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The hardest hitting champs in Raid

The hardest hitting champs in Raid

Nov 27, 2022, 01:0811/27/22

The hardest hitting champs in Raid

Who is the king of damage dealers in Arena?

Of course the damage they deal in the end depends on your gear. I'm sure a Platinum player could make his Kael hit as hard as my Zavia because of his better gear. So I compare only the basedamage of the champs. I will take atk and def buffs into account, because that is the big disadvantage hp-based nukers have (no buff to increase their damage), it's to easy to obtain an atk buff to overlook these buffs. On the other hand, hp based damage dealers have high survivability and their damage is not decreased from debuffs.

Some champs deal their big damage only if a certain condition is fulfilled (like Ruel, double hit only to enemies under Hex). I will write these conditions down, for a better comparision of the champs. Of course dealing the same damage without any condition is better than dealing damage, if...

I'm not taking single target damage dealers into account (maybe later in a separate post) and no damage that is to complicated to compare, so I'm not going to calculate the average champs hp for this thread to compare damage that is based on enemy max hp (no Septimus or Seer in this list). 

The damage multipliers are taken from Ayumi.

If there is any champ I overlooked, feel free to add.

Sicia Flametongue

Demonspawn, legendary, atk based, conditional damage (condition: 2 attacks in a row via extra turn if A3 places hp-burn debuff on all enemies, debuff chance booked 100%. Block buffs, resistance or other stuff may still prevent them from landing, further: passive skill increases damage by 3% for every hp-burn on any champ, her A3 places hp-burn on herself and all enemies)

Atk 1586, multiplier A3: 3.5, books +20%, 

A3 damage: 1586 x 3.5 x 1.2 = 6661.2, atk buffed 9991.8. If she lands all debuffs: extra turn.

Multiplier A2: 3.7, books +15%, activates hp burn, benefits from passive skill

A2 damage: 1586 x 3.7 x 1.15 x 1.15 = 7760.69, atk buffed 11641.04

A2 + A3 = 21632.84

Activated hp-burn 🔥 from A2 not even in the calculation, because it's based on enemy max hp and I don't know how to bring that into the calculation.  


Demonspawn, magic, attack based, ignores 15% of targets def, conditional damage (condition: double hit, if enemy is below 50% hp after first hit), special: can activate this attack with passive, if allie dies

Atk 1553, multiplier A2 3.6, books +20%, double hit (conditional)

Single hit: 1553 x 3.6 x 1.2 = 6708.96, atk buffed 10063.44, double hit 20126,88.

Ruel the Huntmaster

Dark Elf, spirit, legendary, atk based, conditional damage (condition: targets under Hex debuff, if so, double hit). Special: Ignores 25% of targets def, if 4 enemies are under Hex.

Atk 1696, multiplier A2: 3, books +30%, double hit if target under Hex. If not, his damage is not even worth mentioning in this list. No Hex, no damage.

1696 x 3 x 1.3 x 2 = 13228.8, atk buffed 19843.2  


Skinwalkers, void, atk based, conditional damage (condition: damage increased 1% for every 1% of hp lost). Condition can be obtained from his passive: Instantly places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 1 turn before receiving a fatal hit. Special: can place weaken (booked 100% chance) before he attacks. 

Atk 1409, multiplier 3.85, books +20%

Normal hit 1409 x 3.85 x 1.2 = 6509.58, atk buffed 9764.37

Hit with 1 hp left (unkillable) 1409 x 3.85 x 1.2 x 1.99 = 12954.06, atk buffed 19431.09 

If you have a team that gives him an atk buff and his condition of low hp at the same time is up to you, just theory crafting here. 


Orcs, force, legendary, atk based, conditional damage (condition: enemy under one of the following debuffs: fear, true fear, freeze, stun, provoke, sleep). Has a 50% chance to place stun with his single target A1 and gets an extra turn if doing so - not in calculation, because only 50% chance, I'm not going to calculate an average damage from his A1 for the chance to land 4 stuns in a row before using his A3 skill. Realism first!

