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new player opinions I suggestion on Raid sl

new player opinions I suggestion on Raid sl

Jun 17, 2019, 23:5506/17/19

new player opinions I suggestion on Raid sl

Hey forum and Raid developers, been playing Raid for a few days now, I admit its a good game with eye candy graphics and some nice FF memories from youth.  I already know I am hooked to it cause every day when I wake up I want to spend some energies to avoid capping.

Yet I have something to say from my experiences of playing.

Too much clicking!  so many things to click on...can we have at least some kind of "resume from last battle" option in battle tag?  too many times I was trying to remember what was I working on(farming/lvling) and which map was in when I resume after some IRL breaks.

Money grabbing scheme!  Dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with company trying to make money with their pruducts,  but as this game advances, it becomes astronomically hard to get any further without wallet's help.  Learn from SuperCell's CoC game, it got good balance and let player indulge in the game without the feeling of needed spending, ppl gladly shed out hundreds of dollars(including me) to support/appreciate the developers, thus I dont need to tell you how much revenue that game brings to SC over years!

Main issue is energy system needs rework.  ts way too little!  I can burn thru it within 20 minutes of farming on auto?! then I need to set my alarm for 5-6 hours later so I can play again for 20 minutes?  You gotta let players enjoy the game playing not limiting our enthusiasm.

Why do I Need to pay hefty fee for re-equiping champions?  I can't even experience builds in this game because I will go literally broke from swapping one set for another...this is just too obvious.

You need a gear upgrading system like the champion upgrading systems,  rank them up from consuming lowers, and tier one up from multiple lower tiers.

What sup with sparring pit?  how can you design something so annoying and expect ppl to pay for it?  I do not mind spent $99 if I DO NOT need to click to lvl,  If I spent that much $$ I would expect some convenience not feeling the need to set up my 4 alarms to ring every 10 20 minutes AND need to click exit everything then click to lvl them up one by one so the exp gain can continue,  most ridiculous thing I ever see.

Rings with faction requirements??? I am speechless...

Anyway, just my 2 cents because I enjoyed this game and want to share my thoughts,  right now I am still a F2P and will not buy anything unless I see developers really care about players experience and willing to do some fundamental redesigns, because I saw too many games fail so quickly due to developer's short sight, any money I spent on it will be meaning-less when the game went to gutter.     
Jun 18, 2019, 00:0806/18/19

I agree with everything you have stated....but the biggest issue I have (just like you stated) is with having to spend coins in order to swap out artifacts.  How in the world can we figure out our player builds if we can't easily swap out artifacts for free...sheesh, we already spent hefty amounts of coins in order upgrade the artifacts in the first place!!  This needs to change or I will eventually drop off from playing altogether.

Thanks for your post and I hope the Devs are listening.  BTW, I too have spent a significant amount on money on this game.

Jun 18, 2019, 11:5006/18/19

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion here. We are truly happy to hear that you are enjoying the game and appreciate your feedback, as it is a driving force for us to reconsider certain aspects in the game, implement changes if needed and ultimately improve our mutual experience. First of all, would like to share this topic created by Marius in our Feedback and Suggestions section on the forum. It answers some of the questions that have been raised here, like energy issues and Silver fee for swapping Artifacts:

What the article states, basically, is that energy in an inalienable part of games like ours. It is the resource that can be pretty much easily received as a rewards or renewed with time. Taking it away from the game would mean total restructuring of the whole game playing concept. As for the Silver fee, it was introduced,in the first place, to keep things balanced. Marius elaborates on this better in the article.


As for the need to press Replay button often, we are getting just getting ready to launch the update that will improve this state of things. It will come sooner that you think. We are also going to keep adding all kinds of activities to the game so that you could proceed further without additional investment, just putting considerable effort into developing your Bastion and its champions.

Regarding the Sparring Pit, well, you can open slots and upgrade them with Gems earned throughout the game-play process. Again, you don't have to if you don't feel like it. The reason why we made it so that you need to manually click on the champion placed in the Pit is so that you take at least the smallest part in this champ's development. Also, you can always switch on push-notifications on your phone for the game. You will be receiving reminders, such as upgrading champions in the Pit to the next level, receiving your reward for battling a Clan Boss, for Clan activity etc. 

