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Becoming disinterested

Becoming disinterested

Nov 3, 2022, 04:4011/03/22

Becoming disinterested

1) Hate the incessant Ads to buy. Besides the price increases as you level up. Not interested in keeping users who are not rich evidently. 2) No information about how to make a good team. Nor why even though the Team power is less than yours, it is "unbeatable", e.g. evenly matched. I left my computer on one day and the same Classic Arean battle was playing when I got home. 3) Looking for a Spread Sheet of Champions that I can sort in Excel. I try to remember but there are so many Champions, I loose track of which one I want to advance.

Nov 3, 2022, 04:5711/03/22

It is what it is, boss. Wish I could tell you any different, but them's the breaks. If you stick to the game and only the game, yeah it is exactly like that. But if you have a good clan (shameless plug: if you play CvC actively and hit Hydra, join ours) and if you visit this forum every now and then, it's not that bad. 

I don't rely on Plarum to keep me entertained about the game, I'm just having fun discussing progress and plotting for the next CvC with "my people". I mean Grampa Kram has beaten everything there is to beat in this game, and he still draws pleasure from schooling and condescending to us :) 

Find you a good active clan and post here if you want to discuss anything. We're not exactly overburdened with inquiries on this forum, if you know what I mean. But the banter is good. 

Nov 3, 2022, 05:4811/03/22

If you want an Excel spreadsheet you have to build your own.  That is what I do.  

This game is for gamblers and mathematicians.  Youtube content creators provide enough information you can play, and progress, as F2P.  This forum offers great input.  

The game feels like you have to play it every day but you can tale a break without any penalities.  

Good luck.  

Nov 3, 2022, 19:4311/03/22

I myself just wish it was a little more involving other than the ads that is. Here is a champion go grind out the champion for 2 years for leveling and masteries then come back for 5 minutes to beat what you did the grinding for two years to do. (Exaggeration here for effect) but anyone grinding out 60's knows what I mean with leveling and masteries. A little more story line based, a few other decisions to make outside of the dungeons and things to make it somewhat more entertaining. 

Nov 3, 2022, 20:0611/03/22

The adverts are like this on many mobile games really, I played a few before this and they all had lots of adverts.

As for the game being repetitive, yes it is. And yes grinding is central to it. That's been central to progressional games since I first booted up my BBC micro as a kid ;)

If not enjoying it, don't play. I left once myself for six months. Personally I enjoy building teams that work well on auto despite the awful AI. I spend more time working on hydra teams than anything else right now.

Overall I would say there is more depth to the game than it seems at first, however all the complaints about the repetitive nature of the game and how much time it takes to do daily tasks are all 

Nov 3, 2022, 20:1311/03/22

I myself just wish it was a little more involving other than the ads that is. Here is a champion go grind out the champion for 2 years for leveling and masteries then come back for 5 minutes to beat what you did the grinding for two years to do. (Exaggeration here for effect) but anyone grinding out 60's knows what I mean with leveling and masteries. A little more story line based, a few other decisions to make outside of the dungeons and things to make it somewhat more entertaining. 

It's a curve, and you're on the very bottom of it. For end-game players, getting someone new to 60 literally takes about a minute - just dump a pile of brews and gems and poof, you're done.

Even actually doing it through food is a relatively painless process. I'd guesstimate about a week to get all the food you would need to bring one champ to 60, and that's with dungeon solo farming. Going through the campaign route, you probably can do it in like 3 days.

Jan 5, 2023, 13:2401/05/23

Now they have this new Sand Devil's Necropolis, what is the point, I can't even beat level one. Give me a break. I am NOT rich, so I can buy all the MODs to beat this Dungeon. So, it is useless, worthless, except to the Rich player.

Jan 5, 2023, 14:4401/05/23

It's NOT complete yet but I've started a spreadsheet similar to what you're seeking I think. 

It's got all the Champions that Ayumi knew of as of the beginning of December (with links to her pages). 

It's also got links to HellHades' pages but that column is still very incomplete. 

One must enter the Power of each of ones champions 

There is a column called Power in Context that I fill with the product of each champion's power multiplied by the star rankings for whatever battle venue one wants to build a team for. I'm continually resetting this column as I've yet to work out an automated switching mechanism. But it's not that onerous a task as one simply does one and then pastes that formula into all cells in the column

I've also not yet worked out a means of factoring in the Affinity Bonus/Penalty but that SHOULD be doable as well

I then sort the whole sheet in descending order of power in Context to see the best potential team members for any team (Sort by Faction and THEN power in context for Faction Wars teams) 

Of course, I then have to manually determine which leader I want based on aura, and whenever possible I try to balance the team to include all 4 roles. 

Here's a link to my Current sheet that anyone SHOULD be able access 

Jan 5, 2023, 14:4701/05/23

Now they have this new Sand Devil's Necropolis, what is the point, I can't even beat level one. Give me a break. I am NOT rich, so I can buy all the MODs to beat this Dungeon. So, it is useless, worthless, except to the Rich player.

pretty sure the point is to give content to endgame players who have largely completed the other areas of the game. if you're still unable to clear the first floor, i think its a safe bet that there's still plenty of content left for you to challenge yourself with.