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Where is compensation for the weeks of crashing and load failures?!

Where is compensation for the weeks of crashing and load failures?!

Jul 12, 2019, 15:4807/12/19

Where is compensation for the weeks of crashing and load failures?!

Where is the compensation from the weeks of crashing and failure to load issues we all experienced?   The disaster that was 1.8 went on for weeks and I feel like they just "forgot" about this.

Jul 12, 2019, 22:3907/12/19

Well you got your key, arena tokens and silver. You dont enjoy it?

Jul 13, 2019, 05:5607/13/19

Some people have said that the pathetic excuse for compensation a few weeks back... some silver and a book... was all we'd get for the weeks of failure? 

UNACCEPTABLE.  How is it this company continues to treat players and customers this way?
Jul 14, 2019, 21:0407/14/19

Still not seeing any mention of proper compensation for the huge number of players (including myself) that lost out on tons of energy, keys, gems, etc.

The issue seems to be better now, maybe once failure per day average.   But it was horrible a few weeks back (for several weeks).  When/where are we going to see some compensation for this that even remotely makes up for what we lost?
Jul 15, 2019, 00:2407/15/19

i think they said they'll compensate when they have fixed the problem.

the problem is not fixed.

Jul 15, 2019, 13:4107/15/19
oitgg450 said:

Where is the compensation from the weeks of crashing and failure to load issues we all experienced?   The disaster that was 1.8 went on for weeks and I feel like they just "forgot" about this.

You are joking right ? Its Plarium you talking about - money , money and money thats all they care
Jul 15, 2019, 14:0907/15/19
Derpa666-SPA said:

i think they said they'll compensate when they have fixed the problem.

the problem is not fixed.

Then we will never see any compensation :D
Jul 18, 2019, 15:4807/18/19

Well hopefully people continue call them out both on official forums, Discord, and Reddit.

The community is getting more and more toxic, this recent Fusion release was a nightmare for anyone reading reddit, discord, and official forums.  Guilds full of people very upset.

Anyway, if people don't continue to call them out and demand that they "do better" they will continue to milk people for every penny they can and provide less and less value in return.
Jul 25, 2019, 17:5407/25/19

Still waiting on this.   It's been weeks, months even!    Why is this company treating it's customers like complete garbage on a regular basis.  

Game breaking issues, critical customer concerns, people straight up losing purchased things within the game.... and we're just ignored.   The new "updates" push endlessly increasing money grabbing, greedy practices without providing any improved/increased value in return.
Jul 25, 2019, 19:3807/25/19
Don't worry friend, it is coming "SOON" hahaahahahah
Jul 25, 2019, 20:3007/25/19
well, after 1.8 update they said that they didn't forget, so i guess they know, but they also said "soon", so ... that's that
Jul 25, 2019, 20:5907/25/19
I've made countless posts regarding this same problem.  I've had it constantly! since 1.7 it's now so far past the fact that no amount of compensation is going to be fair as this just balloons out of control now. just keep buying ridiculous price point packs so plarium can "fly youtubers" out for meet n greets..
Jul 31, 2019, 05:1107/31/19

I find it unbelievable how horribly Plarium continues to treat customers. 

I realize the mobile industry is complete trash and most players consider this normal... 

People like myself and countless others have paid for packs, gems, etc and they got wasted over and over due to game server issues failing to load.  And again, here we are weeks, months later and zero compensation or even any level of acknowledgement that these players will be taken care of....
Jul 31, 2019, 11:4507/31/19
Jul 31, 2019, 11:46(edited)
Hello everyone! The compensation subject is really something that has been hurting all of us. In the past, we did our best to regularly compensate for the issues with the game that would affect all of our players and cause losses of resources. Later, when the work of the server stabilized on a global scale, we developed the tool that is now tracking the issues that our players may still be facing. Relying on this tracking tool, we can now locate the players that have been dealing with a certain issue and decide where to go from there. Of course, we are working hard on eliminating the technical complications that still are relevant for some players. We will keep seeing to it that no massive issues go past unnoticed.