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Help moving from Nm to UNM CB Currently consistently 2 keying NM

Help moving from Nm to UNM CB Currently consistently 2 keying NM

Nov 7, 2022, 14:4711/07/22

Help moving from Nm to UNM CB Currently consistently 2 keying NM

Keep In mind before going in to hard on me I have been running this CB setup for quite a while with only change being adding in Fatman and Have got a lot of new characters since than but since I have not felt until now I can really think about moving up based on gear changes and farming and all have not bothered changing but now is the time . I mean why try and fix what was not broken till you need to upgrade right lol here is the situation .

I am currently 2 keying NM no problem about 25 mil a key depending on affinity . My current team I use is Vizier Ninja Fayne Fatman and Yannica . i know yuannica needs replaced the most but no other decent Leech debuffers atm . I have deacon but he is a buit squishy might just need to gear him more. Im thinking sepulcher should be added and other than than I am unsure . Currently fayne does 2nd highest damage most runs depending on how many poisons fatman gets before her and ninja is top . fatman is 3rd again depends on poisons . I will post my roster and thanks for help in advance . I know some of my issue is gearing but I want to know what characters are best to focus on that I have before I waste all the time gear and silver on them . I am a free to play also so keep this in mind when roasting me . oh yannica is booked that is also why deacon is not in her place . 



Nov 7, 2022, 15:5811/07/22
Nov 7, 2022, 15:59(edited)

Vizier Ovelis (turn off his A2 and A3 on auto, just A1) is great to hold up the debuffs other champs set for the fight. 10 debuffs all the time once they are placed.

Ninja brings burn, decr. def and his extreme damage.

Fayne decr. attack, poison, weaken.

I think that is enough offense. You have decr. atk, decr. def, weaken, hp burn and room for 6 Poisons and Vizier will keep all debuffs active for the whole fight. Fayne needs to activate her A2 (booked 3 turn cooldown) 3times to fill up 6 poisons, that's after 9 turns.

The rest of the team should be defensive champs like UDK or Sigmund, that make your team stay alive for more additional turns.

Of course all champs lvl 60 and Warmaster/Giantslayer as tier 6 mastery. As this team lacks a leech champ, you could think about life steal set on everybody.

Nov 7, 2022, 16:1711/07/22

One small problem with running Vizier alongside Ninja - if you're not careful, Vizier will stack up poisons and Ninja won't be able to place burn anymore.

I don't know if that's enough to justify not using him, but just something to keep in mind.

Nov 7, 2022, 16:2111/07/22

One small problem with running Vizier alongside Ninja - if you're not careful, Vizier will stack up poisons and Ninja won't be able to place burn anymore.

I don't know if that's enough to justify not using him, but just something to keep in mind.

This is certainly something I would caution against as well. Ninja exploding and then replacing his own burns is a huge part of his damage.

Nov 7, 2022, 16:2311/07/22

The "simple" way around this is to run manual for a bit. Fayne does DEF down, Weaken, ATK down, and poisons. Assuming nobody else is running any debuffs, that leaves exactly enough space for 6 more poisons before the burn from ninja.

If you turn Fayne A2 off on auto, and run manual for three-ish rotations of her A2, you get exactly enough debuffs to ensure that Ninja can continue using the last debuff slot for his burn.

Nov 7, 2022, 16:3211/07/22

So we have Toragi, who is the best CB Ally Protector in the game. He is a must take to 60, in my opinion.

We have Venomage, who can bring us Dec Attack/Dec Defense, Poisons and Poison Explosions. They also bring 15% damage reduction for our entire team.

We have Ninja, who is hands down the best CB damage dealer in the entire game. The only other champ you could argue is as good is Geomancer, who you are also fortunate enough to have. I woud choose Ninja for now.

Sepulcher Sentinel will bring Inc Def, Dec Atk and affinity friendliness into our comp. This is great if your clan, like mine, kills UNM CB in the first 30 minutes.

Deacon Armstrong brings in Leech, a TM fill, and a speed aura to help us reach 2:1 speeds much easier. Getting our 2 DPS taking way more turns is much more important than stacking on extra poisons, in my opinion.

Nov 7, 2022, 16:3311/07/22

The "simple" way around this is to run manual for a bit. Fayne does DEF down, Weaken, ATK down, and poisons. Assuming nobody else is running any debuffs, that leaves exactly enough space for 6 more poisons before the burn from ninja.

If you turn Fayne A2 off on auto, and run manual for three-ish rotations of her A2, you get exactly enough debuffs to ensure that Ninja can continue using the last debuff slot for his burn.


The simplest way is to just use our Toragi and Venomage for poisons, our Ninja for tons of damage, and ignore Vizier for now. I would assert that is the case in a 2:1, 4:3, or even 1:1 comp. :)

Nov 7, 2022, 16:4111/07/22

I ahve never once had an issue with ninja not being able to place his burn even after exploding and getting replaced by a opison i guess it is possible but never once has happened .  usually vizier extends it so never goes away to be covered up .   also to first post yes that is the first three people i use i need helop with the rest of the team .   and yes they are all booked with masteries .    without a lech I can not stay alive for anything and the grind for life steal is outweighed by briunging a champ with leech 

Nov 7, 2022, 16:4411/07/22

So we have Toragi, who is the best CB Ally Protector in the game. He is a must take to 60, in my opinion.

We have Venomage, who can bring us Dec Attack/Dec Defense, Poisons and Poison Explosions. They also bring 15% damage reduction for our entire team.

We have Ninja, who is hands down the best CB damage dealer in the entire game. The only other champ you could argue is as good is Geomancer, who you are also fortunate enough to have. I woud choose Ninja for now.

Sepulcher Sentinel will bring Inc Def, Dec Atk and affinity friendliness into our comp. This is great if your clan, like mine, kills UNM CB in the first 30 minutes.

Deacon Armstrong brings in Leech, a TM fill, and a speed aura to help us reach 2:1 speeds much easier. Getting our 2 DPS taking way more turns is much more important than stacking on extra poisons, in my opinion.

So to make sure I get it right your saying go toragi ninja  venomage sepulcher and deacon?     dont bother with the extension from vizier since we should stack enough of the debuffs if speed tuned to not worry   correct ?>

I tried to run venomage before instead of fatman but that did not go so well in terms of the poisons he explodes are still too much for vizier for some reasons to keep extended maybe bad luck but wasnt staying on so was losing stacks of poison damage when they fell off making his explosions pointless if you cant have both tick and explosion  

Nov 7, 2022, 17:0311/07/22

So to make sure I get it right your saying go toragi ninja  venomage sepulcher and deacon?     dont bother with the extension from vizier since we should stack enough of the debuffs if speed tuned to not worry   correct ?>

I tried to run venomage before instead of fatman but that did not go so well in terms of the poisons he explodes are still too much for vizier for some reasons to keep extended maybe bad luck but wasnt staying on so was losing stacks of poison damage when they fell off making his explosions pointless if you cant have both tick and explosion  

Correct, that is what I am saying. A 2:1 team will stack up enough poisons to be a huge damage boost for you. Especially since Toragi poisons as well. 

Explosions are great in a faster comp because you get double the chances to place and then explode, no need for extensions, IMO.

I'm big into Venomage because not only are they are great CB DPS, the damage mitigation is quite important to sustain a good deal longer. :)