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Jun 10, 2019, 22:3106/10/19


Dear plarium-team,

for months bots in the ingame-chats are spaming adverts for a site where you can illegaly buy raid-accounts with legendary champs!

Many players started with new accounts where they have top-legendaries - i wonder where they might come from! You can buy champs there for a few bucks while you need 100s to get them the normal way.

I and many other players spent a lot of money and time on the game to progress and to have fun but it is annoying to know that so many opponents are  basically just cheaters :/

You need  to work on mechanics to stop this cheating and more easily: work on a mechanic to ban this spam-bots from the ingame-chat!

Maybe ingame-mods are an easy solution.

And hopefully at some point you will be able to detect the cheater accounts and ban them from the game as it happened in some other games.

Greetings and thanks for reading


Jun 10, 2019, 22:5006/10/19

Hello Frekr

This is a big thing for plarium and they are working towards better mechanics to deal with this situation.

There is a mechanic already implemented to handle this spam, though they have used clever tactics to avoid this auto banning feature of in-game chats, with that said they look to implement several features to rid the chats of this, one you have already hit on the head, where moderators will have the power deal with these accounts directly. 

I hope this information helps, though I will forward this on in hopes to move it along faster.

many thanks

Jun 11, 2019, 08:5906/11/19
Mb you started block rmt acc?
Jun 11, 2019, 10:5506/11/19
I don't see problem there at all. Chat spams are annoying sometimes(i usually play game and don't chat). But cheaters? Seriously?
Jun 11, 2019, 13:1606/11/19
Yes - buying accounts that contain botted legendaries might be cheating
Jun 12, 2019, 10:2106/12/19
I've seen this posted a lot in game chat. name of website posted where someone can buy an account with legendaries already.
Jun 13, 2019, 10:5406/13/19

Hello all! Thank you for bringing this up. It is a big deal, you are right. We report those sites that sell accounts in the game on the constant basis. Our specialists from the legal department deal with these issues. It is just that there are always new ones popping up all the time, but we are on it. 

The tool for cleaning chat rooms in the game will be provided to our moderators in one of the releases that are planned for this summer. And yes, we do have an anti-spam bot working in chats that is supposed to ban spammers and delete their messages. But we are still in the process of teaching this bot. So we are improving it all gradually.
Jun 13, 2019, 14:0006/13/19

Glad to hear that you do something about  spambots

Its "normaly" in almost all games that have spambots,numbers of spambots in Raid is not that big,i think.

I dont chat alot,so i dont get that msgs 😁 but it can be good if i could block them forever 🥤😁

Jan 28, 2020, 21:3101/28/20
I'm sure the person in the challenge I did was cheating instantly went from a few hundred to 18000+ right at the end of the challenge
Jan 28, 2020, 21:5601/28/20

bradleyzamora75 said:

I'm sure the person in the challenge I did was cheating instantly went from a few hundred to 18000+ right at the end of the challenge


Welcome to the forums.

That's not really unheard of, it's common for players to plan a "snipe" for first place where they building up a bunch of champions that need to be ranked and use them all at once last minute.

Please note as this subject is different from the OP original topic, please free feel to create a new thread, and as there have been many updates to improve the situation regarding bots this topis is out of date, please create a new one if you wish to discuss this further.

many thanks
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