I for one don't really care about them doing something this intense again - completely ruined the fun for me seeing no progress at all within the training event, spending thousands of energy, leveling what felt like hundreds of champions etc.
The point distribution is a bit weird. I get there should be diminishing returns on how many points one should get for leveling a hero, but imo it doesn't make sense to receive 1 point for a 1* champ but only 3 points for a 4* champ, which equals 24 1* champs.
See the point decay below:
1* champ = 1x 1* champ - 1 point = 100%
2* champ = 2x 1* champ - 1 point = 50%
3* champ = 6x 1* champ - 2 points = 33,33%
4* champ = 24x 1* champ - 3 points = 12,5%
5* champ = 120x 1* champ - 6 points = 5%
6* champ = 720x 1* champ - 8 points = 1,11%
Higher champions should be worth way more points. And this is coming from a light spender (should be less than 40€ in 2 purchases in 5 months), the latest of which is ~2-3 months ago.
Let*s say you had 500 mystery shards saved up prior to the event. On everage this would net you:
- 371 1* champs
- 122 2* champs
- 7 3* champs
These could all be leveled to 10 for 4000 energy to get 4563 points.
Ranking up all 1* champs and leveling these again to 10 would net to a total of 7153 points, with an energy expenditure of 5480. You can get what, 480 + 2* 120 (calculating for a level 50 player) = 720 energy per day. That's 7,61 days from daily energy to hit those 5480. And what have you got? Merely a little bit over 1/3
So you have used your shards and energy, and now Plarium does the following:
- Easy summoning event on the side to have players spend at least those 120 mystery shards for steel bowyer required for the fusion. Or if you had, 6 ancients or 1 void shard.
- Ridiculous summoning event after the training event is over and players spent all their shards to get those points required for towering titan.