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Shard Summons and their chances

Shard Summons and their chances

Jun 25, 2019, 04:1106/25/19

Shard Summons and their chances

Why in the world are the rates for summoning nonsensical? I understand you can only get void champions from void shards but it seems counter intuitive to me.

Ancient Shards have an 8% chance for epic and 0.5% chance for rare.. but void shards have 6% and 0.4% respectively? Shouldn't this be the other way around?

At roughly 18 shards, you are 10% more likely to summon an epic using ancient shards versus void shards. (78% versus 67%)
Jun 26, 2019, 12:4606/26/19
Hello! Let me elaborate on this a little: there are 93% Rare Champions, 6% Epics and 0,4% Legendaries that Void Shards give. Basically, Void and Ancient Shards take champs from different pools. So, if you divide Shards into Affinity pools, there are, roughly said, two groups that can give you Legendaries: 1) Ancient and Sacred. 2) Void. Neither of the categories are influenced by any increased rate in the drop chance. So, Sacred Shard is more likely to give you a Legendary Champion. Void Shards are great because they only give you Champions with the Void Affinity (these cannot be looted in the Campaign or bought at the Market). We will also be releasing more Void Champs in the Future :)
Sep 28, 2019, 00:1109/28/19
I wouldn't mind only being able to farm green and ancient shards if you could combine a certain amount of each type to get better rarity shards. Like 100 green shards make 5 ancient shards. I know it's probably a real money thing, but this would increase the games quality of life.
Sep 28, 2019, 21:4409/28/19

skylerhuth06 said:

I wouldn't mind only being able to farm green and ancient shards if you could combine a certain amount of each type to get better rarity shards. Like 100 green shards make 5 ancient shards. I know it's probably a real money thing, but this would increase the games quality of life.

Hello SkylerHuth,

thanks a lot for this suggestion, we will take it for consideration.

Have a nice day 
Jan 7, 2020, 21:3101/07/20
Void shards and ancient shards have the exact same percentage stats why is this
Jan 7, 2020, 22:3101/07/20
Unknown_Ranger said:

Void shards and ancient shards have the exact same percentage stats why is this
Void shards drop rate has been changed recently.
Jan 24, 2020, 15:2401/24/20

I've been 'batteling' with support about gem drops for several months now. I don't mind spending the money I do on this game. I want to support its growth and the dev team. However, the amount I've spent vs. the drops I get are ridiculously unbalanced. Even at the current percentage rates...I should have much better results than I do. l've never asked for a refund...but have asked multiple times for shard replacement. 

Think on this scenario. I've paid $100 usd for shards. 18 purple...the result [more than once] has been as follows. Of 18 purple, 2 were actual purple guys and the remainder were ALL DUPLICATE characters. Every one of them. By my count now...this has happened twice. This puts my drop rate in the garbage. I've heard of other members getting banned or kicked from the game over this. 

Dev and corporate have rigged the game against the player. Gamification to the max. They dangle cool offers...and the results are ALWAYS subpar. I own my own business...and if I gave .50% or 2% results...I would be fired and possibly sued. This has happened over and over again. Not once have I asked for a refund. NOT ONCE. Only for shard replacement that costs NOTHING to dev or Plarium. 

There are some that will complain at me for bringing this up. They'll say..."you knew what you are getting into" reply is simple. We should get what we pay for. And for those of us PAYING to play and improve...we should get much better treatment for our support of the game. In addition, for all of you that DON'T pay to are welcome. As I, and folks just like me, are PAYING TO MAKE THIS GAME BETTER. The rest of you are riding our coattails. 

My message to both the moderator and Paladia...treat your PAYING PLAYERS with preferential treatment. We are the ones paying to keep this game fresh and killer. The rest....well....are playing for free ON US. I'm pretty sure my most recent "support request" will end up as all of them do with a big F U for a long time playing members. I am now calling BS on both the game, dev, and Plarium for doing this. PLEASE for the love of all that is holy...treat PAYING players with a little more respect and rewards for US supporting YOU. Thank you.
Jan 24, 2020, 16:4001/24/20

altonjd2 said:

I've been 'batteling' with support about gem drops for several months now. I don't mind spending the money I do on this game. I want to support its growth and the dev team. However, the amount I've spent vs. the drops I get are ridiculously unbalanced. Even at the current percentage rates...I should have much better results than I do. l've never asked for a refund...but have asked multiple times for shard replacement. 

