arena... lmao.

I am a little worried about my Arbiter (370 spd) getting worse vs. the field in Gold Tag, so basically just starting the prayer circle that the boots roll Speed😂

That said, I think some people don't realize you can only roll Speed on boots, hence the hyperbole around speed. not to mention I don't know how much of an issue this is going to be for the players who are actually worried about that, for various reasons

I'm much more worried about the existing comps in a slow meta, though. 

Dec 2, 2022, 18:5212/02/22

I am a little worried about my Arbiter (370 spd) getting worse vs. the field in Gold Tag, so basically just starting the prayer circle that the boots roll Speed😂

That said, I think some people don't realize you can only roll Speed on boots, hence the hyperbole around speed. not to mention I don't know how much of an issue this is going to be for the players who are actually worried about that, for various reasons

I'm much more worried about the existing comps in a slow meta, though. 

Do you think it will be possible to roll speed on boots that allready have speed as main stat? That would be a terrible decision. 

I see that speed is possible for boots in general - and it would be a nice add in the rare cases where you use hp%, def% or atk% boots. The upgraded stats should behave like substats, so no stat that is allready the main stat of the item.

Dec 2, 2022, 19:1112/02/22

Do you think it will be possible to roll speed on boots that allready have speed as main stat? That would be a terrible decision. 

I see that speed is possible for boots in general - and it would be a nice add in the rare cases where you use hp%, def% or atk% boots. The upgraded stats should behave like substats, so no stat that is allready the main stat of the item.

As far as I can tell we are not constrained by the main stat on a piece of gear, i.e. it won't prevent the bonus stat from rolling. 

Dec 2, 2022, 19:1412/02/22

As far as I can tell we are not constrained by the main stat on a piece of gear, i.e. it won't prevent the bonus stat from rolling. 

So Plarium thinks, that there are to many noobs in Gold V actually and whales who can make speed-of-light-Arbiters with this new mechanic shall kick them into Silver again?

Dec 2, 2022, 19:2212/02/22

Examples from the video show that any of the stats can be rolled onto items


So any of the stats can be added to the items, at random


Dec 2, 2022, 19:4012/02/22
Dec 2, 2022, 19:40(edited)

So Plarium thinks, that there are to many noobs in Gold V actually and whales who can make speed-of-light-Arbiters with this new mechanic shall kick them into Silver again?

So, given there is a 1/7 chance of getting Speed on Boots as the bonus stat:

This also means that whomever is getting it has to be able to grind their way through Sand Devil to maximize that, too. This will take some time to all shake out but...could I see an outcome where this causes a downward crush of sorts? Yes. But, unless the loss cap gets removed I still see all of us hanging out in Gold V.

Tag is where things will be more interesting. I do think (most) comps that rely heavily on Speed are pretty counterable these days.

There is also the factor that this is content meant for late/endgame players, and with what we've seen from the mechanics I suspect the stat thresholds we're going to need to hit will be quite prohibitive for earlier to mid game.

Dec 2, 2022, 20:0912/02/22

So Plarium thinks, that there are to many noobs in Gold V actually and whales who can make speed-of-light-Arbiters with this new mechanic shall kick them into Silver again?

Unless they decide to "unbreak" classic arena, this has no impact whatsoever.  

Like all of this new content, I think it basically makes pve easier and only impacts the very top of pvp (this is not classic arena G5, Monday plat, or Arbiter teams of any kind)...

Essentially, no negative impact to 99.9% (myself included) on this forum. 

Dec 3, 2022, 11:1212/03/22

Examples from the video show that any of the stats can be rolled onto items


So any of the stats can be added to the items, at random


Thank you for the explanation, and also for posting the picture that shows it. :)

Dec 3, 2022, 12:3512/03/22
Dec 3, 2022, 12:36(edited)

another layer of pay2win and rng. Plarium is just more and more greedy it's just insane haha