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It took me 32 runs in level 15 force keep to get 1 superior force potion drop

It took me 32 runs in level 15 force keep to get 1 superior force potion drop

Jun 28, 2019, 07:4106/28/19

It took me 32 runs in level 15 force keep to get 1 superior force potion drop

So it took me 32 runs to get one superior force potion to drop in max level force keep. Considering energy is a currency in this game, and one that is sold for real money, what in the world am I paying for? This just happened, and I had to post because the rate made me think like woah, this is pretty AWFUL

Anyone else feel free to comment experiences with drop rates
Jun 28, 2019, 08:2706/28/19

Yes, it is awful AND it can get even worse. Last sunday i tried to get 1 superior void potion in level 14 and 15, because i wanted to fulfill a dungeon quest - i failed. Used about 2,5x 126 energy plus the refilled energy over the day. I even wasted 40 gems for another refill. stock on void xp brews constantly piled up over the day. 

Jun 29, 2019, 14:3906/29/19
Jun 29, 2019, 14:39(edited)

Plarium wants you to spend your hard earned money on refills stupids ... didnt u realize this already? 

On topic: noticed this too and honestly i dont think they will change it at all. Im trying since 3 days to get diabolist for example and im fairly sure ive spend around 1k+ energy on this already and (12-6 brutal) and the amount of 2* heroes was ectremely low tbh. Not gonna even mention that i didnt get a diabolist yet ...

Same goes for finding brews n green shards in t15 dungeons, super often ... but getting high tier pots in t15 dungeons? Nah ... rarely.


Shame on you plarium ...

Jul 19, 2019, 06:3607/19/19
Hello! I am sorry for not getting to this post earlier. RNG, which tends to be a tricky thing most of the time, applies to the area of Dungeons, as well. This is stating the obvious, of course, but my point is that sometimes you can receive the needed Potion on the first or the second try, while at other times it may take you longer. Of course, it can get frustrating when, for quite a while, you still can't get what you are aiming for. First of all, please try hitting higher levels, they are more likely to yield better Potions. Secondly, we have already passed the request to reconsider the drop pool for the highest levels to our game designers (referring here to Brews and Mystery Shards). Also, we did introduce the feature of mixing Potions for receiving better ones. it does cost Silver, but this resource is fairly easy to farm.
Jul 19, 2019, 07:1407/19/19

Well you were certainly right and as i sit here laughing i completely agree with you, i cant began to say how much energy i wasted on stage 15 of the arcane keep just to get 4 superiors. As someone who spends his fair share and a bit on this game into energy packs or shard packs that are actually worth it like 5 blues for 5 bucks. It's extremely annoying to be wasting your energy for 7 lesser potions because the drop rates for greater potions are a joke as well. The potion mixer is a trap for anyone that doesn't know better because lets be honest no one is gonna spend stupid money mixing greaters into superiors when that silver could be well used else where. If i didn't enjoy the game as much as i do somehow for it being 1. a mobile phone, 2.a money grab, 3. events which rewards are sad for the amount of effort you put in. If Plarium could be less of a activision style greed studio and more of a listen to there community and make the rates and everything just a bit fairer because the people who don't pay at all are gonna be getting it the worst. The content updates are extremely sad as well don't go making a big announcement and not giving a fraction of the things said. this game would do better and have longer concurrent players if you'd only listen.

mija85 said:

Plarium wants you to spend your hard earned money on refills stupids ... didnt u realize this already? 

On topic: noticed this too and honestly i dont think they will change it at all. Im trying since 3 days to get diabolist for example and im fairly sure ive spend around 1k+ energy on this already and (12-6 brutal) and the amount of 2* heroes was ectremely low tbh. Not gonna even mention that i didnt get a diabolist yet ...

Same goes for finding brews n green shards in t15 dungeons, super often ... but getting high tier pots in t15 dungeons? Nah ... rarely.


Shame on you plarium ...