Think on this scenario. I've paid $100 usd for shards. 18 purple...the result [more than once] has been as follows. Of 18 purple, 2 were actual purple guys and the remainder were ALL DUPLICATE characters. Every one of them. By my count now...this has happened twice. This puts my drop rate in the garbage. I've heard of other members getting banned or kicked from the game over this. 

Dev and corporate have rigged the game against the player. Gamification to the max. They dangle cool offers...and the results are ALWAYS subpar. I own my own business...and if I gave .50% or 2% results...I would be fired and possibly sued. This has happened over and over again. Not once have I asked for a refund. NOT ONCE. Only for shard replacement that costs NOTHING to dev or Plarium. 

There are some that will complain at me for bringing this up. They'll say..."you knew what you are getting into" reply is simple. We should get what we pay for. And for those of us PAYING to play and improve...we should get much better treatment for our support of the game. In addition, for all of you that DON'T pay to are welcome. As I, and folks just like me, are PAYING TO MAKE THIS GAME BETTER. The rest of you are riding our coattails. 

My message to both the moderator and Paladia...treat your PAYING PLAYERS with preferential treatment. We are the ones paying to keep this game fresh and killer. The rest....well....are playing for free ON US. I'm pretty sure my most recent "support request" will end up as all of them do with a big F U for a long time playing members. I am now calling BS on both the game, dev, and Plarium for doing this. PLEASE for the love of all that is holy...treat PAYING players with a little more respect and rewards for US supporting YOU. Thank you.


First of all, we are not going to prefer paying players to f2p. We are impartial, so we have to treat all the players at the same way.

I've spent a lot of money for this game, like you and yes, I'd like to have a really better roster than the one I have now, with the money spent... I've gotten more legos as f2p than with money. But this game has a low drop rate and it's fine, because it's not easy to get every champions. This is why I'm still p(l)aying, after a year, because this game is not easy. There are several games like this, with higher drop rate, but I don't like them, I like and I play only Raid.

This is just my opinion, of course, but this game is free and you can choose if spending money for shards or not. If you don't like donuts, don't buy them, people will sell donuts to other people anyway.

Jan 25, 2020, 17:4801/25/20

altonjd2 said:

Think on this scenario. I've paid $100 usd for shards. 18 purple...the result [more than once] has been as follows. Of 18 purple, 2 were actual purple guys and the remainder were ALL DUPLICATE characters. Every one of them. By my count now...this has happened twice. This puts my drop rate in the garbage. I've heard of other members getting banned or kicked from the game over this. 

I can’t believe I’m defending plarium but you literally got exactly what you should expect based on the stated in game odds. You got 2 epic champions out of 18 so 11%. The in game odds for epic champions on void shards is 8%. And the pool of void champions is small in comparison to magic/spirit/force so the chance of getting duplicate rare (blue) champions on a void shard is high.

You do realize that purple shard = void shard NOT epic shard don’t you? It summons void champions of rare (blue 91.5 %), epic (purple 8%) and legendary (gold 0.5%).

Jan 12, 2021, 11:2101/12/21
Jan 12, 2021, 11:22(edited)

So I have been emailing support and not overwhelming them at all before you say that I have been emailing I waited a week I sent another email waited a week. Finally got a one sentence reply that wasn't the least bit helpful. I have seen a couple of people in this thread already state how they are unpleased with the drop rates and the amount of money spent per drop rate but my problem doesn't lie there. You guys BANNED my account for "receipt abuse" shortly after I was inquiring about all of the artifact leveling bugs because I was burning millions of silver then getting a message saying to contact support. I just can't believe that after the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I HAVE SPENT. You guys turned around and banned my account WITH NO REASON WITH NO EXAMPLE and when I FINALLY got a message back from support it was one sentence saying "some date" 27.03..... ARE YOU KIDDING ME thats how you treat people that support your game, spend money on your game, create content and free marketing for your game. I don't know why it is so DAMN hard to get ahold of anyone to discuss this instead of throwing away my account for something your computer probably flagged and did. COUNTLESS WASTED HOURS AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. PLEASE SOMEONE REACH OUT TO ME.

