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Jul 10, 2019, 21:1607/10/19


we need Centurion to drop for the fusion but it's a void rare.  Any chance it can show up in a future event?

Jul 10, 2019, 22:4507/10/19
It's listed as an event drop in the related in game news article. Will probably be available within the next couple of events, probably to delay people from making Foli too quick unless they were lucky enough to pull certain champs from shards.
Jul 11, 2019, 02:0007/11/19
Jul 11, 2019, 02:03(edited)
I am sure they will make a not too easy event for us to get it LOL
Jul 11, 2019, 18:4907/11/19
Samurai King said:

I am sure they will make a not too easy event for us to get it LOL
Yes, dungeon divers #3, this time requiring 2k points in 1 day, with drop rates being pushed further towards brews and shards. Happy grindfest!
Jul 11, 2019, 20:5207/11/19
They might put him to drop from clan boss with 0,5% chance. And ofc 2 days limit.
Jul 11, 2019, 21:0807/11/19
I'd say reward for item leveling event since we haven't one in a while once dungeon diver is finished 
Jul 11, 2019, 21:1507/11/19
SoulStrike said:

I'd say reward for item leveling event since we haven't one in a while once dungeon diver is finished 
That event doesnt make money for Plarium, why would they put it back?
Jul 13, 2019, 18:5007/13/19
Please just show the event already!
Jul 13, 2019, 23:2707/13/19
The next event should be Artifact Enhancement. I'm ready for that. Now my money over 40 million+ 
Jul 14, 2019, 01:2407/14/19
Elviraz said:

The next event should be Artifact Enhancement. I'm ready for that. Now my money over 40 million+ 
I will totally quit this game if Plarium makes us go thru another hell.........
Jul 14, 2019, 04:0707/14/19
I have everything done but Centurion.... grahhhhhh!
Jul 14, 2019, 07:2907/14/19

Aaaaaand it's announced on the list ! A summoning event ! WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED ? the final part of the fusion being the most ridiculous and obvious pay to win event of them all ?

Tell us what you think, will it be obtainable at a reasonable mark ? or will Plarium pull out another one of their famous how big is your wallet challenges ? Taking all bets ! I predict it will be at 900 points or higher !

Jul 14, 2019, 07:3107/14/19
Elviraz said:

The next event should be Artifact Enhancement. I'm ready for that. Now my money over 40 million+ 
exactly ! which is precisely why it ISN'T a enhancement event, because we haven't had one im ages and were most likely preparing for it.
Jul 14, 2019, 07:3707/14/19

Matke said:

Aaaaaand it's announced on the list ! A summoning event ! WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED ? the final part of the fusion being the most ridiculous and obvious pay to win event of them all ?

Tell us what you think, will it be obtainable at a reasonable mark ? or will Plarium pull out another one of their famous how big is your wallet challenges ? Taking all bets ! I predict it will be at 900 points or higher !

Well, first of all I would have preferred and artifact upgrade challenge as well. After the big Level Event everyone would be likely to make the upgrades, so I guess they wanted to keep the difficulty high. Don´t like it, but understand it. 

Now what will be very interesting are the requirements for Centurion considering consistency. If you remember the dungeon divers event, you'll most likely know that Eviscerator was positioned behind an EPIC skill tomb. If they place Centurion, who is also a void rare like Eviscerator, IN FRONT OF the LEGENDARY tomb then this is a clear sign, they are trolling us. If they keep the consistency then Centurion should be around 3rd spot, maybe 2nd, but never ever should he be higher than 1500 Points considering where Eviscerator was placed. I am quite curious for tomorrow.
Jul 14, 2019, 08:1807/14/19

Matke said:

Aaaaaand it's announced on the list ! A summoning event ! WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED ? the final part of the fusion being the most ridiculous and obvious pay to win event of them all ?

Tell us what you think, will it be obtainable at a reasonable mark ? or will Plarium pull out another one of their famous how big is your wallet challenges ? Taking all bets ! I predict it will be at 900 points or higher !

U can't know it's pay to win.

But there is legendary tome in it, so i ques won't be easy. But last (don't count 125 point summoning event)summoning event was few weeks ago so we should have prepared for it.

Jul 14, 2019, 08:2507/14/19
Jul 14, 2019, 08:33(edited)

TurboLv said:

Matke said:

Aaaaaand it's announced on the list ! A summoning event ! WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED ? the final part of the fusion being the most ridiculous and obvious pay to win event of them all ?

