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Is artifact raw attack points ever better than attack percent?

Is artifact raw attack points ever better than attack percent?

Jun 23, 2019, 17:0006/23/19

Is artifact raw attack points ever better than attack percent?

Just wondering if there are any champions where the raw attack points on an artifact ever scale better on them than the attack %?  The only ones I could imagine is maybe some select defense or support champions who just have a really low base attack.  Figured I would ask though rather than spending a bunch of coins swapping out and checking. :P
Jun 24, 2019, 12:4706/24/19

Since for some odd reason, none of you seemed to have any clue, I tested myself.

Even on support and defense champions with lower attack, the attack % is always higher compared to comparable gear with raw attack power on it. 

I tested this on my support and defense champion with the lowest attack stats that I have, both at 5-star.

Since the difference was not particularly huge on one of them, if you are gearing up 3 or 4 stars for whatever reason while leveling them up, the raw attack might be more viable at that point.

Regardless, at 5 star and up, attack % is always substantially higher than raw attack.
Jun 24, 2019, 20:2306/24/19
All flat hp/def/att main stats that are on boots, gloves and chest auto junk.  % Always better
Jun 28, 2019, 08:1106/28/19

God said:

Since for some odd reason, none of you seemed to have any clue, I tested myself.

Even on support and defense champions with lower attack, the attack % is always higher compared to comparable gear with raw attack power on it. 

I tested this on my support and defense champion with the lowest attack stats that I have, both at 5-star.

Since the difference was not particularly huge on one of them, if you are gearing up 3 or 4 stars for whatever reason while leveling them up, the raw attack might be more viable at that point.

Regardless, at 5 star and up, attack % is always substantially higher than raw attack.

Reaaly need test for thsi?

Raw attack will be better for low levels when base stats are low. But since heroes are not long in low level then always will be better % stat.
Jul 31, 2019, 02:5907/31/19

Player J said:

God said:

Since for some odd reason, none of you seemed to have any clue, I tested myself.

Even on support and defense champions with lower attack, the attack % is always higher compared to comparable gear with raw attack power on it. 

I tested this on my support and defense champion with the lowest attack stats that I have, both at 5-star.

Since the difference was not particularly huge on one of them, if you are gearing up 3 or 4 stars for whatever reason while leveling them up, the raw attack might be more viable at that point.

Regardless, at 5 star and up, attack % is always substantially higher than raw attack.

I know the answer.

The explanation to tell the full answer can be very long.

I just didn’t feel like writing out a response.

The simple answer is:

Flat stats are best on all Common & Uncommon Hero’s (who are lvl 60 & below)

Flat stats are best on most Rare & Epic Hero’s (who are lvl 40 & below)

Percentage stats are best on most Rare, Epic, & Legendary Hero’s (who are lvl 50 & higher)

Sister militant, common, level 40.

Base attack - 470

Max flat attack for 5-star gear, 225

Max % attack for 5-star gear, 50% ---> 0.5*470=235

235>225... Math is hard... your comment doesn't even hold up at level 40. It was a nice attempt though, sounded believable. I actually had to check and make sure. Hey, if you state something with confidence people will believe you no matter how easy it is to prove wrong.

And just got future reference... 2+2=4 figured that one might be difficult for you so you're welcome.

Jul 31, 2019, 03:3407/31/19

DaMoose is loose said:

Player J said:

God said:

Since for some odd reason, none of you seemed to have any clue, I tested myself.

Even on support and defense champions with lower attack, the attack % is always higher compared to comparable gear with raw attack power on it. 

I tested this on my support and defense champion with the lowest attack stats that I have, both at 5-star.

Since the difference was not particularly huge on one of them, if you are gearing up 3 or 4 stars for whatever reason while leveling them up, the raw attack might be more viable at that point.

Regardless, at 5 star and up, attack % is always substantially higher than raw attack.

I know the answer.

The explanation to tell the full answer can be very long.

I just didn’t feel like writing out a response.

The simple answer is:

Flat stats are best on all Common & Uncommon Hero’s (who are lvl 60 & below)

Flat stats are best on most Rare & Epic Hero’s (who are lvl 40 & below)

Percentage stats are best on most Rare, Epic, & Legendary Hero’s (who are lvl 50 & higher)

Sister militant, common, level 40.

