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Restore Relentless

Restore Relentless

Nov 25, 2022, 07:1611/25/22

Restore Relentless

OK, so I have been away from the game for a while.... like 2 years, but when I get back none of my extra turn champs like Robar, Athel, Danag who all wear relentless dominate like they used to. Those double extra turns were a rare treat.

I understand that Rotos broke relentless, so fix Rotos, not the gear.

Nov 25, 2022, 08:2711/25/22

100%, this is BS

Nov 25, 2022, 08:4511/25/22

I don't believe Danag was around 2 years ago.

Anyway, I think Relentless is in a pretty good place and I really can't foresee it getting any changes. But, this was all covered in the previous thread you necro'd less than a week ago.

It is a very strong PvE set that has its place, especially in certain CB and Hydra builds. 

Nov 25, 2022, 09:0411/25/22
Nov 25, 2022, 09:05(edited)

yeah, sorry for the necro post, I just googled "relentless nerf" and was taken there, i didnt check the date of the OP.

But seriously, the gear says "18% chance to get an extra turn" not "18% chance to get an extra turn except.."

"Pretty Good" is not the level Relentless gear should be aiming for, its the premium gear handed out for tourneys only! might as well just farm dungeons instead of investing in tourneys.

Nov 25, 2022, 09:4311/25/22

Extraturns accumulating if they proc from a skill and a set at the same time is just bullshit. Best decision ever from Plarium they capped this. I'm happy that I started Raid after this could happen.

Should a 60% def debuff and a 30% debuff stack? Or a 30% spd buff and a 15% speed buff?

It's a chance to get an extra turn from two different sources. If you buy two lottery tickets and the first one you open is the main price, you don't say it's unfair that the second ticket can't win they main price anymore.

Nov 25, 2022, 09:4611/25/22

I don't believe Danag was around 2 years ago.

Anyway, I think Relentless is in a pretty good place and I really can't foresee it getting any changes. But, this was all covered in the previous thread you necro'd less than a week ago.

It is a very strong PvE set that has its place, especially in certain CB and Hydra builds. 

Danag is from 2022, yes. He came out with the Opardin fusion. 

Would need a time machine to have equipped him over two years ago. :D :D

Nov 25, 2022, 10:4511/25/22

so I equiped Danag with relentless without realising it had been nerfed. It took me a while to realise double extra turns werent a thing anymore.

we arent talking about the lottery or buffs or debuffs @Skadi, we are talking about gear and skills. Relentless doesnt proc 18% of the time as advertised if its on a champ who gets extra turns from skills, so its weaker on those champs than others. How would you feel if your crit rate gear didnt stack with a crit rate aura, or speed gear with a speed aura?

Nov 25, 2022, 12:2311/25/22
Nov 25, 2022, 12:45(edited)

Extra turns and crit rate are indeed great to compare.

Crit rate is a chance, if it procs, it procs, increase beyond 100% chance has no effect.

Gear or skill give a chance for an extra turn. If it procs, it procs. Increase beyond 100% has no effect.

The extra turn the main price of the lottery. After you allready won the main price, you can't say "but my second ticket has a 18% chance for the main price. That is not true anymore! 😭 Buy a second main price for your lottery, and if my second ticket procs, give me both".

Athel can still get 3 turns in a row. If you use her A3, you get an extra turn with a chance of 100%. In that extra turn, relentless set has an 18% chance to proc, like allways (new turn, new lottery). The only thing that does not happen is, that a proc from relentless in turn 1 is saved and automatically gives another extra turn in addition. 

It was not even a nerf (nerf = changing an initially wanted game mechanic, because it turned out as to strong), but a bufgfix (bugfix = changing an unintentionally game mechanic that was never wanted by the developers). In the Patch notes of 1.14 the change in relentless is listed under bugfix. Nobody ever wanted stored extra turns.

Patch notes 

To clarify,
Champions can still get multiple turns via the Relentless Set. However,
where before the engine calculated both extra turns from Skill usage
and Relentless
proccing at the same time, 'saving' those turns to be used immediately
after the first one, now it only calculates the extra turn from the
Relentless Set
or the Champion's
Skill at a single given instance. Once that extra turn has been
obtained, the engine no longer attempts to calculate additional extra

But if the Champion gets an extra turn from their Relentless Set and then uses their Skill for another extra turn, it will work exactly as intended and vice versa.  

Nov 26, 2022, 00:5711/26/22

good points, lets agree to disagree

"But if the Champion gets an extra turn from their Relentless Set and then uses their Skill for another extra turn, it will work exactly as intended and vice versa.   "

This isnt the case with Robar, if he gets an extra turn from Relentless then lands a stun, he still only gets one extra turn. Or perhaps thats what they mean by "exactly as intended" *shrug*

Nov 26, 2022, 01:1111/26/22

good points, lets agree to disagree

"But if the Champion gets an extra turn from their Relentless Set and then uses their Skill for another extra turn, it will work exactly as intended and vice versa.   "

This isnt the case with Robar, if he gets an extra turn from Relentless then lands a stun, he still only gets one extra turn. Or perhaps thats what they mean by "exactly as intended" *shrug*

Once an Extra Turn is triggered, you cannot bank another turn for the future, and that is always how the mechanic was meant to work. You have to earn your next extra turn during your current turn, and don't get to stack them up to use multiple in a row.

The Patch Notes clearly explain the way it was working was a bug, and how it works properly now.

Nov 26, 2022, 01:3011/26/22

If he get's an extra turn from relentless and in his extra turn lands a stun from his A1, he get's another extra turn, so he has 3 turns in a row.

If he uses his A1 in turn 1, places a stun, gets an extra turn and in this extra turn relentless procs, he gets another extra turn and has 3 turns in a row.

If in his turn 1 relentless procs and he lands a stun, he gets one extra turn. That is exactly what is intended. No stored extra turns that go in an automatic chain. Good game design to prevent bullshit like one champ going 1274565 times in a row in a turn based game - wich is still possible in theory, but rather unlikeley without stored extra turns.

Nov 26, 2022, 01:5811/26/22
Nov 26, 2022, 01:58(edited)

I liked it the way it was and i think it didnt need to be changed.

but hey, someone did, so ill roll with it.

Dec 9, 2022, 15:0912/09/22

Stacking turns still works with passives + active skills. Throw into mix relentless set and you get plenty of turns for another extra turn to proc.