Atk 1619, multiplier A3 4.2, books +25%, damage from condition + 50%

Without condition: 1619 x 4.2 x 1.25 = 8499.75, atk buffed 12749.625

With condition 1619 x 4.2 x 1,25 x 1.5 = 12749.625, atk buffed 19124.44 

Trunda Giltmallet

Dwarf, magic, legendary, atk based. Kind of condition: targets shall not have stun debuff (what her attack could place), otherwise you don't get a double hit. So build her with low acc. Dead enemies are better than stunned enemies.

Atk 1608, damage multiplier A3: 3, books +30%, double hit unless enemy is under stun

1608 x 3 x 1.3 x 2= 12542, atk buffed 18813.6

No stun on the target is not really a condition, as it's so easy to fulfill, so she gets the same just-damage-sign as Karato Foxhunter. 💪


Dark Elf, magic, legendary, atk based, conditional damage (condition: targets under any debuff, easy to obtain).

Atk 1343, multiplier A2: 4.3, books + 30%, condition: +50%

1343 x 4.3 x 1.3 x 1.5 = 11261.06, atk buffed 16891.58 

Lord Shazar

Demonspawn, spirit, legendary, attack based, conditional damage (condition: bombs that detonate after 1 turn, if placing hit is critical, otherwise after 2 turns), special: can buff himself with 50% atk and gets an extra turn after doing so.

Atk 1343, multiplier 3.2, bomb multiplier 3.2, books +25%

Hit damage 1343 x 3.2 x 1.25 = 5372, atk buffed 8058. Bomb damage (atk buffed) 8058. Total 16116


Knights Revenant, void, legendary, def based, conditional damage (condition: damage increases 10% for each debuff on the target). Special: Provoke on all enemies, shield for himself with this attack.

Def 1421, multiplier A3: 4.9, books +10%.

1421 x 4.9 x 1.1 = 7659.19, def buffed 12254.70

If target has 1 debuff 13810.17, if 3 debuffs 15931.11, if 10 debuffs 24.509.4.

Wide spectrum for Soulless, according to the number of potential debuffs. I don't think 10 debuffs are realistic in arena, so I listed him arbitrarily according to the number of 3 debuffs. If 10 debuffs are on the target, he is the no. 1 champ.


Demonspawn, force, legendary, atk based, conditional damage (condition: attacking under Veil or Perfect Veil, easy to obtain, passive that gives the needed buff, when enemies tm is increased and active skill to put Veil on himself)

Atk 1509, multiplier A2 3.7, books: +20%, condition: +40%

1509 x 3.7 x 1.2 x 1.4 = 9379.944, atk buffed: 14069.916


Skinwalker, spirit, def based, conditional damage (condition + 20% damage if def is higher than target's def, easy to obtain for a def based champ with high base def). Special: Can land decrease def before attacking and stun after the attack, chances to land booked 100%.

Question: does decrease def debuff or def buff count for his damage condition?

Def 1443, multiplier A2: 4.3, books +10%.

1443 x 4.3 x 1.1 x 1.2 = 8190.47, def buffed 13104.75 

Karato Foxhunter

Shadowkin, legendary, spirit, atk based, special: can block active skills.

Atk 1564, multiplier A3: 4.5, books +20%

1564 x 645 x 1.2 = 8445.6, atk buffed 12668.4.  


Demonspawn, spirit, epic, hp based

Hp 20970, multiplier A2: 0.22, double hit (unless enemy is under hp-burn), books: +30%

20970 x 0.22 x 1.3 x 2 = 11994.84

Less than I thought, but be aware that I calculated atk (or def) buffs on all other champs, you have to bring that buff really in your team before you get the incredible damage numbers for them. 


Sacred Order, force, legendary, atk based. Special Can place decrease def before attacking (chance to land booked 100%).

