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Is 30 Percent Ally Shield Artifact Set Bugged (Not Giving 30 Percent)?

Is 30 Percent Ally Shield Artifact Set Bugged (Not Giving 30 Percent)?

Jun 20, 2019, 04:5006/20/19

Is 30 Percent Ally Shield Artifact Set Bugged (Not Giving 30 Percent)?

Ok, so I have my Pain Keeper loaded up with a bunch of HP, and have a 30% ally shield artifact set on her to protect my other champions in arena.  However, while it says "30% of max HP," the actual grey bar on hers is only at best 15-20% of her bar.  It is not even close to 30% of her overall HP.  And even with my other champions who have MUCH less HP than her, it STILL doesn't even seem to take up 30% of their HP bars.

Is the 30% applied from the baseline HP, prior to any bonuses applied from other artifacts and sets?  I mean I could see this shield being equal to her base HP prior to the bonuses from her gear, but definitely not after.  Is this bugged, or am I missing something here?
Jun 20, 2019, 09:5206/20/19
Jun 20, 2019, 09:55(edited)

I have never used a Shield Artifact.

I don’t know if it is bugged or not.

I can’t help you in that regard.

However, I did make an observation worth noting from other artifact sets.

I was using a Def Set.

The Def percentage doesn’t scale off the hero max defense.

The Def percentage was scaling off the hero max base defense.

If you look at your hero, You will see a White Base Stats amount + Green Stats amount adding on to the hero.

My Def percentage wasn’t taking any of the Green Stats into consideration.

It was only adding defense based on my hero’s base defense.

Maybe, What I am describing is what you are seeing.

I recommend taking a closer look before calling out the Bug Squad!

30% might be 30% of her max base health only.

Jun 20, 2019, 20:2106/20/19
Player J said:

I have never used a Shield Artifact.

I don’t know if it is bugged or not.

I can’t help you in that regard.

However, I did make an observation worth noting from other artifact sets.

I was using a Def Set.

The Def percentage doesn’t scale off the hero max defense.

The Def percentage was scaling off the hero max base defense.

If you look at your hero, You will see a White Base Stats amount + Green Stats amount adding on to the hero.

My Def percentage wasn’t taking any of the Green Stats into consideration.

It was only adding defense based on my hero’s base defense.

Maybe, What I am describing is what you are seeing.

I recommend taking a closer look before calling out the Bug Squad!

30% might be 30% of her max base health only.

Yes, I think that is what is the case with the shield too.  Would be great if they clarified that with some in-game tooltips.
Jun 20, 2019, 23:1106/20/19
Jun 20, 2019, 23:17(edited)

I wonder the same thing with Pain Keeper's heal skill.  She heals for a HUGE amount, but I don't know if that's just because I have her skills maxed out, or if it takes into consideration the "green" stats (the ones acquired from gear).  Frustrating, as it's hard to gear my champions properly without knowing this, but seems like most people on here don't know either :P

Same issue with Executioner.  I have no idea whether to give him more defense to utilize with his skill (30% increase defense), or if that increase is only based on his baseline defense.  If it is only the baseline, then I would much rather give him additional attack.  The issue ties into his masteries as well, as if I went with the extra +75 defense mastery, I have no idea if the 30% would be increased by that or not.
Jun 21, 2019, 01:0906/21/19


Sorry for my english, its not my native. I use Shield Set on my Black Knight and it works as it shoud work. 

I will try to show on my screenshots. My Knight have 71k HP. So it should give 21.3k Shield 

Now look on 2nd screenshot 1 full Bar of HP or Shield is equal 5000. When it is not full - it may be hard to understand what real amonut is it. It is screenshot of start - all shield are full and same Amount, but looks not same. But all of them shows about 4 and half bars, what is equal 22.5k 

Just try count bars amount of your HP and Shield and check - it works as it should be. 

Jun 21, 2019, 01:5206/21/19

I can't see your bars clearly enough to count them, but look at mine here at the start of an encounter:

The shield set is supposed to be 30% of HP.  In total, there are 10 bars.  30% means 3/10 bars.  Only 2/10 are greyed out, meaning she only has about a 20% shield.  It is 10% short.  My only reasoning why is that it is only the baseline HP that is considered.  That is clearly not 30% of her HP.
Jun 21, 2019, 02:0806/21/19

God said:

I can't see your bars clearly enough to count them, but look at mine here at the start of an encounter:

The shield set is supposed to be 30% of HP.  In total, there are 10 bars.  30% means 3/10 bars.  Only 2/10 are greyed out, meaning she only has about a 20% shield.  It is 10% short.  My only reasoning why is that it is only the baseline HP that is considered.  That is clearly not 30% of her HP.