Base attack - 470

Max flat attack for 5-star gear, 225

Max % attack for 5-star gear, 50% ---> 0.5*470=235

235>225... Math is hard... your comment doesn't even hold up at level 40. It was a nice attempt though, sounded believable. I actually had to check and make sure. Hey, if you state something with confidence people will believe you no matter how easy it is to prove wrong.

And just got future reference... 2+2=4 figured that one might be difficult for you so you're welcome.

Lol, Player J always talks out his arse and has no idea what he is rambling about.

But anyway, I found out the hard way leveling up a legendary piece that the raw stats are horrible compared to the %.  Wasn't too bad since it had a solid def % stat on it, but the raw stat scales like trash on a maxed out champion.

The only purpose it could possibly serve to have raw stats would be if for whatever stupid reason, someone is using a champion at 3 or 4 stars.  Otherwise, all raw stats are trash artifacts.
Jul 31, 2019, 08:2207/31/19

Player J said:

DaMoose is loose said:

Sister militant, common, level 40.

Base attack - 470

Max flat attack for 5-star gear, 225

Max % attack for 5-star gear, 50% ---> 0.5*470=235

235>225... Math is hard... your comment doesn't even hold up at level 40. It was a nice attempt though, sounded believable. I actually had to check and make sure. Hey, if you state something with confidence people will believe you no matter how easy it is to prove wrong.

And just got future reference... 2+2=4 figured that one might be difficult for you so you're welcome.

Reading is hard...I was never talking about 5 star gear?

When I came to this thread, The OP wrote her 2nd message talking about 3 - 4 star?

I did calculations on 3 star gear when I started the game to see which gear was better.

Base Attack - 470 

Max Flat Attack for 3 Star = 155

Max % Attack for 3 Star = 30% —> 0.3*470 = 141

155 > comment holds up for all the Common’s & Uncommon’s with a Base Stat around 516 which I said.

I couldn’t remember the exact number at the time, but I knew it was in between 500-530 Ball Park figure I gave.

If the Common or Uncommon Hero Base Stats exceeds the amount 516, The gear you should use is % Gear.

However, congrats on making a fool of yourself, You will be surprised how confident people are confident for a good reason!

And just for future could simply ask me about how I reached my results.

I would of explained my results with no problem.

Dude, that's not what you said at all. Maybe that's what you MEANT but if you reread your own comment you would see that you made a very general statement about ALL champions of certain rarities... Specifically you said common champions OF LEVEL 60 OR LESS. At level 60 sister militant has an attack of 870. Now get ready because I'm going to do some math here... With the above mentioned 3-start gear that YOU referenced, 870*0.3=261. What did you say the max flat start was for 3-star? Oh yeah, 155. Damn... Guess I got schooled...

But hey, if you say it loud enough and confidently enough people will believe you.

And true... You did say that it holds for champs with stats of roughly 500-530... After someone else already pointed out you were wrong...

Damn, what does 2+2 equal again? Math is so hard... 

Also... Telling me I'm wrong when people can simply scroll up and reread your comments, in order, for themselves? Interesting tactic... with such impressive tactics I'd love to see your arena squad... 

Aug 2, 2019, 00:0708/02/19

DaMoose is loose said:

Dude, that's not what you said at all. Maybe that's what you MEANT but if you reread your own comment you would see that you made a very general statement about ALL champions of certain rarities... Specifically you said common champions OF LEVEL 60 OR LESS. At level 60 sister militant has an attack of 870. Now get ready because I'm going to do some math here... With the above mentioned 3-start gear that YOU referenced, 870*0.3=261. What did you say the max flat start was for 3-star? Oh yeah, 155. Damn... Guess I got schooled...

But hey, if you say it loud enough and confidently enough people will believe you.

And true... You did say that it holds for champs with stats of roughly 500-530... After someone else already pointed out you were wrong...

Damn, what does 2+2 equal again? Math is so hard... 

Also... Telling me I'm wrong when people can simply scroll up and reread your comments, in order, for themselves? Interesting tactic... with such impressive tactics I'd love to see your arena squad... 

  • White heroes are Food to me
  • Green heroes are Food to me
  • Flat gears are Silver to me

You are making arguments against me based on Symantec’s which I don’t care about.

I don’t care about Sister Militant.

I deleted my posts so other noobs don’t get confused like you and try to drag me into nonsense rebuttal’s.

