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May plarium and all their staff be treated the same way they treat the players.

May plarium and all their staff be treated the same way they treat the players.

Jul 15, 2019, 21:4607/15/19

May plarium and all their staff be treated the same way they treat the players.

This message is not directed towards plarium, because it's evident that they don't give a shit about what the community has to say. This is an advice to newer players, so that they don't waste their time and grow full of regret like I did. And I hope no moderator or community manager comes here pretending to care about feedback and the satisfaction of the player base.

This last event was the ultimate slap in the face that we could take. Actually I still have a small chance of completing it. All I need is to login into an alt account and grind from level 20 to 30 in 3 days so that i can get a void shard from the referral link. As a f2p player I was feeling pretty good so far. I got lucky and was very happy with the idea of getting my first legendary. I'm level55, I have about 3 months and a half of playing time and this is the closest I ever got to a legendary.

I even defended the event a few times, because there was a lot of people saying it was impossible while I was proving that it was possible, though very difficult. Now I still insist to say that it is possible. But is it realistic and more importantly is it really worth it? To me it stopped being worth it when I realized that plarium has 0 (ZERO) consideration for the fanbase.

Even if I finish the fusion I will have a hard time playing this game because I don't want to support this company and this business model. I promised to myself that i would not put any money on this game. But if I keep putting my time and effort into this, then plarium have already won. If i don't uninstall this game then I'll be admitting that I have no self respect and that I don't oppose to being treated like a fool.

At first I thought this game was like gambling but I have come to realize that it's actually a lot worse. It you go to a casino and gamble, you might end up making some money. Now this game is a bottomless Pit. Any money you put here will never come back. And often it won't even get you what you wished for. And it gets worse. When you gamble you usually know the rules of the game. On this game - particularly on this event - you only get to know the rules when you already lost. Could you make this even worse? (plarium: hold my nerf). If you manage to beat the odds, and get the prize, they can still change the rules any time, making your prize worthless.

You would think that with the growing discontent of the community they would make an effort to increase the quality of the product and raise our approval. But they are so disconnected from the community that you have a hard time trying to reach to a community manager. If you go into the official forum you will see more posts from spammer bots than from mods or community managers. As a matter of fact, if they plan on banning the people who sells accounts, they might as well shut down their forum cause it looks like a Chinese account store.

I want to end this rant not with an insult but with a big THANK YOU plarium. This event made me realize that I was throwing my life away while playing this game. Now I can be much more productive. And even if I don't feel like I want to be productive, I'll be able to focus better on whatever netflix show I was watching, instead of watching and playing at the same time. I will also have more time to spend on PC games. I've always been a PC gamer and I've spent a lot of money on games on steam and other platforms. Because I know that when I buy PC game, I'll usually pay a fair amount and have access to any game content the developer creates.

So goodbye and good luck to whoever is naive enough to still believe in this company.

Jul 16, 2019, 00:0307/16/19

Good for you!  Glad to see you came to your senses like I did, lol.  

And as far as you said about a PC game, true story!  You can buy a used PC game online with AMAZING graphics, in-depth storyline, etc. for like $10-20 easy.  Meanwhile, this basic, lacking content APP charges $100 for some of their packages (sneakily disguised for the idiots as $99, but get real, it's $100).

Make sure to dispute the charges with the app store.  You are well within your rights considering the paywall scam they have set up.  Best wishes to you in the future! :)