Tell us what you think, will it be obtainable at a reasonable mark ? or will Plarium pull out another one of their famous how big is your wallet challenges ? Taking all bets ! I predict it will be at 900 points or higher !

U can't know it's pay to win.

But there is legendary tome in it, so i ques won't be easy. But last (don't count 125 point summoning event)summoning event was few weeks ago so we should have prepared for it.

except the whole point of this event popping up now (conveniently right after the crazy training event ended), is because people were burning through shards like crazy during the 20.000 point training event, trying to make it, and they know that a lot of people are low right now. And the ones who already paid money for energy pots in order to complete that one, will HAVE to spend even more money on the summoning, or their previous "investment" goes down the drain. 

But yes, you're right I can't "know" it's going to be pay to win. That said, I will be SHOCKED if it isn't.
Jul 14, 2019, 08:3607/14/19
Matke said:

TurboLv said:

Matke said:

Aaaaaand it's announced on the list ! A summoning event ! WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED ? the final part of the fusion being the most ridiculous and obvious pay to win event of them all ?

Tell us what you think, will it be obtainable at a reasonable mark ? or will Plarium pull out another one of their famous how big is your wallet challenges ? Taking all bets ! I predict it will be at 900 points or higher !

U can't know it's pay to win.

But there is legendary tome in it, so i ques won't be easy. But last (don't count 125 point summoning event)summoning event was few weeks ago so we should have prepared for it.

except the whole point of this event popping up now (conveniently right after the crazy training event ended), is because people were burning through shards like crazy during the 20.000 point training event, trying to make it, and they know that a lot of people are low right now. And the ones who already paid money for energy pots in order to complete that one, will HAVE to spend even more money on the summoning, or their previous "investment" goes down the drain. 

But yes, you're right I can't "know" it's going to be pay to win. That said, I will be SHOCKED if it isn't.
If we just focus on the hero, everything around 1000 to 1500 summoning Points for a void rare are reasonable and should be fine. No one is forced to cap out and go for the skillbook.
Jul 14, 2019, 08:5207/14/19
Jul 14, 2019, 08:55(edited)

Matke said:

TurboLv said:

Matke said:

Aaaaaand it's announced on the list ! A summoning event ! WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED ? the final part of the fusion being the most ridiculous and obvious pay to win event of them all ?

Tell us what you think, will it be obtainable at a reasonable mark ? or will Plarium pull out another one of their famous how big is your wallet challenges ? Taking all bets ! I predict it will be at 900 points or higher !

U can't know it's pay to win.

But there is legendary tome in it, so i ques won't be easy. But last (don't count 125 point summoning event)summoning event was few weeks ago so we should have prepared for it.

except the whole point of this event popping up now (conveniently right after the crazy training event ended), is because people were burning through shards like crazy during the 20.000 point training event, trying to make it, and they know that a lot of people are low right now. And the ones who already paid money for energy pots in order to complete that one, will HAVE to spend even more money on the summoning, or their previous "investment" goes down the drain. 

But yes, you're right I can't "know" it's going to be pay to win. That said, I will be SHOCKED if it isn't.

Peoples were burning shards like crazy including me, because i too did that event and finished it. Peoples also were receiving shards like crazy doing the same event because they drop a lot.

I started 20k event with ~500 mystery shards and finished it with ~500 mystery shards. Didn't used other shards as mystery was enough.

P.s got also a lot of 2* and 3* champs from 12-3. With better champ managment maybe i could do event even with out mystery shard use.
Jul 14, 2019, 09:5507/14/19

Dismember said:

People, just ignore foli fusion. It is not worth it.

That is just the typical nonsense. Let's look at this from a more logical standpoint, shall we? 