Aug 3, 2019, 06:0508/03/19

Player J said:

DaMoose is loose said:

Dude, that's not what you said at all. Maybe that's what you MEANT but if you reread your own comment you would see that you made a very general statement about ALL champions of certain rarities... Specifically you said common champions OF LEVEL 60 OR LESS. At level 60 sister militant has an attack of 870. Now get ready because I'm going to do some math here... With the above mentioned 3-start gear that YOU referenced, 870*0.3=261. What did you say the max flat start was for 3-star? Oh yeah, 155. Damn... Guess I got schooled...

But hey, if you say it loud enough and confidently enough people will believe you.

And true... You did say that it holds for champs with stats of roughly 500-530... After someone else already pointed out you were wrong...

Damn, what does 2+2 equal again? Math is so hard... 

Also... Telling me I'm wrong when people can simply scroll up and reread your comments, in order, for themselves? Interesting tactic... with such impressive tactics I'd love to see your arena squad... 

  • White heroes are Food to me
  • Green heroes are Food to me
  • Flat gears are Silver to me

You are making arguments against me based on Symantec’s which I don’t care about.

I don’t care about Sister Militant.

I deleted my posts so other noobs don’t get confused like you and try to drag me into nonsense rebuttal’s.

If you don't care about them and don't know about them then keep your mouth shut. There are a few white and green champs worth leveling for various reasons (outlaw monk for clan boss, saurus for spider queen) if you have bad luck with shards or need to fill an affinity gap in one of your squads.

Not everyone can afford to buy their way to the top and some of those that do buy their way to the top seem to have some misguided notion that they got there because they're "really good at the game or are tactical geniuses" (yeah, I'm talking about you IncredibleJon). 

I don't have a problem with people who don't know what they're doing. I don't have a problem with people who buy their way to the top either, someone's gotta pay the bills around here right? I have a problem with know nothings who talk big and give shitty advice to new players who don't know any better. And then have the gall to turn around and act like I'm the asshole when I call them out. Do us all a favor and keep your trap shut unless you really take the time to look in to what you're saying before spouting off like you're some sort of expert. 

I don't comment on anything I can't back up and neither should anyone else. If I embarrassed you or hurt your feelings, I apologize, what I said was pretty harsh and I probably should have toned it down a bit. But you know what? A grown up will admit when they make a mistake. You just got pissed off, threw a tantrum, and tried to back up your bullshit advice by telling me I was wrong. That's the kind of crap I expect from my two year old.

Aug 3, 2019, 06:5508/03/19

DaMoose is loose said:

Not everyone can afford to buy their way to the top and some of those that do buy their way to the top seem to have some misguided notion that they got there because they're "really good at the game or are tactical geniuses" (yeah, I'm talking about you IncredibleJon).

"IncredibleJon" is an idiot.  He makes videos about the game when he is an amateur at best.  He has no idea what he is doing and gives bad advice on a regular basis.  People actually have to correct him left and right in the comments on his videos because he doesn't know what the hell he is doing.  I have NO idea why he got so popular, nor why anyone actually pays attention to his videos when he has to be corrected by his viewers constantly.

He is actually one of the big reasons that I decided to start making YouTube videos for the game.  With how misleading his were, I figured someone needed to make some videos on YouTube that were actually accurate and informed.  But 99% of Jon's videos are filled with bad advice and I always advise people to stay away from his channel because of it.

And speaking of idiots, you are talking to one in this thread as well.  Player J is one of those self-proclaimed "tactical genuises," who is not only a forum troll that has you buying into his BS hook line and sinker, but he also brags about how "planned and calculated" him buying his way to Foli was.  Because yea, leveling up champions in an app that I could teach a monkey to use takes "careful planning and calculation" lmao. 

Most people just ignore Player J since he is always on here trying to troll people, but if you want to keep feeding the troll, that's of course your choice.  I dealt with him enough in the past to know very well he intentionally trolls people all over the forums like this.

Aug 4, 2019, 06:0308/04/19

DaMoose is loose said:

If you don't care about them and don't know about them then keep your mouth shut. There are a few white and green champs worth leveling for various reasons (outlaw monk for clan boss, saurus for spider queen) if you have bad luck with shards or need to fill an affinity gap in one of your squads.

Not everyone can afford to buy their way to the top and some of those that do buy their way to the top seem to have some misguided notion that they got there because they're "really good at the game or are tactical geniuses" (yeah, I'm talking about you IncredibleJon). 

