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Damage dealers, Support, Control and Debuff Champion ???

Damage dealers, Support, Control and Debuff Champion ???

Oct 13, 2022, 19:1310/13/22

Damage dealers, Support, Control and Debuff Champion ???

Hello, I'm new to the game and in the info I read I often see these words:

Damage dealers, Support, Control and Debuff Champion.

What is that ? Is it the same as roles (Attack - Defense - HP - Support)

Could someone please explain to me, how to identify these types of champions ?

Examples if possible !

Thank you very much for your help !

Oct 13, 2022, 20:0310/13/22

Think it refers more to the role you build/equip them for ! 

Its mostly about what their kit and multipliers are ,,,i think >.<

Oct 13, 2022, 20:2310/13/22

We must learn those things, from other players, from own experience, videos, websites. Attack, HP, Support, Defense are just types, but they don't mean much in game, in practice.

For example, all your starter champions are damage dealers (DPS), who also happen to be Attack type. There are also damage dealers who are Defense based, HP nukers - and arguably the best DPS in the game, Seer (Void Epic), is Support type.

Usually, but not always, any champion that heals your team can be used as support.

The best way to determine for which role a particular champion is suited for is to go on Youtube and punch in the name. Most champions that are worth keeping in your roster already have guides on them there. Asking your clanmates is another way. Asking here on the forum is also a good way.

This game is not just about punching keys, there's a lot to be learned, which can be fun in itself. at least it is for me.😁And the more you learn about game mechanics, particular champions, champion synergy, proper ways to build particular champions - the easier and faster will you progress, and have fun doing so.

Oct 13, 2022, 20:2510/13/22

Damage dealer should be obvious.  Doesn't need to be an attack role, just good multipliers on the right skill, or poison, bomb, etc.

Support is related to the support role.  They have skills that make the rest of the team better at what they do, revive, heal, speed up, attack up, etc.

Debuffer applies debuff to the enemy to make them not so good at what they do,  they generally need decent accuracy to do so.  Defense down, speed down, etc.

Control, crowd control or cc, applies certain debuff that control the enemies options.  Stun, freeze, sleep, can all make the enemy skip a turn.  Provoke forces enemy to use only the default skill and only against the champ that placed it, usually someone that can take the hits.

Oct 13, 2022, 20:3210/13/22

they refer to a champons main job within your team. a damage dealer is pretty much what it says; their job is to hit and hit hard, without much concern for anything else. examples include champions like turvold or ithos, who are almost entirely focused on damage. 

control generally refers to crowd control or turn meter control. any champion focused on crowd control will be able to place one of the crowd control debuffs—stun, sleep, fear, true fear, freeze, provoke, or petrification—over the entire enemy team. examples include harvest jack, visix, and scyll. turn meter control champions look at increasing the turn meter of their own team and decreasing their opponents', like lyssandra or psylar.

debuffers are champions whose job it is to land debuffs on the opposing team, whether they be the crowd control debuffs mentioned earlier (now might be a good time to mention, there's a fair bit of crossover between the latter three types of champions and a fair number that are hard to pin into one single category), stat-lowering debuffs like decrease attack or defence, or damaging debuffs like poison or hp burn. negative instants such as buff removal or increasing cooldowns also tend to get lumped into this category. examples include champions like narma, madame serris, and nekmo thaar.

finally, support in this context typically refers to champions who help out your own team via healing, buffs and revival. champions like duchess lilitu, apothecary, or godseeker aniri are all perfect examples of support champions.

in regard to the designated roles on a champion (attack, defense, hp, or support), there's some relation to what postion they will fill in your team, but it's not a hard and fast thing. attack champions will usually be damage dealers while support champions pretty much never will, but beyond that anything's fair game. there are a lot of champions who fulfill multiple different jobs or can change depending on how you build them. an example of the former would be ninja, who is a pretty clear damage dealer but also brings along a really nice crowd control on his a3. a good example of the latter would be someone like hurndig. he has the potential to be a very hard hitter, but also has a lot of good debuffs in his kit so it depends on whether you build him with the focus on attack and crit rate/damage or sacrifice that damage potential to give him more accuracy.

Oct 14, 2022, 12:0110/14/22
Tyr Anasazi

We must learn those things, from other players, from own experience, videos, websites. Attack, HP, Support, Defense are just types, but they don't mean much in game, in practice.

For example, all your starter champions are damage dealers (DPS), who also happen to be Attack type. There are also damage dealers who are Defense based, HP nukers - and arguably the best DPS in the game, Seer (Void Epic), is Support type.

Usually, but not always, any champion that heals your team can be used as support.

The best way to determine for which role a particular champion is suited for is to go on Youtube and punch in the name. Most champions that are worth keeping in your roster already have guides on them there. Asking your clanmates is another way. Asking here on the forum is also a good way.

This game is not just about punching keys, there's a lot to be learned, which can be fun in itself. at least it is for me.😁And the more you learn about game mechanics, particular champions, champion synergy, proper ways to build particular champions - the easier and faster will you progress, and have fun doing so.

