What is the Point of Diabolist's Positive Charge Skill???
At default, it gives all players a 15% increase to their meters. This means a total of a 60% boost in the meters. Considering she uses her entire turn for this, that means that she uses 100% of a turn to get 60% of a turn (cumulatively) amongst the group. That is assuming the group is full at the time. If not, it would be even less than that.
Even after the ascension boost to it, it still only (cumulatively) provides 120% of a turn altogether at BEST, which considering resistance, most likely won't happen. So, absolute best case scenario at the ascension level of this skill, if every player is alive, she will give an extra 20% of a turn altogether.
This makes absolutely no sense to me. On clan boss, obviously having a champion with their own useful skills would be far better than this. In arena, it is so situational that unless she goes first, it is completely non-viable. Even then, the enemy is most likely going to have at least 1 or 2 champions that will resist, again making it a waste of a turn.
Is there something I am missing here, or is this a broken skill in its current state?