I don't have a problem with people who don't know what they're doing. I don't have a problem with people who buy their way to the top either, someone's gotta pay the bills around here right? I have a problem with know nothings who talk big and give shitty advice to new players who don't know any better. And then have the gall to turn around and act like I'm the asshole when I call them out. Do us all a favor and keep your trap shut unless you really take the time to look in to what you're saying before spouting off like you're some sort of expert. 

I don't comment on anything I can't back up and neither should anyone else. If I embarrassed you or hurt your feelings, I apologize, what I said was pretty harsh and I probably should have toned it down a bit. But you know what? A grown up will admit when they make a mistake. You just got pissed off, threw a tantrum, and tried to back up your bullshit advice by telling me I was wrong. That's the kind of crap I expect from my two year old.

Let’s get 1 thing clear here, Noob!

You were on this thread looking for information in regard to Flat stats vs. Percentages stats.


I was on this thread giving out the proper information in regard to Flat stats vs. Percentages stats.


You are the one who got it confused, not me.

I don’t care about white or green heroes, but it doesn’t mean I don’t know about them.

I do know about white & green heroes because I did the research on them.

I know about them far to well.

I have seen the positive & negative they have done.

You know nothing!

I have never seen any good players tell a new player to 6 star a Outlaw Monk or Saurus.

I don’t care how free 2 play you are.

I don’t care how bad your shard pulls are.

There is no excuse imaginable that warrants a person to 6 star a Outlaw Monk or Saurus.

The only people doing stuff like that are trolls, youtuber’s looking to get extra views, & people with tons of time on there hands.

It is nothing more than a waste of 6 star food.

The highest people take Outlaw Monk is 5 star.

They bring him to 5 star so they can still have the power to sacrifice him off later.

You can’t sacrifice a 6 star hero.

However, players have already shown mathematical evidence on the Damage output’s of a 5 star Outlaw Monk vs. 4 star Outlaw Monk.

The damage difference is so low that many people believe it isn’t worth it to 5 star an Outlaw Monk.

The highest they recommend going is 4 star - max level 40.

As far as your comment about Saurus vs. Spider Queen, Don’t even make me laugh.

When you get into the higher tiers of the Spider, Saurus is going to get Slaughtered.

Saurus is going to do jack vs. the Spiderlings.

The Spiderlings are going to have so much HP.

They are not going to die from a nonsense Uncommon AOE Hit.

The only value Saurus has is being Campaign Farmer.

Saurus all geared up, min-maxed, & Mastery grinder can kill Brutal in 10 secs.

However, it isn’t even worth the effort for a Beginner.

You are going to have crappy gear.

Your not even going to be able to survive Minotaur let alone grind it. 

You could use your starter to kill Brutal Campaign in 30 secs with so much less effort.

I have heard the same song & dance ever since I started playing this game.

  • Use Saurus!
  • Use Outlaw Monk!
  • Use Sister M.!

People were talking about the same horrible heroes even back than.

Those heroes are the doom of beginner progression.

Every person I have ever see using 1 of those heroes has never advanced.

They have clinged on to those heroes for dear life never wanting to let them go.

Wooo Hoo my Outlaw Monk help me do 1mil Damage on Easy Mode.

That is all they ever say forever.

The death of there progression rests in there inability to let go & change.

Why? Don’t they let go? Because players who use Outlaw Monk struggle in Clan Boss very bad.

They look for salvation to deal more damage and as soon as it arrives with Outlaw Monk.

They get emotionally attaching never wanting to use anyone else because they remember how he helped them before.

So they think he can help them later.

Eventually, the hero reaches his ceiling.

The hero is limited by the constraints of his rarity & lack of skills.

The players using him suffer from those same limitations.

They never progress further.

The players who don’t use those horrible heroes progress faster.

The reason why is because they never get complacent in using 1 particular hero.

They spend there time finding new heroes & new combinations to deal more CB damage.

The players in Nightmare Clan Boss are not using Outlaw Monk.

  • Find some one else!
  • Use some one else!
  • Or don’t Stay a beginner forever!

I don’t really care to be honest.

It’s your choice.

I’m not recommending those heroes to anyone.

  • They are Food.

I’m not recommending Flat stat gear to anyone.

  • They are Silver