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Black Knight review

Black Knight review

Jun 15, 2019, 20:5006/15/19

Black Knight review

Are the developers ever going to look at this guy and see as a legendary he is an embarrassment? At least take a look and mention thoughts on adjustments?

As random and expensive as it can be to get Legendary champs.... Everyone you get should have a place in some team. This guy is replaced by Rare blue champs all day long. Sooo many blues do what he does and do it far better.
Jun 18, 2019, 17:3406/18/19
Jun 18, 2019, 17:37(edited)

Yeah he's just lacking doesn't stand out at all my crimson helm an epic craps all over him.

He was my first leg...the excitement did not last.
Jun 18, 2019, 17:4606/18/19

mgoldy77 said:

Are the developers ever going to look at this guy and see as a legendary he is an embarrassment? At least take a look and mention thoughts on adjustments?

As random and expensive as it can be to get Legendary champs.... Everyone you get should have a place in some team. This guy is replaced by Rare blue champs all day long. Sooo many blues do what he does and do it far better.

+1, It is a useless character, would win something if the defense that puts out 60%, but currently has no use :(

I hope that at some point they balance a bit the legendary, there are some incredibly good and others incredibly bad

Jun 18, 2019, 21:2606/18/19

He needs counter attack gears or buff to be useful.

Oct 10, 2019, 16:2310/10/19
He is a tank, set up champion and a good one if any one dose not see that you are just terrible at the game.
Oct 10, 2019, 17:4410/10/19
Gearing a champ is key. Artifacts are a major component in the success of a team. I have shelved certain champs due to me not knowing how i wanted to use them. Try changing his gear for a specific roll on a team and see if you can get more out of him. Good Luck
Oct 10, 2019, 20:0710/10/19
gear matters a lot, i've fought teams with him and got beaten, mostly due to him. hell, i don't even know for sure what he does, but he's not weak if geared and mastered properly
Oct 10, 2019, 21:0510/10/19
Oct 10, 2019, 21:09(edited)

Black Knight and Yannica probably share top place for the worst units in the entire game.

It doesnt matter how you gear him. Even with 6 star legendary artifacts he cant compete with low tier rares using the same gear.

Hes supposed to be a tank but his skills scale off attack.

You can't just stack defense or HP on him because he needs 100% crit for his A1 to be effective.

His support skill barely heals and a 30% def buff is pitiful compared to pretty much any epic defense buffer.

His A3 is straight up broken. Even with 60k max HP, dropped to 1 HP, the skill will do like 7k damage.

This champ doesnt need a buff, he needs a complete rework as he is straight up broken. There literally isn't any content in the game where BK is a better choice to bring along over a rare.

Here are some changes I'd propose:

- A1 should always apply provoke and cannot be resisted. On a crit it has chance to extend provoke to 2 turns (or possibly apply another provoke to a single random enemy instead)

- A2 should be a 20% continuous heal buff plus a 60% def boost. This skill should also include an attack, preferably one that hits all enemies.

- A3 should scale over time based on all damage taken over the entire battle carried over from previous waves. Ideally this should be scaled to HP% as damage with a hard cap so it's not abused.

- Passive is fine, but it would be way more useful if it was a block damage debuff rather than unkillable.

Even with all these changes he wouldn't be top tier or OP, but would be viable in lots of content and be a solid support champ choice. Players who summoned him would actually he happy rather than angry.

I really do hope Plarium listens to the mountain of complaints the community has had regarding Black Knight and I hope my ideas and feedback are useful.