Further worth mentioning: she has another hard hitting AoE skill, that is based either on her attack or the enemies attack or def (from the highest stat of these). If based on her attack, it's weaker than the calculated skill (lower multiplier). If based on enemy stats, it gets even some extra effects, but impossible to calculate here, wich target enemy should I take?

So only looking at her A2 skill here.

1564 atk, multiplier A2: 5.1, no damage from books.

1564 x 5.1 = 7976.4, atk buffed 11964.66 


Banner lords, void, legendary, attack based, special: secret skill Skypiercer ignores 50% of target's def, shield and block damage. 

Atk 1575, multiplier Skypiercer 4.3.

1575 x 4.3 = 6772.5, atk buffed 10158.75. Not the base damage makes this skill good, but the effect of ignoring def/shields/block damage.


Demonspawn, spirit, legendary, attack and hp based, special: his AoE attack is not his best move, the champ is best knwon for his single target secret skill Peril with included block revive effect.

Hp 23120, atk 1145, multiplier A2: 1.1 x atk + 0.1 x hp, double hit, books +20%

1145 x 1.1 + 23120 x 0.1 x 1.2 x 2 = 8571,6, atk buffed 10083

That list is far away from beeing complete. But sitting on this post much longer than I initially planned, I didn't want to add damage dealers where I could see immediately from their atk stat and multiplier that they won't reach the top (like Foli), so I stopped. Between the first place on this list Sicia and Mortu-Macaab will be a lot of other damage dealers.

Did I miss somebody who could get in the top ranks?

/edit: Added some more champs.

Nov 27, 2022, 12:5811/27/22

Baron, he is borderline broken on both his A1 as well as his Skypiercer.

Rotos, even after all the nerfs he is still the king of single target.

Gaius and Soulless from KR

Acrizia, another broken champ for PvE, makes a mockery of Hydra

Nov 27, 2022, 13:4111/27/22
Tyr Anasazi

Baron, he is borderline broken on both his A1 as well as his Skypiercer.

Rotos, even after all the nerfs he is still the king of single target.

Gaius and Soulless from KR

Acrizia, another broken champ for PvE, makes a mockery of Hydra

I added some champs. Acrizia is not among them. If the damage is based on her own attack, it's good, but not in the top ranks. If based on enemy max hp, you would have to do a seperate calculation for every possible target out there.

Nov 27, 2022, 15:2111/27/22
Nov 27, 2022, 15:21(edited)

It depends 'where' you use them as well.

In arena i am finding baron the biggest hitter, its great when the opponents have shields etc as well

In hydra, when i tested trunda on normal i was able to solo the mode due to the way her skills work.

I dont have rotos, but i 'brace for impact' when he hits, he hits insanely hard.

Nov 27, 2022, 16:2011/27/22

Abbess right now hits the hardest of my arena team but I built her for just that now in game grenal it's martry or septimus for me 

Nov 27, 2022, 16:2111/27/22
Trevor Wilson

It depends 'where' you use them as well.

In arena i am finding baron the biggest hitter, its great when the opponents have shields etc as well

In hydra, when i tested trunda on normal i was able to solo the mode due to the way her skills work.

I dont have rotos, but i 'brace for impact' when he hits, he hits insanely hard.

I have trunda I don't use her on hydra how's yours built if you don't mine me asking I use elder skrag and is able to solo hydra with him

Nov 27, 2022, 16:2911/27/22
Nov 27, 2022, 16:29(edited)

I have trunda I don't use her on hydra how's yours built if you don't mine me asking I use elder skrag and is able to solo hydra with him

I only tried her a couple of times, and it was only normal - it might not work as well on proper levels 

I have her in a standard damage build (crit damage and attack).

I have an elder skarg in the vault, never thought of trying him in hydra- how do you set that up if you dont mind me asking? 