I know that I haven't even begun to express my point here but it is so damn flustering please someone from plarium just have the decency even to discuss this with me 

[email protected]



Jan 13, 2021, 07:5201/13/21

I have only been playing this game for 100 days but I have played every day straight, have not missed a day. I am frustrated because I can no longer compete in the Classic and Tag Team Arenas because every player (except me) seems to have maxed out Legendary Champions at Rank 5 or 6. It is frustrating to log in everyday to see I have been cherry picked all night and lose points because I cannot defend and then lose attack battles because I cannot compete. I am up against players with 2, 3 and even 4 Lengendary Champions in a Bronze match? I made it to Silver but quickly got knocked back down to Bronze

The best i have is a Doompriest at 6/60, Athel, Kael, and Preserver at 5/50, and Apothecary at 4/40. All with crappy Artifacts except the Doompriest. I cannot afford to keep spending cash on buying chickens to try and advance any more Champions. 

My question was going to be - how much money do I need to spend on the game to buy shards in order to get at least one Legendary Champion or how long do you have to play the game before the game decides you can have a Legendary Champion? I have a few useless Epics, some Rares and tons of Uncommons (which seriously) are not very Uncommon at all, are they? I am sitting on 1,413 useless "Mystery" shards, which again are no great mystery as to what I am going to get when I summon the characters. Why can't you trade up these useless shards for better shards with somewhat better chances something like the Potion Mixer but for Shards?

The more I stay, the more frustrating it is. I am guessing that with all the promotions that I keep seeing to get new players, the turn over rate for this game of how long a player stays before they give up and quit must be pretty high. It is also obvious that you cannot stay in this game without spending real money. 

Don't get me wrong - I have mostly enjoyed this game up to this point. I knew I would have to spend some cash at some point and i have (more than I wanted to in 100 days) - but I do not have deep pockets and cannot continue especially during these times. So at some point I see myself giving up and walking away. When the fun factor and feeling of being able to compete ends there is no sense in my mind of continuing on getting beat up. So how are all of you getting all these Legendary Champions? What is the trick?

Jan 14, 2021, 13:5701/14/21

It is called ** Legal gambling ** , you are getting something for your money ,, 

It might not be what you want , but thats the gamble isnt it ,,,,

It is not a Lottery , where you either win or Lose , With Shards you WIN ,,, 

you can get a rock (common), a Lump of coal,(uncommon)  a Piece of Lead ,(rare) a Gold bar(Epic) , or a rare Diamond ( Legendary) .. and even these have Duds and Specials


P.P.S. there is not one game worth anything that is not better when you PUT CASH INTO IT

P.P.P.S. all games have a Shelf life ,,, Most are Lucky to see 5 years before the Devs just put them out to pasture and Milk what ever they can get from them ...... ( there are exceptions)

P.P.P.P.S. ,, we are NOT Hellhades, Ash or Ayumi love who can either aspend 10s of Thousands of $$$$$$$$$ on a game , or Just go into the Code and Build your own heros any way we want too ....

Oh to be a DEV and load up 10 Legos with lvl 16 GOD GEARS and walk through all the Dungeons without a scratch ,, but then thats kinds Boring after the first or 2nd time through

Jan 14, 2021, 15:3101/14/21

I have only been playing this game for 100 days but I have played every day straight, have not missed a day. I am frustrated because I can no longer compete in the Classic and Tag Team Arenas because every player (except me) seems to have maxed out Legendary Champions at Rank 5 or 6. It is frustrating to log in everyday to see I have been cherry picked all night and lose points because I cannot defend and then lose attack battles because I cannot compete. I am up against players with 2, 3 and even 4 Lengendary Champions in a Bronze match? I made it to Silver but quickly got knocked back down to Bronze

The best i have is a Doompriest at 6/60, Athel, Kael, and Preserver at 5/50, and Apothecary at 4/40. All with crappy Artifacts except the Doompriest. I cannot afford to keep spending cash on buying chickens to try and advance any more Champions. 