Jun 18, 2019, 12:2506/18/19
Jun 18, 2019, 12:27(edited)

I agree with BadSad points. 

After playing for over 3 months daily, I can relate to all those issues and have solutions for all of those things:

1. Energy is easily received as a rewards or renewed with time:

There are only 2 energy refills you can get daily, one is waiting for over 1 hour and the other is doing 5 arena quest. 

However, its still insufficient since the grinding easily finish the energy within 20 minutes of play! 

Assuming I have max total of 120 energy and grind at Stage 12-3 Brutal (8 energy) 

That is only about 15 rounds of grind! (45 rounds of grind with the 2 free energy refills)

Leveling champions without the double exp and the raid pass 20% EXP-Silver is even slower and boring.


1. Increase the amount of daily rewards which scales according to player level.

- currently the rewards are pitiful little as player level increases.

2. Introduce a new feature similar to gem mine (example: campfire to produce mini energy refills every hour)

- this rewards players who are committed/actively-playing the game. Also increases plarium KPI on number of players login.

3. Update the amount of energy to a fixed rate of 3 per level up (e.g. Level 50 = 165 energy, 18 + 49x3)

- Currently the game increases max energy +1 per level when you are level 40 and above.

4. Increase the Player Level cap from 60 to 100.

- Currently it stucked at Level 60. No incentive for players to play much longer since all those XP are wasted.

For the implementation of cost for swapping/removing gear from champions, I think it could be better designed:

- If the reason is solely mainly to prevent players from changing them before going to arena, you can put a timer/clock (e.g. 1 hour to block them from going to arena). Its far better and it also blocks P2W players as well. Fair game.

- With silver restriction, it does not benefit the majority of players in-game. P2W players can just evade this just by paying more.

- The main meat of the game is Champion and Gears, and putting a restriction just sours the gaming experience. 

- I would highly recommend you and developer to reconsider updating this equip restriction system.

Solution: Timer/Cooldown before champion can re-enter arena after swapping gear. Remove silver cost restriction. Also update the game system to automatically remove all gears from the champion if it has when its being sacrified.

For the equip upgrade system, there is too much RNG.

For a Level 12 gear, upgrading to Level 16, I wasted more than 3 million silver and time (seeing the progress bar going up then fail, its so slow performance). You will need to spend a week to refarm at Stage 12-3 Brutal to earn back those lost Silver. Not an enjoyable experience.

Solution: Give a flat rate for each equipment upgrade based on the Star. Simple as that. No RNG, fast upgrade. Better experience.

Sep 8, 2019, 14:3009/08/19
Cirilla said:

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion here. We are truly happy to hear that you are enjoying the game and appreciate your feedback, as it is a driving force for us to reconsider certain aspects in the game, implement changes if needed and ultimately improve our mutual experience. First of all, would like to share this topic created by Marius in our Feedback and Suggestions section on the forum. It answers some of the questions that have been raised here, like energy issues and Silver fee for swapping Artifacts:

What the article states, basically, is that energy in an inalienable part of games like ours. It is the resource that can be pretty much easily received as a rewards or renewed with time. Taking it away from the game would mean total restructuring of the whole game playing concept. As for the Silver fee, it was introduced,in the first place, to keep things balanced. Marius elaborates on this better in the article.


As for the need to press Replay button often, we are getting just getting ready to launch the update that will improve this state of things. It will come sooner that you think. We are also going to keep adding all kinds of activities to the game so that you could proceed further without additional investment, just putting considerable effort into developing your Bastion and its champions.

Regarding the Sparring Pit, well, you can open slots and upgrade them with Gems earned throughout the game-play process. Again, you don't have to if you don't feel like it. The reason why we made it so that you need to manually click on the champion placed in the Pit is so that you take at least the smallest part in this champ's development. Also, you can always switch on push-notifications on your phone for the game. You will be receiving reminders, such as upgrading champions in the Pit to the next level, receiving your reward for battling a Clan Boss, for Clan activity etc. 

So if I read the post correctly, it seems the only answer from plarium is: "We see your comments but we want our gravy train to continue with your money." This is great for Plarium's financials but the game won't last. People will just become frustrated and move onto the next game. Thai is by far the most disgustingly expensive F2P game model I have ever ever seen. Some items costing 139.99 Canadian. HAHAHA have you guys lost you minds.