With trunda i put her in the lead for the attack bonus, use arbiter for attack up, lydia for def down and weaken  and try to get all the heads to die at the same time. Once they are down- i target the most damage prone head with the A2, then reset it with yumeko. Then i hit auto and let it run.

Nov 27, 2022, 16:3411/27/22

Abbess right now hits the hardest of my arena team but I built her for just that now in game grenal it's martry or septimus for me 

I'm surprised that Abbess is your hardest hitter. From her stats and multipliers she is not in the same level as Trunda.

Even if she hits Bystophus with her A3, damage based on his atk, it's 1795 atk x 4.5 x 1.1 (books) = 8885.25, atk buffed 13327.86. She gets 30% extra crit dam on top, but, assuming we are not talking about numbers like 70% or 100% crit dam, but something like 220% or 250%, that can not close the gap to Trunda's higher base damage.

Maybe you swap gear from her to a harder hitting champ to achieve better results. Abbess is not in the Karato or Trunda level of damage.

Nov 27, 2022, 16:4611/27/22
Trevor Wilson

I only tried her a couple of times, and it was only normal - it might not work as well on proper levels 

I have her in a standard damage build (crit damage and attack).

I have an elder skarg in the vault, never thought of trying him in hydra- how do you set that up if you dont mind me asking? 

With trunda i put her in the lead for the attack bonus, use arbiter for attack up, lydia for def down and weaken  and try to get all the heads to die at the same time. Once they are down- i target the most damage prone head with the A2, then reset it with yumeko. Then i hit auto and let it run.

Nice build out I use him in a retaltion set to keep the increase speed up so heads will target him since he has an extra buff then I use him to hp burn all the heads i have shamrock to steal all the other buffs back on the ones that norg doesn't have block buffs on and for main damage dealer I use Cupides

Nov 27, 2022, 16:4911/27/22

Nice build out I use him in a retaltion set to keep the increase speed up so heads will target him since he has an extra buff then I use him to hp burn all the heads i have shamrock to steal all the other buffs back on the ones that norg doesn't have block buffs on and for main damage dealer I use Cupides

I am going to have a play with elder skarg i think, thanks! ... i ran salad in my normal team, for the leech and crit damage increase.

I think trunda did 70 million on her own on the best run, but will try it on brutal next time.

Thanks again :)

Nov 27, 2022, 17:0411/27/22

I'm surprised that Abbess is your hardest hitter. From her stats and multipliers she is not in the same level as Trunda.

Even if she hits Bystophus with her A3, damage based on his atk, it's 1795 atk x 4.5 x 1.1 (books) = 8885.25, atk buffed 13327.86. She gets 30% extra crit dam on top, but, assuming we are not talking about numbers like 70% or 100% crit dam, but something like 220% or 250%, that can not close the gap to Trunda's higher base damage.

Maybe you swap gear from her to a harder hitting champ to achieve better results. Abbess is not in the Karato or Trunda level of damage.

she's not my hardest hitter she is my hardest hitter for arena i have started to redo tundra she does amazingly I just found abbess hits harder with what I have on her atm

Nov 27, 2022, 17:0511/27/22
Trevor Wilson

I am going to have a play with elder skarg i think, thanks! ... i ran salad in my normal team, for the leech and crit damage increase.

I think trunda did 70 million on her own on the best run, but will try it on brutal next time.

Thanks again :)

I use warlord for heals and shield so no need for leach 

Nov 27, 2022, 17:2611/27/22

she's not my hardest hitter she is my hardest hitter for arena i have started to redo tundra she does amazingly I just found abbess hits harder with what I have on her atm

I understood that her damage comes from her equip. That's the reason why I suggested to swap gear from Abbess to Trunda. 😉

In the end, helping players to find out who is the best damage dealer at their account and deserves the high end gear, is the reason why I made this thread. 

And when I write "helping players", that includes myself. I wish, I would have done this thread much earlier, to find out how good Karato is. I have to confess my biggest mistake in Raid:


I have a hitter surprisingly close to Trunda (I don't have her), and never built him. What an omission!