"Cirilla said:

Hello! I am sorry for not getting to this post earlier. RNG, which tends to be a tricky thing most of the time, applies to the area of Dungeons, as well. This is stating the obvious, of course, but my point is that sometimes you can receive the needed Potion on the first or the second try, while at other times it may take you longer. Of course, it can get frustrating when, for quite a while, you still can't get what you are aiming for. First of all, please try hitting higher levels, they are more likely to yield better Potions. Secondly, we have already passed the request to reconsider the drop pool for the highest levels to our game designers (referring here to Brews and Mystery Shards). Also, we did introduce the feature of mixing Potions for receiving better ones. it does cost Silver, but this resource is fairly easy to farm."

Jul 19, 2019, 07:4507/19/19
Jul 19, 2019, 07:45(edited)

Cirilla said:

Hello! I am sorry for not getting to this post earlier. RNG, which tends to be a tricky thing most of the time, applies to the area of Dungeons, as well. This is stating the obvious, of course, but my point is that sometimes you can receive the needed Potion on the first or the second try, while at other times it may take you longer. Of course, it can get frustrating when, for quite a while, you still can't get what you are aiming for. First of all, please try hitting higher levels, they are more likely to yield better Potions. Secondly, we have already passed the request to reconsider the drop pool for the highest levels to our game designers (referring here to Brews and Mystery Shards). Also, we did introduce the feature of mixing Potions for receiving better ones. it does cost Silver, but this resource is fairly easy to farm.

Always trying to explain everything with RNG as the sole culprit doesn't work Cirilla! The chances for higher potions are way too low, the chances for mysterious shards & brews which simply replace the needed potions way to high.

So here again are some suggestions to make it feel better for the community:

  1. Make shards & brews additional drops, not replacements or create new dungeons for these
  2. With higher stages within the potion keeps, increase the chances for greater potions as well as superior potions
  3. I am completely ok with you not fully dropping the lesser potions in higher keep stages, HOWEVER:

What feels like the following chances simply doesn't feel good and only makes players want to skip this dungeon altogether - especially since ascension bonuses for many champions aren't that great either:

  • 62% lesser potions
  • 18% mystery shards
  • 12% brews
  • 6% greater potions
  • 2% superior potions
I didn't run test cases on this (listing rewards for each single run I did), so that's my personal gut feeling.
Jul 19, 2019, 17:0707/19/19
Jul 19, 2019, 17:21(edited)

Cirilla said:

Hello! I am sorry for not getting to this post earlier. RNG, which tends to be a tricky thing most of the time, applies to the area of Dungeons, as well. This is stating the obvious, of course, but my point is that sometimes you can receive the needed Potion on the first or the second try, while at other times it may take you longer. Of course, it can get frustrating when, for quite a while, you still can't get what you are aiming for. First of all, please try hitting higher levels, they are more likely to yield better Potions. Secondly, we have already passed the request to reconsider the drop pool for the highest levels to our game designers (referring here to Brews and Mystery Shards). Also, we did introduce the feature of mixing Potions for receiving better ones. it does cost Silver, but this resource is fairly easy to farm.

Cirilia, can you please stop trying to fool us? We are no idiots - we are customers and gamers. Stop blaming RNG for the miserable drop rates that were set in stone by the devs.

I wouldnt say a single bad word about the potion mixer if it wouldnt cost silver. If wallet-squeezarium would remove the silver-cost or at the very least change the rates for the better ( like 3:1 instead of 10:1),  i would call it a really good idea.

Srsly now: why even implement the mixer if theres a high cost behind it? The idea behind it is to make up for the shitty drop rates, but making it cost so much silver is just another sneaky way to make ppl buy silver for real money. Soooo in the end its a cash grab / trap.

Summoning heroes? Costs silver

Removing gear? Costs silver

Mixing potions? Costs silver

Buying items from the market? Costs silver (ok this is an obvious one and its totally ok)

Jesus christ we all have a brain and eyes and we see it: we shall spend spend spend ... ok we get it. 

And while i agree: silver IS easy to farm, but it costs way too much real life time thus making it not so easy to get. I know the idea behind it is to make ppl choose: will i spend hours of rl-time grinding or will i spend cash and get the silver from the shop?