My question was going to be - how much money do I need to spend on the game to buy shards in order to get at least one Legendary Champion or how long do you have to play the game before the game decides you can have a Legendary Champion? I have a few useless Epics, some Rares and tons of Uncommons (which seriously) are not very Uncommon at all, are they? I am sitting on 1,413 useless "Mystery" shards, which again are no great mystery as to what I am going to get when I summon the characters. Why can't you trade up these useless shards for better shards with somewhat better chances something like the Potion Mixer but for Shards?

The more I stay, the more frustrating it is. I am guessing that with all the promotions that I keep seeing to get new players, the turn over rate for this game of how long a player stays before they give up and quit must be pretty high. It is also obvious that you cannot stay in this game without spending real money. 

Don't get me wrong - I have mostly enjoyed this game up to this point. I knew I would have to spend some cash at some point and i have (more than I wanted to in 100 days) - but I do not have deep pockets and cannot continue especially during these times. So at some point I see myself giving up and walking away. When the fun factor and feeling of being able to compete ends there is no sense in my mind of continuing on getting beat up. So how are all of you getting all these Legendary Champions? What is the trick?

It kind of sounds like you're not really handling things the right way... 100 days in, you should have a bunch of level 60s, not just one, and you should at least have farmed a warmaiden from campaign to go with Apo and Kael and a fourth champion in your arena team. Even without spending a cent - if you do spend, it can go faster than that. Spending cash on chickens doesn't make any sense unless you're a big whale who spends hundreds of dollars per month anyway to shortcut everything. People get level 60 champions by building them up the hard way, farming xp for food champions. 

Legendaries dropping from shards is a gamble, that's true, but if you get more efficient in how you play, you could be getting more shards for free, so more chances to get legendaries or at least top epics (who are better than many legendaries) from them. 

You'll get a legendary for free from the day 180 login rewards, anyway - and a good one. Another one at day 270 but she's, uh, maybe not as good. 

Jan 14, 2021, 18:0801/14/21

I did spend some money thinking it would help but nothing happened, if you are expecting legendary champs just cos you spent money you are wrong. game treats you same no matter if you are f2p or p2p.

shards percentage screenshot tells the whole story:


game is not fair, a friend of mine got a lego from a ancient shard (has 0.5 % probability to get a lego), bought sacred shard and got nothing, so technically it should be the other way around. I mean sacred shard has 6% probability of a lego. void has 0.5% probability for a lego and 91.5% for rare. you have a better chance to get a good hero if you collect 900 gems and buy 11 blue shards as compared to spending money.

dgame is not fair, a friend of mine got a lego from a ancient shard (has 0.5 % probability to get a lego), bought sacred shard and got nothing, so technically it should be the other way around. I mean sacred shard has 6% probability of a lego. void has 0.5% probability for a lego and 91.5% for rare. you have a better chance to get a good hero if you collect 900 gems and buy 11 blue shards as compared to spending money.

i have not understood if this helps plarium keep the game more challenging or it is because they do not have that many lego champs to offer , at least not yet, maybe with the new lego champs this might improve.

Jan 15, 2021, 00:3101/15/21

 I have spent money on this game aswell and yes its frustrating not getting what you pay for in a cence but are we not paying for entertainment i justify spending by time i get out of it.  I get a better game high from earning the shards and competing in tournys.  This is a long hall game, its sad that ppl need life lession from games but thats the age we live in, i didnt get my first leggo tell day 130, and i was only stuck on fk and was building a common to help its not all about leggos if thats your end game your setting your self up for dissapointment why not change your presspective and allways be plesentlly surprized or excited, eg:i got some to try and upgrade and see if they work with my team we have to work with what is given us and make the right choice for your account. if thats sitting on 1000 green shards and not useing it as food thats your choice. never had over 250 green shards started booking awseome commons that can help also for the fusions to get points in champion chase  i am now on day 154 and have 3 leggo one am not even worried about working on i started getting a few shards  from NM clan bosss.  also am learning new ways to try stuff all or champs that was sleeping on. is there not a place for you ppl to take all your negativity like church or a boxing ring. Anyway Thanks for rading my Rant  appreciate you MOFS😃