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need to 6 star ascend a force champion

need to 6 star ascend a force champion

Oct 31, 2022, 16:5310/31/22

need to 6 star ascend a force champion

As a part of Arbiter quest, I need to fully ascend a force champion, meaning I have to max out a force champion. Is there any force champion you can see worth maxing out? I'm looking for help with clan boss, hydra or doom tower. Or should I put the mission on hold till I get a better champion?


Oct 31, 2022, 16:5810/31/22

Rector Drath is definitely worth 60ing and fully ascending. She's a very strong support and reviver. :)

Oct 31, 2022, 17:1210/31/22

+1 to Drath. Fits the bill as a very strong Hydra and Doom Tower champ, just a good all around option to have 60'd.

Oct 31, 2022, 17:3810/31/22

Kind of off topic but op you should save resources and not ascend and level so many rares right now or awaken them. Focus on making 60s.

Oct 31, 2022, 18:2810/31/22

Yup, unquestionably Drath. The only alternate, I guess, would be Heiress if you're building it into a CB team.

Oct 31, 2022, 18:3510/31/22

Thank you for the suggestions. Looks like Knight Reveland faction team will get a huge boost. :)

Oct 31, 2022, 18:5110/31/22

Yup, unquestionably Drath. The only alternate, I guess, would be Heiress if you're building it into a CB team.

I'm building Apothecary for the CB team at the moment and even thinking about building another Kael, one suitable for clan boss with more defence. Currently High Khatun dies around boss count 14. Everyone else except Ultimate Death Knight dies around boss count 20 - 22 on brutal although UDK lasts over count 30. So was hoping Apo will provide extra heal as well as speed boost. Is Heiress going to be better than Apo? 

I don't have counter attack champion so the only thing I can rely at the moment is speed, defence and poison. I keep wishing for Geomancer or Frozen Banjee whenever I pull shard, but I only have coffin smasher (and only very recently) and not sure whether I should build him.

Also maxing out Dukh the pierced and replacing him with Stag Knight might help seeing he is defence based champion and they do similar things?

Oct 31, 2022, 18:5910/31/22
Nana Grant

I'm building Apothecary for the CB team at the moment and even thinking about building another Kael, one suitable for clan boss with more defence. Currently High Khatun dies around boss count 14. Everyone else except Ultimate Death Knight dies around boss count 20 - 22 on brutal although UDK lasts over count 30. So was hoping Apo will provide extra heal as well as speed boost. Is Heiress going to be better than Apo? 

I don't have counter attack champion so the only thing I can rely at the moment is speed, defence and poison. I keep wishing for Geomancer or Frozen Banjee whenever I pull shard, but I only have coffin smasher (and only very recently) and not sure whether I should build him.

Also maxing out Dukh the pierced and replacing him with Stag Knight might help seeing he is defence based champion and they do similar things?

No Heiress will not be. She is for a very specific Demytha based Unkillable CB team. Without Demytha, no one has any reason to build Heiress.

I would also not build a second Kael. One is enough, really. If you'd like, why don't you start a new thread for your CB team? Please post your full roster, and the builds on your current CB team champs, and we'll see about making some suggestions for viable teams and champ builds. :)

Oct 31, 2022, 21:2210/31/22

Currently, I'm using High Khatun, UDK, Stag Knight, Kael and Evicerator. Before I used Miscreated Monster instead of High Khatun, but despite team dying earlier, having speed boost seems to increase overall damage by 1-2 million. Not much but I can finally two keying top chest for brutal. :) 

High Khatun in relentless gear. UDK and Stag Knight in bolster. Kael and Evicerator in lifesteal. I put Apocaethry in bolster gear and he should be fully booked and fully maxed and ascended in a week or two. I tried replacing Evicerator with Coldheart but surprisingly Coldheart does less damage in clan boss. Maybe because her max hp damage is limited in clan boss or because Evicerator's poinson comes from her A1. 

The reason I decided to go for Apocaethey is because although we will lose speed lead, we will get back defence aura from UDK and adding that to Apo's heal, the team will last longer. Am going to max out High Khatun once I get hold of accuracy banner for Babarians. Just can't get any banner for that faction at the moment and without it, her accuracy is too low and debuffs keep failing to land so she isn't of great use to me at the moment. Once she gets maxed out, I can compare her with Apo.

Stag Knight does very little damage in clan boss (built for speed and accuracy not damage), but puts up debuff reliably. UDK is built for resistance and not accuracy, because he is a tank in spider. So Stag Knight is vital, but I'm thinking maybe Dukh the Pierced can fill that role, do more damage and survive longer if I max him out.

Any suggestions to improve my clan boss team will be appreciated,



Nov 1, 2022, 00:2011/01/22

Oof. You have a ... lot of questionable level 50s. I would highly advise you to *stop* leveling anything other than food for the next like ... six months. You have more than enough 50s worthy of ranking up. Stop getting more.

In terms of CB, you have a pretty decent starter team, with UDK, Stag, Kael, Hotatsu, and, I suppose, Eviscerator, just because I don't think you should be leveling anyone new for now.

Nov 1, 2022, 08:2011/01/22

Yeh, can't help wanting to find out what each champions can do. Which ones among my 50s, should I prioritize? All the dungeon teams are sorted so I just need help with clan boss, doom tower bosses and hydra (which I have a pretty sad record for).

Nov 1, 2022, 12:2411/01/22

I'm thinking the next one should be Rector Drath, after that Inquisitor Shamael to fully ascend a void champ for Arbitor quest. After that Hotasu. Followed by High Khatun. By then surely I will get the right banner. I can of course regear her completely so she gets the necessary accuracy, but it's so expensive to regear a champ and I kind of like relentless gear on her. After that, maybe Dukh the Pierced? Have I missed out anyone?

Nov 2, 2022, 08:2511/02/22

My brutal clan boss record has improved. :)


Apothecary is still not fully booked and his mastery is far from being completed. So there is a room for improvement. Also a couple of Evicerator's gears are not fully maxed because she has a couple of four star gear. Same with Kael. Should be able to up their health and defence when I find suitable gear.

 I also ran the first 12 boss count manually because I found out that no one needs a heal until count 12 or so. They are healing either from bolster regeneration or lifesteal. So UDK did dmage only up to boss counts 12. Everyone manage to survive until boss count 28 or so. Looks like bringing Apo in was the correct decision. I will keep experimenting until I get a better clan boss champ.