Jul 19, 2019, 21:3407/19/19
Farming at the force keep when there is a red potion pack offered by Plarium is a bad call !!!!! U will mostly get small red potions, green shards, and xp brews......
Jul 20, 2019, 10:5807/20/19

Samurai King said:

Farming at the force keep when there is a red potion pack offered by Plarium is a bad call !!!!! U will mostly get small red potions, green shards, and xp brews......


You will always get green shards and xp brews en masse instead of the 'real loot', no matter if theres a deal or not.

But while we are at it - dont give them any ideas - remember, it could always be worse.

Jul 20, 2019, 18:1107/20/19
Jul 20, 2019, 18:18(edited)

I spent over 600 energy on arcane keep and came away with 4 superiors and a ton of others mostly small potions which is horrible but to make matters worse they actually charge us for bad luck, look how much silver I need to spend to upgrade my small just to mediums....

Thats right 1 million silver, and then another 500,000 to get them to superior thanks for charging me $30 (if I buy from your shop) just for having bad luck....

 You need to remove the cost for upgrading potions it is not right.

Jul 20, 2019, 19:4207/20/19
The fundamental strategy of Plarium is to exhaust our energy, gem and silver so that we buy their energy, gem and silver packs......nothing new really.  
Jul 20, 2019, 19:4507/20/19
mija85 said:

Samurai King said:

Farming at the force keep when there is a red potion pack offered by Plarium is a bad call !!!!! U will mostly get small red potions, green shards, and xp brews......


You will always get green shards and xp brews en masse instead of the 'real loot', no matter if theres a deal or not.

But while we are at it - dont give them any ideas - remember, it could always be worse.

Actually, Plarium loves to tease us with 1 lesser potion.  Our 12 energies is totally well spent lol.
Jul 21, 2019, 08:5707/21/19

Sooo i spent my entire energy today (~370+) on farming lvl 14 and 15 void dungeon to get that one needed gigantic pot for that challenge ...

After more than 20 runs, who wants to guess how many gigantic potions i got? Mind you it was lvl 14 and 15, not lvl 10 or so.

Answer: 0,0000000000000.

Thats right folks, after over 20 runs i didnt get a single gigantic pot on the highest levels of the dungeon.

Hey cirila, wanna tell me something about RNG and bad luck?

Plarium: worst gaming company out there.

Jul 28, 2019, 10:1407/28/19
Jul 28, 2019, 10:22(edited)

This game is far from perfect, heck, its even far from decent. But, the fact that you get 1 lesser potion most of the time, from stages 10 and up, is the most idiotic, abominable thing this greedy company came up with.

You greedy shits need to rethink your strategy and stop treating us like idiots.

Jul 28, 2019, 10:4807/28/19

mija85 said:

 We are no idiots

Oh rly? I think plarium might have different opinion on that.

Jul 28, 2019, 13:4207/28/19

I feel like the drops were nerfed in the last patch. Before the patch it wasn't actually that bad. They must have realised that people can asend champions rather quickly, so a silent nerf was introduced. 

I have nevet spent so much energy to asend a character as I do right now, and I have 18 champions already fully ascended. Based on my previous experience I can tell it is not the same. 
Jul 28, 2019, 16:0407/28/19
Woaaah who got a sup pot?! What do they look like man? I  only get 3 green shards and a brew, man you must have a four leaf clover between your toes...
Jul 30, 2019, 09:3607/30/19

rng my fellow raider

May 5, 2020, 23:3205/05/20
May 5, 2020, 23:59(edited)

Do somethinggg, whatever stage I do I almost always get "1 lesser potion" (we're now in 2020)

Fix your game. I've never seen such a money hungry company. Chill out, if your game is good, money can come without pissing off all of your customers. 

How about you start by taking out the million offers that show up to your face ONE BY ONE every 2 mins?

Sry I'm late
May 6, 2020, 00:5305/06/20
I don't see the problem.  There are days when I can do 20 runs with nothing but lessors, and there are days when I can do 20 runs and get 15 superiors.  RNG!
May 6, 2020, 03:2905/06/20
May 6, 2020, 03:35(edited)
There are many problems that I doubt will ever be attended, one being that the ods are against us, what I mean is there is a lot more chance to get crap than get something useful. Sadly... cause I like the game but hate most approaches.
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