Nov 27, 2022, 17:3311/27/22

I understood that her damage comes from her equip. That's the reason why I suggested to swap gear from Abbess to Trunda. 😉

In the end, helping players to find out who is the best damage dealer at their account and deserves the high end gear, is the reason why I made this thread. 

And when I write "helping players", that includes myself. I wish, I would have done this thread much earlier, to find out how good Karato is. I have to confess my biggest mistake in Raid:


I have a hitter surprisingly close to Trunda (I don't have her), and never built him. What an omission!

it also comes down to mastries I haven't built her out yet but she's almost done I'm going to wait until I get what I need I hate robbing from someone I put slot of time in there is a few champs I refuse to steal gear from 

Nov 27, 2022, 20:4311/27/22

I understood that her damage comes from her equip. That's the reason why I suggested to swap gear from Abbess to Trunda. 😉

In the end, helping players to find out who is the best damage dealer at their account and deserves the high end gear, is the reason why I made this thread. 

And when I write "helping players", that includes myself. I wish, I would have done this thread much earlier, to find out how good Karato is. I have to confess my biggest mistake in Raid:


I have a hitter surprisingly close to Trunda (I don't have her), and never built him. What an omission!

I love Karato.  

I was very busy during his fusion, but had no nukers at the time, and got him specifically for that purpose. Since then, he and Magnarr have been my two main nukers in Tag. 

Besides his super high damage single target A2, his A3 is nothing to shake a stick at. I usually lock down the enemy team with the A3, then circle back around and snipe them one by one with his A2 until his A3 cooldown resets and then lock the (usually still alive) Siphi/Duchess back down. 

Basically with his A3 first, I can blast through shields while CCing, and bring the enemy champs into range of an A2 snipe without the need of a Dec Def champ, opening another slot to deal with whatever nonsense is on the enemy team. 😆 😆

Nov 27, 2022, 20:5711/27/22

I love Karato.  

I was very busy during his fusion, but had no nukers at the time, and got him specifically for that purpose. Since then, he and Magnarr have been my two main nukers in Tag. 

Besides his super high damage single target A2, his A3 is nothing to shake a stick at. I usually lock down the enemy team with the A3, then circle back around and snipe them one by one with his A2 until his A3 cooldown resets and then lock the (usually still alive) Siphi/Duchess back down. 

Basically with his A3 first, I can blast through shields while CCing, and bring the enemy champs into range of an A2 snipe without the need of a Dec Def champ, opening another slot to deal with whatever nonsense is on the enemy team. 😆 😆

Reading your post I just recognized that his A2 is only single target. While comparing dozens of champs and skills and seeing "attacks one enemie" or "attack all enemies" in every line of text, I made a mistake. 

Karato is still good, but not as good as I thought, I have to adjust my initial post of the thread.

Nov 27, 2022, 21:0411/27/22

Reading your post I just recognized that his A2 is only single target. While comparing dozens of champs and skills and seeing "attacks one enemie" or "attack all enemies" in every line of text, I made a mistake. 

Karato is still good, but not as good as I thought, I have to adjust my initial post of the thread.

Single target is very good right now, especially when dealing with Duchess, and I'm assuming it's only gonna get worse as people finish Forge Pass with Defiant being only a two piece set.

Thanks to his extra turn mechanic, and with how hard that A2 hits, he often just drops an entire gold tag team with no issues.

But yeah, his A3 is his only AOE.

Nov 27, 2022, 21:5911/27/22

I noticed hurndig isn't on here I got him about 1 month ago or alittle more and he's really shown some skill in one Of my tag arena teams 

Nov 30, 2022, 22:1811/30/22

Trunda isnt just gear or just multipliers, its also her abilities which are great in the right situation

My trunda is not geared well she isnt even in savage, this is full auto from turn 4 

Yes its just normal but she is a beast