Shield gives 30% of your HP. And you now counted HP+Shield (10 bars in sum, but only 8 are HP). 8HP bars is about 40k hp on your char, right? it should give about 12k Shield. Its 2.4 grey bars. u have 2 full grey bars and little piece if third one. As is said - for not full bars it shows not clear. 

Jun 21, 2019, 02:1706/21/19
Jun 21, 2019, 02:18(edited)

U have 100% HP. 30% of it goes to Shield. In sum its 130% now of HP+shield. 

So if u want to calculate what % of sum bar (hp+shield) should be Shield - its not 30%. its 30/(100+30)=23%, so shield should looks like ~ 1/4 of full bar of Set Owner. 

I hope u got it) I know that my eng is awful :D 

Jun 21, 2019, 08:2106/21/19
Jun 21, 2019, 08:23(edited)

The Hero I have in the example only has 1 HP Gear Piece (Shoes).

The HP Shoes are giving ATK %. 

I want to equip HP Gloves.

The HP Gloves are giving Crit Rate.

Both of the above items, Are not giving anything Primary or Secondary Stats for HP.

Notice the 709 HP I gain if I equip the Gloves.

The only thing which can increase my HP is the 15% Set Bonus!

Do we agree?

Here is the issue!

How do we reach 709 HP?

4,725 times 15% = 709 HP

My Hero Total HP is 4725 + 378 = 5,103

5,103 times 15% = 765 HP

The Artifact Bonus is only affecting Base amounts.

This is why I think we have confusion here!

Why would the Shield Artifact +30 HP use the Whole HP amount if other sets are only using Base amounts?

Jun 21, 2019, 11:2506/21/19
Jun 21, 2019, 11:26(edited)

Player J, all artifacts and sets, which gives +% stats scales only from base stats, not total amount. 

But Shield works for Total HP amount. 

Jun 21, 2019, 16:3706/21/19

Penya said:

U have 100% HP. 30% of it goes to Shield. In sum its 130% now of HP+shield. 

So if u want to calculate what % of sum bar (hp+shield) should be Shield - its not 30%. its 30/(100+30)=23%, so shield should looks like ~ 1/4 of full bar of Set Owner. 

I hope u got it) I know that my eng is awful :D 

Thank you.  I understand what you're saying.  With how the shield bar works with bosses, I was a bit confused.  I thought the full bar was the full HP that depletes from right to left, whereas the grey bar just overlapped it and depleted from left to right.  I didn't know the shield actually increases the size of the bar too. 

Thanks a lot for the clarification, and I think your English is better than you think. :)  I am still considering swapping out the two HP life pieces she has for more attack.  She has so much HP at this point I think it is overkill.  She almost always tops off all the other champions, and most the time, it is overkill.  Wouldn't mind her pumping out a little more damage.

With that said though, any chance that her heal can crit?  I know some specifically say they can crit, some don't.  Not sure that means the only heals that can crit are the ones that explicitly state it or not?

Jun 22, 2019, 00:4906/22/19
Jun 22, 2019, 00:50(edited)

Penya said:

Player J, all artifacts and sets, which gives +% stats scales only from base stats, not total amount. 

But Shield works for Total HP amount. 

What your saying contradicts.

The Shield set is an Artifact set +30%

It is not scaling off of base stats.

It is scaling off total stats.

This means all Artifact sets are not scaling the same way.

I think it is a bug!

I think the Shield set should only scale off base stats like everything else.

What makes it special?

In addition, I think not all green health bars = 5,000 health.

I have evidence showing each green health bar = 1,000 health.

I counted the amount of green bars above my Kael in a Campaign Fight.

My Kael had 25 green Bars.

Jun 22, 2019, 16:2506/22/19
Jun 22, 2019, 16:29(edited)

Player J said:

Penya said:

Player J, all artifacts and sets, which gives +% stats scales only from base stats, not total amount. 