1. Let us have a look on the maths behind legendary champions in general. If you want to summon a legendary champion out of blue shard you have chance of .5% to do so. Here are some treshholds for that way:

  1. 30   shards = 14% of receiving a legendary champion
  2. 50   shards = 22% of receiving a legendary champion
  3. 100 shards = 39% of receiving a legendary champion
  4. 140 shards = 50% of receiving a legendary Champion

2. Well, of Course you can summon legendary heroes as well from sacred shards, let us have a look at that as well:

  1. 1 shard  =     6% of receiving a legendary champion
  2. 5 shards =  27% of receiving a legendary champion
  3. 10 shards = 46% of receiving a legendary champion
  4. 12 shards = 52% of receiving a legendary Champion

Okay, so let's put this numbers in relation to a) time and b) diamonds.

a) Time

On a daily basis we can assume if a player is active and never misses the daily quests, that he receives a sacred shard every 30 days. So in order to reach at least the 50% threshhold in the sacred-shard category he would have to play a full year. I am not taking into consideration lucky Drops from clanboss-Quests, since far more people are able to clear all foli-quests, whereas only a few kill CB5 on a daily basis to receive those high shards.

Furthermore, there will be 2 ancient shards every week without dungeon drops, meaning you would need 17 1/2 months for the 50% threshold on sacred shards. Of course, every month you can receive up to 4 ancient shards from the market and here and there you´ll find some in dungeons. Lets put the number on that on 4 as well, which is quite conservative, but we wanna stay on the idea of a low-investment, so F2P-Players are able to obtain the amounts of shards as well. This would net us 12 ancient shards a month, meaning 11.6 months to reach the 50% threshhold. Round up, it is a year as well.

b) Diamonds

Since it is impossible to buy ancient shards with diamonds we can only compare blue shards here. The most favourable normal packacke are 9 ancient shards for 900 Diamonds, to reach the 140-shard threshhold you would have to buy 15.5 of those packages. Since we cannot purchase half a package, 16 packages mean 14.400 diamonds for a 50% chance of getting a legendary.

Now, for the sake of this, just let us combine those things and consider someone who has been playing a year, collecting like crazy and trying to get a legendary with all 3 of those methods. Since you can net around 900 diamonds a month you´ll end up with right about 12k in a year, so that estimation should fit quite well, considering you get some here and there from drops, quests, events etc. We set the default chance now to 50% and ignore the additional 2% from the sacred shards, as this will complicate the maths behind it tremendously, as an estimation this should be fine as well.

Having therefore 3 ways of attacking a legendary with 50% you would end up with a total chance of finding a legendary Champion of 0,875, respecively 87,5%. 

To summarize everyhing: If you Play 1 year and NEVER miss the daily quest, then use ALL of your sacred shards, ALL of your blue shards from quests and then use ALL diamonds you collected during that year, you land on a 87,5% chance of finding a legendary champion. Now, referring to the youtuber Chofly Mobile, who recently released a tier list for legendary hereos, there are 39 legendary hereos considered to be weaker than Foli. In total, there are 61 legendary champions in the game right now, meaning that even if you manage to summon one out of the 87,5%, which is not CERTAIN, you have a chance of 64%, that your summoned champion is WEAKER than Foli. 

Now, please tell me again, that the Fusion is not worth it.

Jul 14, 2019, 14:5807/14/19
Jul 14, 2019, 15:01(edited)

If you don't have a team that can clear 12-3 in under 30sec, then yes, from my point of view it is not worth the time required to spend on the game.

That stage takes me 1,5min, and would take multiple hours daily, which working 9-5 is simply not feasible.
Jul 14, 2019, 15:0707/14/19

Vennto said:

Dismember said:

People, just ignore foli fusion. It is not worth it.

That is just the typical nonsense. Let's look at this from a more logical standpoint, shall we? 

1. Let us have a look on the maths behind legendary champions in general. If you want to summon a legendary champion out of blue shard you have chance of .5% to do so. Here are some treshholds for that way:

  1. 30   shards = 14% of receiving a legendary champion
  2. 50   shards = 22% of receiving a legendary champion
  3. 100 shards = 39% of receiving a legendary champion
  4. 140 shards = 50% of receiving a legendary Champion

2. Well, of Course you can summon legendary heroes as well from sacred shards, let us have a look at that as well:

  1. 1 shard  =     6% of receiving a legendary champion
  2. 5 shards =  27% of receiving a legendary champion
  3. 10 shards = 46% of receiving a legendary champion
  4. 12 shards = 52% of receiving a legendary Champion

If only it worked like that...

U can use 1000 ancients and not get legendary.(400+ and 1 crap legendary)

U can use 100 sacreds and not get legendary. (15 for me and no legendary)

About Fusion worth or not? Foli is good legendary and ofcourse it's worth the effort. I'm so unlucky that this is the only chance i see getting good legendary.