Full Form Void,Sacred "Crystal" Garanteed epic and legendary
There needs to be someway to get Legendaries/Epics better
I have played lots of Gacha games, Here are some ways we can make epics/legendaries better for everyone...
i think a good idea but be a crystal shards that can be built up to a
granteed epic from Ancient "crystal"
garanteed legendary "crystal"
it doesnt have to be easy, it can be challenging and a way where if u do "daily,monthly,weekly content" that can build up to a guaranteed pull
some way they can build up..
1. Getting or summoning alot of
rares/duplicate = progress torwards garanteed epic crystal
epics/duplicate = progress torwards legendary crystal
2. Progressing in Tier of arena, bronze,silver even gold, depending where you rank placement you get x amount of shards for epic/legendary crystal for every time u place when arena ends
3. Alliance taking down Clan boss on the daily=shards for allaince for epic/legendary crystal
4. Pity System- the longer...u dont pull an epic and legendary and increase % to get them
5. Crystal Banner - Zavia Crystal - + % of getting Zavia if you spend $ with Gems to get zavia from a crystal
yes... there is a huge amount of legendaries and epics, but it would be nice to get "garanteed"
i know alot, of players level 40,50,55+ that never got legendaries, even a lv 60...whos done everything they can, with 0 legendaries,
here is an example
Rate up % for Certain Heroes
As you can see 5* is = to legendary in the game... yet it has 5% chance, but atleast people can use In game Premium Current
(Rubies for Raid Legends)