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Perhaps a future compromise?

Perhaps a future compromise?

Jul 15, 2019, 12:0807/15/19

Perhaps a future compromise?

Good morning all, Marius, and Cirilla,

First off with full disclosure I am one of those who listened roughly a month ago when there was the announcement that there was going to be a big event and to prepare.  So I stockpiled energy, shards, 2x Exp, artifacts, gems (~3000), etc.  The only purchase I made was a monthly raid pass and other than the new player pack about 3 months ago that is all I have purchased.  With that preparation I have been able to get all of the champs needed for the fusion.  I am only a few Force potions away from completing the ascensions and then fusing Foli.

With that being said, I realize I am in the vast minority.  I have truly enjoyed this game, but the amount of anger coming from the community from this fusion event has been vast and, I do hope, noticed by the game developers.  From everything I have been reading here, on the discord channels, on the Facebook groups, and in game chat has mostly revolved around what the community sees as events that no longer support the community's desire to play the game and instead focus solely on revenue generation.  I must admit that when I saw the final Summoning event announcement as the last piece of the puzzle I was disappointed and once it finally dropped it sort of felt like me to be a "bait and switch" style event.  I believe most of the community had expected an artifact enhancement event as it was the last style not used or at the very least a reasonable summon event for more of the F2P or lesser P2P players close to what was offered earlier in the fusion event.  This led to the immediate backlash that you are seeing here, discord, Facebook, etc. this morning.

So here is my recommendation as a compromise that you might consider in the future (obviously there is no chance to change the present).  I believe large scale events like this can be enjoyable by all if they are prepared for them, however I also know that as a company you need to generate revenue to continue to produce updates and new content.  So in the future I believe everyone could benefit if 2 things occurred, first in the initial announcements there is more description in what is needed to prepare for the event in order to receive the advertised award (new fusion for example).  Second, the structure of the event could be designed so that if the players prepared as recommended from the initial posts that they could receive the advertised award, then the upper level event rewards could either lead to a "secret" fusion or provide some additional characters that could be quite desirable and may encourage players to invest some additional funds to obtain.

I believe this could be fair to the players as they would be able to obtain (with work) what is advertised and still provide incentive for them to support Plarium financially.