Amigo for u it's useless to watch all those utube videos when u don't understand anything anyway...  u don't know what u talkin abou... 


@Heyrick XIV 

Here let me show u most powerful chemps who are top nukers (they do mass aoe dmg deal)











and generaly mostly top champs, best nukers, best supports, best debuffers comes from voids.

For good defense these are best:


And i must mention lovely  M.Serris shes must to have... 


shes debuffer that disarms every opponent... 

so a lot ACC she needs...

Oct 14, 2022, 12:3310/14/22

Thank you all for your answers, if ever other people want to add additional explanations, it's always appreciated!

Oct 14, 2022, 12:3910/14/22

Amigo for u it's useless to watch all those utube videos when u don't understand anything anyway...  u don't know what u talkin abou... 


@Heyrick XIV 

Here let me show u most powerful chemps who are top nukers (they do mass aoe dmg deal)











and generaly mostly top champs, best nukers, best supports, best debuffers comes from voids.

For good defense these are best:


And i must mention lovely  M.Serris shes must to have... 


shes debuffer that disarms every opponent... 

so a lot ACC she needs...

I don't know what I'm talking about? Care to be more specific? Or are you just flaming?

Oct 14, 2022, 13:0010/14/22
Oct 14, 2022, 13:02(edited)

@Tyr Anasazi 

you don't understand the difference between whats what...

u said:

all your starter champions are damage dealers (DPS), who also happen to be Attack type. There are also damage dealers who are Defense based, HP nukers - and arguably the best DPS in the game, Seer (Void Epic), is Support type.

U wrong, every plyr starts with damager, there are four of them: 

-athel, kael, elhain and ultimate galek

isn't that right ? so all four of them are attackers... 

damage deals whos are defense based ? lol thats so wrong as well....

HP nukers ??? lol who are they ??

Seer best DPS ??? loool so wrong....

Oct 14, 2022, 13:2510/14/22
Oct 14, 2022, 13:26(edited)


Ultimate Galek is a starter champion? Sure thing, bro...


Oct 14, 2022, 13:4010/14/22

@Tyr Anasazi 

you don't understand the difference between whats what...

u said:

all your starter champions are damage dealers (DPS), who also happen to be Attack type. There are also damage dealers who are Defense based, HP nukers - and arguably the best DPS in the game, Seer (Void Epic), is Support type.

U wrong, every plyr starts with damager, there are four of them: 

-athel, kael, elhain and ultimate galek

isn't that right ? so all four of them are attackers... 

damage deals whos are defense based ? lol thats so wrong as well....

HP nukers ??? lol who are they ??

Seer best DPS ??? loool so wrong....

-"U wrong, every plyr starts with damager, there are four of them: 

-athel, kael, elhain and ultimate galek

isn't that right ? so all four of them are attackers..."

ultimate galek isnt a starter, galek is. beyond that, what you said is correct but i'm not really seeing how that makes tyr wrong, since you literally stated the same thing they did.

-damage deals whos are defense based ? lol thats so wrong as well....

helior, staltus, ragash, soulless, ignatius, brago... i could go on.

-HP nukers ??? lol who are they ??

are you familiar with a champion by the name of magnarr? built like a tank, hits like a truck?

while magnarr is the only full on nuker i can think of among the hp champions, there's still plenty of dps in there. dreng, mortu, husk... heck, my urost wasn't even built for damage and he still had a stupidly high output.

-Seer best DPS ??? loool so wrong....

were you planning on offering up a counterargument or just shouting baseless claims? i personally would argue against seer being considered the best dps in the game since much less effective against bosses than she is at wave clearing, but just saying tyr is wrong without any reason given isn't much of a claim, especially given the inaccuracy of your preceding statements.

Oct 14, 2022, 16:5610/14/22
Tyr Anasazi


Ultimate Galek is a starter champion? Sure thing, bro...


oke, u know its regular Galek , my mistake hh...

Oct 14, 2022, 17:0610/14/22

@Tyr Anasazi 

I understand what u say cuz Magnar works like that... he can be HP nuker cuz his dmg multipliers with HP...  so he needs HP...

And also can be as debuffer support...

Oct 14, 2022, 19:5710/14/22

@Tyr Anasazi 

you don't understand the difference between whats what...

u said:

all your starter champions are damage dealers (DPS), who also happen to be Attack type. There are also damage dealers who are Defense based, HP nukers - and arguably the best DPS in the game, Seer (Void Epic), is Support type.

U wrong, every plyr starts with damager, there are four of them: 

-athel, kael, elhain and ultimate galek

isn't that right ? so all four of them are attackers... 

damage deals whos are defense based ? lol thats so wrong as well....

HP nukers ??? lol who are they ??

Seer best DPS ??? loool so wrong....

Back to criticism of opinions that players with far more experience than you have, eh? Do yourself a favor and quit while you're ahead.