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New Patch 1.8

New Patch 1.8

Jul 5, 2019, 08:1807/05/19

New Patch 1.8

Been playing for like 4 or 5 months now, so this is my experience so far:

This game is getting worse and worse, its ridiculous how much the devs are disconnected from the players, greed and money is what moves them for sure.

The event rewards, for the most part, are useless, and to get there you need to invest some money, no matter what, now in the new patch we even get 2 star heroes as rewards? What garbage is that? What about the arena event, doesn't matter if you're silver, gold or bronze, 1 point for everyone...what?

The daily timed login rewards, again, are useless, besides one arena and one energy refill.

The new multi battle system is a joke, that's not how multi battle works, and again, if you want more than the lousy 15 tries (ridiculous right?) got it, you have to pay real money....oh and don't forget that it's only valid in the campaign!!!

All the other dungeons you still have to go one by one (just like multi battle lol) and face an horrible drop chance, where you get the same loot on lvl 14 or lvl 1 potion dungeons, sometimes for 10 tries straight...useful right? No

Let's talk about gear, and the money grabbing mechanic it implies, amount of money it's needed to unequip pieces of gear and the massive load of bling bling wasted to lvl it up to the max, never forgetting you get money rewards of like 5K or even 50K, do those small contributions matter when you waste easily 2 million depending on luck, to max out a piece of gear?

I won't even address the new fusion hero, only 15 heroes needed? You guys are only throwing sand into our eyes..that's not a new fusion hero, that's a bogus timed "event"

Not all is bad, everyday you are bombarded with juicy new pop ups with amazing deals where you can burn your real money, coincidently "especial packs" related to on going events.

Finally we have new daily loggin rewards! Amazing add to the game, the only negative part was that I lost the first 30 days, where did the rewards went?

People were waiting for this new patch to be amazing and capable of turning this game around, it didn't do any of that, besides the 6 star gear pieces I don't see much of positive around it. It's sad because nevertheless, it's a good game, but with very bad choices behind taken from the devs in my opinion.Try to give more to the players, to the community, and start thinking less about filling your pockets or you will star losing the player base...and with no players, no money at all

Jul 5, 2019, 09:1407/05/19

WawawuiwaPT said:

The new multi battle system is a joke, that's not how multi battle works, and again, if you want more than the lousy 15 tries (ridiculous right?) got it, you have to pay real money....oh and don't forget that it's only valid in the campaign!!!

It's sad because nevertheless, it's a good game, but with very bad choices behind taken from the devs in my opinion.Try to give more to the players, to the community, and start thinking less about filling your pockets or you will star losing the player base...and with no players, no money at all

There were already few topics like that in the past but I don't really think they care at all. The multi battle is a joke, bad joke. First I was think its like 15 per one run "at once", but they are just 15 per day....this is just outrageous how greedy they are. There are so many people disapointed and they still keep doing that kind of bullshiet.

Jul 5, 2019, 09:1807/05/19

WawawuiwaPT said:

Finally we have new daily loggin rewards! Amazing add to the game, the only negative part was that I lost the first 30 days, where did the rewards went?

You didn't lose them, back when you started you had the 5week aka 35day login bonus. So actually, you even got 5 rewards more than players starting now.

Jul 5, 2019, 09:4507/05/19

you forgot one thing: the dungeon minions got ACC and RES 

Now dungeon levels you was able to finish are unplayable or at least take 2-3 times as long

And while I'm not complaining about the PK nerf (yes I use her and she is still usable!)... I'm not amused to see no buff for my "beloved" Astralith and Tomb Lord. Instead I read again how complicated it is with rebalancing certain heros.

I'm sorry but that's BS... at least Astralith isn't this hard to be buffed... just make her lifeswap unresistable and put it on a 5 turn CD (7 turns are ridiculus!). Now give her bombs to everybody (AoE like it's usual with other legendaries) and she gets usable in arena and is still far from being OP (unlike other champs).   
Jul 5, 2019, 10:4107/05/19
While others games have auto skip battle this games only give you 15x multi battle. The company is too greedy. 
Jul 5, 2019, 11:5307/05/19
Jul 5, 2019, 11:59(edited)

they ll never read or do some good things about  our opinions, cuz they are too greedy... 4 months ago started  all... srsly every week i saw worst and worst events/offers , lies, delays etc

now it's out of control ! you need to spend 15 k energy per day to complete an event... jokes !!! funny jokes

oh and another think is that are too many whales that are saying crazy stuff and mods are listen to them, like the event  it's easy you can do it very easy by buying gems and  after i asked how much gems do u have 130 k .... srsly? 

and one like SKNOVA (youtuber) in his last video, as a biggest whale in the game said : if  u know all the things as a F2P you can complete easy all the events... looooool and i used to like his channel but one sh@@ changed everything for me