But Shield works for Total HP amount. 

What your saying contradicts.

The Shield set is an Artifact set +30%

It is not scaling off of base stats.

It is scaling off total stats.

This means all Artifact sets are not scaling the same way.

I think it is a bug!

I think the Shield set should only scale off base stats like everything else.

What makes it special?

In addition, I think not all green health bars = 5,000 health.

I have evidence showing each green health bar = 1,000 health.

I counted the amount of green bars above my Kael in a Campaign Fight.

My Kael had 25 green Bars.

Sometimes bars realy looks broken. Especialy for very-very high amount. Like on next screenshot - my Soulless have so much Shield, so its pretty hard to count by bars. 

but about Shield set its not Bug. It works right how it descripted and how it should work. If it will scale only from base HP - this set will be totaly useless, cuz max base HP now is about 24-25k and it will give just 7,5k shield - its nothing on High levels.  Even my 21k+ shield is not much for my levels) its just helps to survive 1 atack on Arena from good Damage Dealer. And some champions can one-shot my chars even with that shield. 

Shield set doesnt give you +30% HP. It gives you once per battle (or round in dungeons/companies) shield for 30% of your HP. Enemy can break it, or cancel it, or even steal that shield cuz its just a normal Bonus, which can be stolen by some skills. And you cant restore that shield after it.

This game have a lot of bugs and problems, but shield set is not in that list)) 

Jun 22, 2019, 16:3206/22/19
Also some players doesnt know, but Mastery from support line for making bonuses longer for 1 round works for Shield set)) With that mastery Shield can be aplied for 4 turns with 30% chance) 
Jun 22, 2019, 17:0306/22/19
God said:

Penya said:

U have 100% HP. 30% of it goes to Shield. In sum its 130% now of HP+shield. 

So if u want to calculate what % of sum bar (hp+shield) should be Shield - its not 30%. its 30/(100+30)=23%, so shield should looks like ~ 1/4 of full bar of Set Owner. 

I hope u got it) I know that my eng is awful :D 

Thank you.  I understand what you're saying.  With how the shield bar works with bosses, I was a bit confused.  I thought the full bar was the full HP that depletes from right to left, whereas the grey bar just overlapped it and depleted from left to right.  I didn't know the shield actually increases the size of the bar too. 

Thanks a lot for the clarification, and I think your English is better than you think. :)  I am still considering swapping out the two HP life pieces she has for more attack.  She has so much HP at this point I think it is overkill.  She almost always tops off all the other champions, and most the time, it is overkill.  Wouldn't mind her pumping out a little more damage.

With that said though, any chance that her heal can crit?  I know some specifically say they can crit, some don't.  Not sure that means the only heals that can crit are the ones that explicitly state it or not?

No, her heal cant crit. Main stats for her is HP and Speed, you can focus on that stats. Actualym you can make even more HP on her - its ok, her Healing depends on her map HP only, so its main stat for her. When you will max up HP - increase her speed as much as you can. More turns = more healing and more skill CD reduction for team.
Jun 22, 2019, 21:0706/22/19
This is like analyzing moon landing picture and discussing is it a conspiracy. Game is full of bugs. And we are restricted with lots of info. 
Jun 23, 2019, 01:2306/23/19
Jun 23, 2019, 01:25(edited)

I don’t understand why people don’t understand.

The shield set says +30% HP.

I can show you a screenshot of it saying +30% HP.

If you were supposed to Multiple it by Total HP, The Description would say so.

It would say +30% of Total HP, but it doesn’t.

This means something is wrong.

The Gear is scaling wrong.


The Description of the set is wrong.

Either way, The Gear is causing confusion.

Next, My Kael has 22k HP.

I put him as a lead in a Campaign Battle.

Kael Aura gave him 15% extra HP.

This was about 3k extra HP added to my Kael in the Battle.

My Kael had 25,000 HP in fight.

My Kael had 25 green bars above him.

Each bar should equal 1,000 Health.

The reason your Vrask had so few bars is because you have 71k HP.

71 Green Bars might be to much to see on a hero.

Thus, The game designed to increase your green bars from 1k each bar to 5k each bar.

This is what I think happened.

My guess is once your hero health reaches a certain amount.

They scale up how much each bar cost.

From 1k health each bar to 5k health each bar