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Is Hexia Good For Arena?

Is Hexia Good For Arena?

Jun 24, 2019, 01:0006/24/19

Is Hexia Good For Arena?

When I first got her a couple weeks ago, I tossed her into my vault and forgot about her, hoping she might get buffed at some point down the road.  Her skills just seemed really unimpressive to me, especially for an epic.

But then today, I just ran into Hexia in arena.  I got completely destroyed.  While the opponent's overall score was about 20% less than mine, her first hit one-shot one of my 6-star champions that was at full health.  The kill gave her bonus crit and an extra turn, so then she takes out ANOTHER of my 6-star champions that was at full health!  In case THAT wasn't enough, she topped her health off in the process and gave herself a speed boost!!!  This is the point in time that I had an accident that required me to change my boxers.

So, before I could even react, Hexia laid out TWO of my champions!  And other than her own buff on the second turn, she had NO buffs on her.  She went second to my Nethril, whose debuff she managed to dodge to boot, so it was 100% all her. 

I had NEVER seen a champion one-shot my champions at that power level before.  I am wondering, was it just that the person may have fully skilled her up and maxed out her gear, or does she always hit like a Mack truck?

Jun 24, 2019, 04:5706/24/19

No one can remember every hero in this game.

If you want help on a Champion, you should include the champions faction + rarity.

I’m not going to search in index thru 400 hero’s looking for someone named Hexia 
Jun 24, 2019, 05:0906/24/19
Jun 24, 2019, 05:13(edited)

Chances are, the opponents Hexia was full Atk % Gear, with CRate gloves, Atk% chest an speed boots, with perfect sub stats. 

Maybe even full cruel with Atk% and 5% Def Ignore per 2set so a total of 15% Def Ignore.

She may have even had an aura for %% Crit Rate or Attack.

She did her A2 and had a 30% chance of extra turn and got lucky then hit her A3. With a base of like 1600 atk, was probably running 3.5k to 4K Atk and she focused on your lower Def glass cannon types and wrecked them. 

RNG did not favor you in that fight.

Hexias A2 does not add extra damage either, her A3 however does add damage.

Jun 24, 2019, 17:5606/24/19

Got you. Thanks. I know different champions hit harder or weaker, so was just wondering if she just normally does hit this hard, or if she was all tweaked up. Seems like she was most likely all souped up from the player.

Jun 26, 2019, 00:0406/26/19
Ok, I ran into her in a completely different group, and while she didn't get the extra turn this time, she one-shot my healer who has a TON of HP.  Starting to think she may be a bit OP.  Not sure, but definitely going to take the time to level mine up and see.
Jun 30, 2019, 23:0906/30/19
Be sure to come back an update this with your results. I, like you, have thrown her into the vault as well.
Jul 1, 2019, 05:1407/01/19
macropcsoft said:

Be sure to come back an update this with your results. I, like you, have thrown her into the vault as well.
Might be another few weeks.  I still have to bring 1 arena champion to 6 star, and two clan boss champions to 6 star too.  After those 3 going from 5 to 6, then next will be me topping up Hexia.  I will post the results after for sure. :)