Need help on Clan Boss Group for Nightmare?
I am focused on working on my end-game clan boss group and need some feedback. This is what I am considering so far:
1) Nethril - Love his poisons, and with multiple hits, most likely will be great with Giant Slayer.
2) Pain Keeper - Not only does her heal literally top off all my champions at once, but her cd reduction ability is just amazing imo.
3) Aothar - Heard he is great because of those poisons.
Beyond those 3, I am at a toss up of these champions that I have so far:
a) Kael - Poisons of course
b) Kallia - Heard not a good choice for nightmare since HP Burn doesn't scale and so wastes a debuff slot, so prob not her?
c) Hordin - Rating for him seems great for clan boss, though not 100% sure why? Maybe because of his self speed boost?
d) Royal Guard - Not sure why he is rated so high, but assuming it is because of [Takedown] and that it would scale great?
e) Apothecary - Assuming his ranking is great for clan boss because of the speed boost?
f) Hyria - Assuming her rating is high because of [Lead the Charge]?
g) Athel - From what I heard, since weaken doesn't impact nightmare as much, she is probably not one of the better picks now?
h) Marksman - Assuming the only way to make him truly viable for nightmare is to have a ton of accuracy for [Venom Arrow]?
But anyway, those seem to be my top picks so far. Those first 3 seem like keepers, but need help with the other two. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :)